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Melissa in St Louis

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Everything posted by Melissa in St Louis

  1. I'm getting an apron for Christmas, and I'd like the $ to go to a WAHM/cottage business....and if it was good quality, and had a cupcake print, I'd be all the happier! :) Thoughts?
  2. Ok, here's a question for you....I've recently discovered the benefit/thrill of thrifting. Since I am in need of a new coat, I stopped in Goodwill the other day while I had a precious few minutes. The sign above the coats was "price as marked," and then they all were marked with tags reading between $20 - $55!!!! I was shocked! I was eyeing a brand new one on the Land's End website and it was on sale on the site for $42.50. HOW CAN IT BE CHEAPER TO BUY SPANKIN NEW IT AT LAND's END THAN AT GOODWILL???? I am dumbfounded! I have purchased skirts and kids' clothes at that same store for good prices $2/$3/$4, so it's not like the whole place is overpriced....why so much for the coats? Goodness! :rant: Sorry. This has been bothering me, as you can see. :lol:
  3. After 3 days of making traps, swatting flies, and going crazy....I called an exterminator. :) I feel so much better. :) Thanks for the help!
  4. Ok, so I saw a great deal on some clementines in a bag so I broke down and bought some....brought them home, put them in a pretty bowl on the table. None of them were scratched, punctured, molding, rotting, etc. We ate some of them. Like 2 days later DH said there were some fruit flies hovering around them. I was sad, and threw the rest of them out (read other post: refrigerator died), and moved on with life. Fast forward about a week....TONS of fruitflies all over the house!!!! An hour of the morning was spent DD spraying Fruit flies with lysol to stun them, then me kiling them with flyswatter...we were a vicious team! But there are still SOOOOO many. Ugh!!! HOW DO I GET RID OF THESE THINGS!???!!! I read about baiting them with juice and then they are supposed to drown...but they are not drowning! :confused: They are just drinking the juice then sitting on the rim of the funnel. :confused: I've cleaned everything, mopped, taken out trash, etc, etc, but they are just flying around. Sitting on Christmas tree. Driving me NUTS!:banghead: PLEASE, help!
  5. That's what I'm looking for. They need to be budget-friendly, too. VERRRRRRRRY budget-friendly! :) I really like these, but DH said they look like I'm trying to be either 14 or 74..... This is like the 10th shoe picture I've sent him that he hates. :lol::001_huh::tongue_smilie: I'll be wearing them mostly with jeans, and I have boots for when snow comes, so they don't have to be super heavy duty. Help! (See that adorable puppy in my avatar??? She ate my last pair of shoes and that's why I need new ones. And yes, that is powdered sugar on her nose. She was trying to "help" bake.)
  6. Welcome, Annie! :D If I remember correctly, the book Slow and Steady, Get Me Ready has a developmental activity for each week birth - age 5. That might be a good place to start. :D
  7. Hey Chelle! :D I know St Louis County Library has videos to check out on the subject -- not sure about over in St Chuck. Interlibrary loan, maybe? Thanks for the tip about the hardware store with the trains. Sounds fun! I think we'll check it out next week! My pies for Thanksgiving were cranberry-walnut cheesecake, apple, and blueberry. The last two are Dh's faves, and the cheesecake was a new recipe that turned out great! :D Hope you guys are well! We are finally over flu/mono/colds/2 kinds of strep/ick and everyone in the house is up and moving today. First time in weeks! WooHoo!!!:tongue_smilie:
  8. Oooh! I'm making these tutu skirts! $15/each, you choose colors and size. I don't have a website, just word of mouth. :001_smile:
  9. here's something, but looks like it's good in-store only.... http://www.valpak.com/coupons/display/HarryDavid/30022/873369/872209?vpref=retailmenot Don't know if that helps or not. :)
  10. The light is on, and the freezer is blowing out "cool" air....but it's not cold. :glare:
  11. I woke up this morning and everything was melted in the freezer and the fridge was not cold....Any thoughts on a quick DIY fix?? I moved things that were still ok to the basement fridge, but that's not a long-term solution. Thanks!
  12. Thanks so much for all the great ideas! :D You are right, the "theme" idea is a better fit for us right now than the "artist" idea that we usually do. Love the thought of really studying the Nativity, and you can be sure that next year we are studying angels! :D Thanks!
  13. SOUTHSIDE JOINT MINISTRIES ANNUAL NATIVITY WALK held at Grace UCC 5700 Leona Saturday, December 5th 1pm-6pm & Sunday, December 6th 11am-2pm (after worship at 10 am) Please join us for this unique display of approximately 100 nativity scenes. In addition to the nativity display we will have: *Christmas shopping including Plowsharing Crafts Scholastic Book Fair Handmade Cards Handmade Stained glass items *Music *Christmas refreshments If you would like to display your nativity scene, please bring it to Grace United Church of Christ’s office before December 4th. Please call 481-5700 to arrange a drop-off time. If you would like to have a table to sell items, please call 481-5700 to arrange for set-up on Dec. 4th. There is no charge for attending or setting up a booth, so please plan to join us!
  14. My hubby has one and loves it! Heck, I even borrowed it once and uploaded and emailed the video to the Grandmas. Easy! :D
  15. Ooh! I like that! :D I already planned on taking them to a church that has over 100 nativities displayed, so this would be perfect! Thanks!
  16. Any good ideas for an artist to study during December? I was thinking Norman Rockwell, maybe? I dunno. :confused: I know the Hive is bursting with ideas!:D
  17. I've got pie duty on Thursday, and I'm looking for new ideas. :bigear:
  18. Amen. Amen. Amen. I love all the things the OP said, and struggle with all but the chronic illness. :grouphug: I can't imagine that (chronic illness), and my hat goes off to you. Christmas is hard when you are the Mama. We all need to be encouraging and lift each other up during this time. :grouphug:
  19. We would like to make some placemats for Thanksgiving, and I was thinking of using some leaves between wax paper and ironing it....It's been super rainy and wet lately and all the leaves are wet; do you think it will still work? We are celebrating Sunday, so it only needs to look ok till then. :D
  20. I asked DS this morning to name 3 things he'd like for Christmas... He named: 1) A closet organizer (HA! I about cracked up when he said this! :001_huh::lol:) 2) Racetrack stuff and 3) a mechanic garage where you can fix cars Any thoughts on this? He's into tools and such, but I don't even know what to look for. DD said she wants "Real jam; you know, like in Jamberry" so that shouldn't be difficult. :lol: Those crazy kiddos. I love 'em! :D
  21. Anyone have a good Thanksgiving poem for little ones to memorize (you, know, to impress the grandparents :lol:)? TIA!
  22. DS woke up with this 2 days ago. When I told the nurse hotline all the symptoms, she said to bring him in for a strep test. I was there an hour later, and sure enough, it was strep! (You had better believe we did the chin to chest test upon waking up sore! Paranoid mama right here! :D)
  23. I saw this listed in a read-aloud thread a while back, and I'm wondering which version to get. Point me in the right direction, Hive! :)
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