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Everything posted by PollyOR

  1. I want to thank you all again. I was feeling overwhelmed when I posted, because we have added a weekly counseling session for one of my children. I was already feeling stretched, and I was having one of those "how am I going to do this when I can't even keep up with the laundry?" moments. Usually I hang out at Borders when I bring 13 yodd into town for youth group on Wed. nights. Tonight I brought my computer and listened to a lecture about the Aeneid instead. Not nearly as fun as a trip to Borders ;) but it was a good way to fit in some teacher prep.
  2. Thank you! Thank you! You've given me some great ideas and a fresh perspective. It's so easy to get stuck in a rut isn't it?
  3. We are schooling year around here, and I'm running into a problem as my children get older. I need to study/read to stay ahead of my oldest daughter, but there doesn't seem to be enough time in the day. By the time they are in bed all I want to do is veg. I'm assuming that many homeschooling parents use summer time to read ahead etc. How do you fit it in if you homeschool year around? TIA! Polly
  4. Krista, I agree with many of the posters...find a way to fill your bucket! :grouphug: I also wanted to share that my oldest attended public school. Of course, there are pros and cons with all forms of education, but I have to say that my experience with her is what keeps me in the homeschooling business with my younger children. I used to visit the school to drop things off in her locker and those trips often felt like an assault (auditorially and visually). Are there any summer schools in session that you can visit?
  5. There is hope. :) A little over a year ago, my dd cried when her dad asked her to write a couple of sentences about a trip they had taken. I don't know what happened, but several months ago she decided to write a book. She works on it daily. It has been shocking to say the least! Edited to add that it is my 12 yodd.
  6. Thanks for the heads up. Hopefully our library will order it.
  7. I first started using their English texts, because they were recommended in TWTM. I loved the simplicity and how the student was being taught other subjects while learning grammar. So, when it came time to choose a new math program, I decided to give their math texts a try. I liked those so much that I've gradually added other Rod and Staff texts (reading, spelling, history, etc.). I like to order directly from Rod and Staff. They have wonderful service and fast shipping. I have also ordered from http://www.rodandstaffbooks.com . I have met the owners at our local convention and they also have great service. What I really appreciate about their website is you can look at sample pages of the books. Our different religious beliefs are a slight draw back. I use it as an opportunity to discuss with my children why I believe what I do.
  8. I really appreciate this thread. It is nice to know that we aren't the only ones. My extended family (grandparents) have nearly driven me crazy because they tell me/insinuate that my children are behind. I can't tell you how many times I've tried to explain to both sets of grandparents that you can't force a child to learn how to read if their brain isn't developmentally ready. Obviously, they don't listen. They blame it on homeschool. :rolleyes:
  9. Oh, I thought of one, Heidi . I had to force myself to read it to my girls. It was (where's the sickeningly sweet smiley?) like someone scratching their nails on a chalkboard. Shudder! My youngest girls will have to read it to themselves. I am NOT doing it again!
  10. I have a love/hate relationship (or should I say fascination) with Lord of the Flies. I made my oldest read it when she was about seventeen, so I would have someone to discuss it with. On the other hand, my 12 year old has been mad at me for the past year because I won't let her read it...yet.
  11. I haven't read all of the replies. My dd (12) was making a lot of careless mistakes. I found out that she knew the material and was bored. I DID move her up to Algebra. Now she's challenged again. Side note: There are days when she completely spaces on her school work. I blame it on hormones and let it go. I know her brain will start functioning again in a day or two. :D My 10 year old girl sounds similar to your son. We are currently using Rod & Staff math. She uses the bee & blossom chart (math facts) every day before starting her math lesson. R&S really cements math facts! We recently started Math 4 even though she would technically be a 5th grader in the fall. Here's a hug. :grouphug:Sue:grouphug:
  12. :iagree: Two days a week my kids are involved in a park program adjacent to my back yard. I have to say that it has given me a taste of what it would be like to send them to public school. Ah! I love being alone. I get so much done. BUT, then I think about all of the freedom I would lose. Nope! I think I'll continue to homeschool. Like you, I enjoy getting to do what I want when I want (like planning and teaching in almost any order).
  13. You know what giving out "rep" reminds me of?...the stickers (stars and dots) that the Wemmicks gave to each other in Max Lucado's book You Are Special. "Some Wemmicks had stars all over them! Every time they got a star it made them feel so good! It made them want to do something else and get another star." I've had to remind myself that this board is not about who has x number of stars or dots. It is about :grouphug: supporting and helping :grouphug: one another through this journey we call homeschool.
  14. You may want to ask here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/homeschool_loopers/
  15. I would love to teach grammar using Latin only, but we are required to take standardized tests (3rd, 5th, 8th, 10th) in our state. In my opinion :), we needed an additional English grammar program to prepare for the test.
  16. Lisa, I would LOVE to pull this off. I've joined the list. :001_smile: Thanks!
  17. Boy, what I would give to go back and play with my kids and enjoy their toddler and preschool years. My 12 yodd has hit the point in life where spending time with Mom isn't what she wants to do. In fact, I had to bribe her to go with me tomorrow to a homeschool conference. We're going to the mall afterwards ;) Have fun! It goes by so quickly.
  18. We are also using Andrew Pudewa's Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization: A Mastery Learning Approach. I'm doing it alongside my girls. The Poems at the beginning of Level 1 are fun, silly type poems, so my 12 yodd rebelled in the beginning. After two months we've been able to memorize 11 poems and my 12yodd is enjoying the challenge of reciting them back to back.
  19. My 12 yodd uses it independently. She is very auditory and could spell very few words until she started using this program.
  20. Ronette, I can't help but I did want to say :seeya: "Hi!" Polly from the FIAR boards
  21. 8 years! It does go by fast doesn't it? ROFLOL! I can't count. ;)
  22. We found FLL at the end of 2nd grade and therefore started R&S 3 in 4th grade. I also owned R&S 4 and realized that it had lots of review. We dropped R&S 3 and moved on to R&S 4. It worked great for us.
  23. Before Five in a Row message boards.
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