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Everything posted by runninmommy

  1. I did not even think about that. Thanks for the reminder. At the moment, we just wanted it gone. He did throw it in a very thick area where the dogs would have a hard time getting to. I'll have to keep an eye out.
  2. *Don't follow link if you have a weak stomach or don't want to see a dead snake* My daughter found <a href=http://www.herdingducks.blogspot.com> This Copperhead</a> in our yard last night. I still have the creepy-crawly willies.
  3. My advice?? Let your husband handle it. Wives that get involved in their DH's career....ruin it. Trust him to take care of it. The AF does not like to deal with civilians over military issues. It will get resolved. Let him handle it.
  4. Check Wal Mart. Check Pool Supply stores. Check Amazon. You can look at my recipe and changes at the following links if your interested. http://herdingducks.blogspot.com/2008/08/homemade-laundry-soap.html http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=6378017331401211148&postID=941986095937046654 Good Luck!!
  5. I think Rush pretty much summed it up today. Obama is acting like Madoff. Promising everything and delivering nothing. There are so many things hidden in this bill. Even the lobbyists (who normally are very well-informed and actually read the bills) can not read the healthcare plan b/c it is so long with so many earmarks in it. Obama has not read it..The Dems have not read it....How on earth can they support it??
  6. I would put a saying on the right bottom corner. Or I would put some pic.'s of the kiddos in there. Or, You could put some other beachy type stuff there.
  7. Oh! Honey, am I ever with you. I weigh 105.. Have lots of muscle. Am healthy but constantly have to deal with the same thing. "You must just have a good metabolism"......UM no, I exersice and work my butt off every day. "You can eat anything you want." No, I can't, I watch what I eat. "You must have good genetics." Why does everyone assume you must not have to do a gal darn thing to maintain your weight. This has always been an issue for me and drives me up the wall!!!!! I can not say half the things that are said to me. It is so unfair.
  8. I completely disagree with your first sentence. This may have been true hundreds of years ago but certainly not today, not in our culture. I stated my beliefs in reactions to someone else's beliefs that were at the opposite end of the spectrum. Not saying my belief is an absolute. It is not emotional either, it is biblically based. There are exceptions to every norm. My belief is that teaching our children to be flippant with sex is harmful. Every single choice has a consequence. Be it good or bad. The decisions one makes affect the person and the people around them. I do not believe anything I stated makes me loose one ounce of credibility.
  9. I'm glad it worked for you. :001_smile: Sadly, that is not the norm. Especially for very young women who are not capable or prepared for the responsibility of caring for a child. Mentally, physically or financially. And not just having a baby..there are so many other consequences.
  10. Oh, please don't misunderstand me. I did not mean mistake. I meant consequences.
  11. Well, it is not me. All the links went to someone who I am not.
  12. Astrid, I love your way with words and the way in which you express yourself. It is respectful and sweet and so succinct. I did feel the need to express a different viewpoint than one stated earlier on "purity" I have two boys. I don't know wether I am doing a good job or not. I guess time will tell. When do we ever know that we did the right thing? I just know I want them (the boys) and my daughter to understand what marraige and sex and commitment involves. It is not to be taken lightly. When it is (taken lightly) it leads to heartache and regret and turmoil.
  13. Awww. Astrid. I like you just fine too. No, not assuming other Christians would chime in, just, just sayin that some of us teach all aspects of sexuality, consequences, choices, and that sex is beautiful inside of marraige. Sex is healthy. Sex is pure. Sex is a gift. It is great, and wonderful and a blessing. life has consequences. Life is full of choices. Sex is worth waiting for. I will not encourage my son or daughter to engage in sex (or kissing or petting or just to the brink) outside of marriage because it encourages activities and a life that is not wholesome. This viewpoint encompasses many different faiths, not just christian. I just wanted to put that out there. Just b/c I believe this does not mean I am unintelligent or close minded. It means that I understand the consequences of sex and I want to protect my children from the hurt and turmoil sex outside of a committed relationship results in. Sex can be healthy when brought into the right kind of committed and wholesome relationship. I personally do not understand encouraging my child to kiss, pet, or play with fire when they are so fragile in their understanding of sex and love. hmm....maybe I just wanted to vent. Why expose my child to something before they are really capable of fully understanding?
  14. Guess it is not a very popular stance. That's okay. I was never very popular.
  15. Be bold. I say paint it a bold red. I have always wanted to do that.
  16. Naaaw. Your good. We are on a year-round schedule. My Mother in law and Grandmother in law are coming to visit on Aug. 4th. They have not come to visit in almost 12 years. We are taking all this next week off to work on the property/house to get ready for them to come.. *pressure* Sometimes, something just has to give. :D
  17. Sex inside a marriage is beautiful an PURE. Sex is a gift from GOD that one can share with their spouse to show LOVE and Gratitude and Closeness and Pleasure. Sex is a beautiful and natural thing that is shared between a husband and wife. Songs of Solomon is the most beautiful thing in the bible. Sex outside of marriage has Consequences. And...................................... I teach all the above to my children. Oh, and the word "pure" does not bother me in the least! Just Sayin.....
  18. I add about 2 times more fabric softner than is recommended. This works on all laundry EXCEPT towels. It does make them softer but still kind of stiff. What I do is put the towels in the dryer on the fluff cycle for 20 minutes. This still saves on electricity and makes the towels a little more soft. I also add a little bit of vinegar (about 1/4 cup) to each load. I think a lot of it has to do with the hardness of your water and the kind of soap/softner you use. I hope you find one that works well!
  19. Thanks guys! I almost overlooked this post b/c it had been so long. :001_smile: Lots of good ideas. We do have a grill that I have been trying to incorporate more. Hmmm.. Any pasta salad, reg. salad, BBQ recipes to die for???:lurk5:
  20. My daughter started this when she was completely overwhelmed. It did not subside until her stress/excitement was gone. Only a few weeks in her case.
  21. Yep. Have one I use every day. One of the many reasons we chose to live in the country. No home owners association.
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