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Everything posted by BlueGator

  1. Hi, I'll send you a sample that I use if you want.
  2. :iagree: When my son was 5 we did field trips and reports. All the reports went into his scrapbook. It was mostly pictures and a flyer or part of a flyer. He didn't always want to do it, but he loved it when he had all our "adventures" in his scrapbook. It's time consuming but I have only one child. You'll get better at knowing how to deal with their anxieties and fears. I think there are two types of questioners: 1. Familes who go to school to socialize and keep up with the Jones. 2. Familes who have their children in schools and the children did not do well, were marginalized or had special needs that did not get addressed. If they come from one of these groups, HS will be a difficult subject. I suggest put a smile on your face and tell them you child is doing wonderfully. Sometimes more information leads to more questions and more anxiety on their part. Walk around the mud pit with a smile. :001_smile: People who love to learn will be excited about your new adventure!
  3. We don't live in Isreal, but my son will be taking a real time Hebrew class from Isreal next November. They said it was ok for Christians to be a part of it. Shalom:D
  4. You can do a lot of things!!! :thumbup1:
  5. What are you afraid of? Grammer school science is not rocket science. I put all science stuff in a "School Box" only area. At science time pull out the box on like Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM or what ever time Science will be at your house. Read the Teacher Manual over a day or two before if you need to. You will get the hang of it after the first or second lesson. If you need a more structured program put your year into a spreadsheet. Then you will know what do do each week. I have a spreadsheet that I use. I divide up the year of material into the # of school weeks. The spreadsheet keeps me focused on where I'm going and what I need to get done each week or day. Sometimes I have to bump the work ahead because of unplanned things like the flu or colds. Once this is over we get going again. I'll just adjust the dates and our "school year" gets extended like snow days that need to be made up at the end of the PS year. Once you have an outline of what you will cover, then you can add and suppliment with Library or purchased books. I've tried the Teacher's Planning things from Teachers' Supply stores and I never used them. The spread sheet works best for me. A HS Mom gave me her spreadsheet and I customized it for me.
  6. Try this link: http://www.hometrainingtools.com/catalog/cat_science-curriculum.html I did BJU in 1st and 2nd grade. This year we did a unit study of Bugs with the Big Bug Book. I'm thinking of Real Science For Kids - Physics this year. I like this web page because it gives all the Science Cirriculum and you can buy every thing you need for the year. That's what I like, not running around at the last minute looking for a ...... or a little ...... to do an experiment. We did Moody Science's Nueton's Workshop videos also. They are no longer being sold. We bought them at a HS Used Book - Curriculum Sale.
  7. Mindy, Thank you for the response. I looked at your HS web blog. Those projects look really neat. Can I ask how much time you dedicate to TOG every week? It looks like a lot more than we spent on SOTW this year.
  8. The "seemingly" mindless repetative things they do pre-introduce major math concepts in later years. We never did the B side. I spoke to someone who knew John Saxon and worked for him. He told me to use the tests to tell me where my child was. Sounds simple but I found going back and reviewing the lesson where they error was from cleared up the issue immediately.
  9. Thanks, your right. We are just finishing SOTW 3 now. We stopped off at the American Rev for more than a month. We read a biography of G Washington and watched some movies. I want to combine SOTW and TOG with out freaking out next year..... I was freaking out when I started to combine it all. I have a very hard time leaving out 20th century information. Thanks for letting me talk it out.
  10. DS9 said to tell all the Moms he likes the insect cards! :D (He picked out the Smile icons also.) :iagree:
  11. I got the Insect game two weeks ago for the car. :auto: My son reads them while I drive. We have played them at the kitchen table. They freak me out, but I think that is the bug part. :glare: As an FYI, I got US President and 50 state cards for the car also. He reads them to me and I try and figure out what Capital - State or President - Feature. I like these better.
  12. I've been in and led many Bible Studies. I like the Grapevine books because they extensively use the Bible and are simplistic. The child or student reads 1 or 2 chapters then draws a stick figure. It is simple and does not give you theology. http://www.grapevinestudies.com/ Most of the Bible is Chronological till you get to the Wisdom Books like Esther, Job Psalms & Proverbs in the middle of the book. I'll give you a brief out line. Creation Flood Abraham Jacob 12 Tribes of Isreal Going to Egypt then leaving Egypt Entering Promised Land Judges Rule Kings Rule Country Split in Two One split falls then goes into captivity The other falls then goes into captivity One group comes back and rebuilds 400 years of silence Gospels - Jesus on Earth Acts - Early Church Missionary Trips of Paul Letters to different churches John's Letters to the Churches and Vision
  13. I googled "Everyday Math". This woman's blog will shed a little light on the issue. http://www.parentpundit.com/2005/01/if_your_school_.html I've never used EM and I don't know this woman. I've used Saxon my whole HS career with a brief couple of months with Singapore. Saxon uses the spiral approach also. It pre-introduces, introduces then reviews concepts. There are a lot of Math Fact drills. It looks like the Language Arts approach to Math! I looked at the help sheets on the EM website. I can see where they are going, but I'm sure a lot of kids are lost in the maze of verbage.
  14. We've only used SOTW for 3 years with suppliments from the library. Has anyone combined these two? I get overwhelmed on the TOG page. It seems that I would have to do 1/2 year 3 and 4 in TOG if I wanted to do it all (6 units). I'm trying to plan for next year and I'm not sure I want to or can do it all. I most interested in emphizing the Civil, WW1 and WW2 with my son. It doesn't seem TOG or STOW gives you much time for that. You just keep moving.... It seems that it will be a blur of a year. My DS will be in 4th grade. Suggestions from TOG and SOTW vets please!
  15. We are just finishing up Saxon 3. I Saxon 3 they want the student to do 100 addition, 100 subtraction and 100 mulitplication facts in 10 min. I don't know about Saxon 54 or Saxon 56. If those math facts are not at that level you will have a hard time if you go to higher levels with with Saxon or Abeka. I would work on speed and acuracy with www.mathfactcafe.com. Saxon 3 about midyear wants the children to get do 100 addition, 100 subtraction, 100 multiplication in 10 min. If you don't have speed and accuracy in this the upper ones will be overwhelming. We tried Singapore. It does a wonderful job of teaching concepts but we needed a lot more repatition. Once your DS gets faster and accurate then you can determine his concept knowledge. Saxon always does heavy review from the previous year. I would see how he does with the first few lessons of you Saxon package. If it's difficult you may need to buy 54 and start in the middle. It's hard to compare math programs till you do them. It can be expensive and frustrating for both of you. I get frustrated too. I try to determine if it is a concept or computation issue. That really helps to determine what to do.
  16. I only have one child and we went through infertility to be able to have him. I spent a huge amount of time reading to him since he was able to focus on a page. We went to little books you get at Walmart and such for letters, sound, numbers and colors. When you are beyond this, I think you should gradually introduce a program. I wish I had done FIAR from 3-6 years old. The stories are wonderful and the activities are fun. We started Saxon 1st grade when he was 5-6. I think it is a Kindergarden program because they are learning their numbers in the first 30 - 40 lessons. It depends how much concept vs repetition you want and if they are ready for the next step.
  17. Can you give more detail about his Math Struggles. Is it concepts or computation? Also, does he have emotial baggage from the PS. A friend of mine took her daughter out of PS at the 3rd quarter several years ago. It took her almost a year to relax. After that she blossomed!!! She was very nervous and frightened.
  18. DS turns 9 in June 1. Saxon Math 54 2. BJU English Skills 4 3. BJU Reading 4 4. Bible Grapevine New Testament once we finish up Grapevine Biblical Holy Days & Feasts 5. Language Japanese, Hebrew, Greek maybe 6. A novel of some kind we are in the middle of Hobbit. 7. Spelling: Purpseful Design 8. State History: A Abeka My State Book & Joy Dean SH Teacher Manual 9. Geography Blackline maps 10. Co-op one day 11. Violin Thinking about..... Science: Physics Level 1 grade 4-6 Gravitas Publication TOG Year 3 1/2 & 4 with SOTW Year 4 - I have to figure out how to blend it. We've used SOTW for 3 years. I'm a little afraid of this. Handwriting: ??? Art: Draw Write Now, not sure which book Science Kit / Project of some kind. My son wanted this added to my post.... :auto: and :iagree:. He likes these smile guys.
  19. My son had issues developing his fine motor skills. The legos were very very frustrating. He is 8 and is in 3rd grade. I just got him a Science Kit at a HS fair on electricity. http://www.elenco.com/snapcircuits.html. I know www.timberdoodle.com used to sell them. I would look for things with a lesson book he can read and understand himself. Pick a language with Rosetta Stone.
  20. I think he sounds gifted. My son is like that in some things and many told me he is gifted. My best ideas were: 1. Ask you Children's librarian for a tour of your local library. Bring a very large book bag or laundry basket to check out books. Tell him to pick out a bunch of books in Science, History or Animals or what ever he is interested in. I would give him an egg timer and tell him to read or look at pictures from the Science, History or Animal books every day. He loved having control of the timer. I got him a sketch notebook and asked him to draw a picture of his favorite picture then name and date it. 2. I gave him 30 min of free time. He would plan it himself. At first he was frustrated then he started to play with his hot wheels. He hated to be board, but learned to keep himself amused after a while. 3. Books on Tape from the Library that are not to emotionally intense. Charlotte's Web and Baber. Teach him how to work the tape recorder himself. 4. He loved having his day organized and scheduled. I do that now for him.
  21. I would use MFW. I used STOW with my KGardener. I wish I had used MFW. -------------------------------------------------------------------- MFW - They do not suggest STOW or world history till 2nd or 3rd grade. What would you use, their "Exploring Countries and Cultures"? STOW - They have a lot of fun hands on.
  22. This is a really cool poster. The colors are beatiful. I looked at your 3rd grade planning. It is a very nice snapshot of your year. I'm sure it makes planning painless. How are you going to keep the poster. I would suggest a scrapbook. My DS has a HS Scrapbook for his favorite things, extra cirricular, coop and special projects.
  23. Hi we live in OP but travel extensively with DH.
  24. Hi Heather, I'll be your friend. We travel with my DH. We are always looking HS for blessings on the HS "Road Less Traveled". Sometimes the frustration is so hard. We are just finishing up with Math Fact - multi and division. I need a vacation! Oh, right it's almost summer! Re: looking for a church: We made a list. What was most important and what do we have to have. DH and my list usually starts with the preaching and the kids program. If the kids aren't bouncing off the wall and beating on each other, we give it a passing grade. We find our best friends are HS friends. We just see the world through the same prism. How old are you children? Pam
  25. So where does the little saying come from when you hover over the little greeen squares?
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