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Everything posted by Lisbeth

  1. Yep. Like others have said, in all subjects. If they don't get something 100%, then it's not time to move on to the next thing yet.
  2. Agreed. Supposedly there were giraffes and camels too. I will be particularly upset if they killed those. Why?
  3. Short. Can handle long nails. Don't like them on other people either. To each her own!
  4. I am dying for the store start working again. I want to buy Cells and Botany!:drool:
  5. My DD (11) is taking Latin 1 from Lukeion, and she uses Wheelock. So *I* study Wheelock one chapter ahead so that I can assist her with her daily studying. Then I sit back and bite my knuckles while she does her online homework and quizzes. ;) I didn't have Latin before now, but I do like it.
  6. I tend to be really direct with others when it comes to my kids, and I believe in nipping things very cleanly in the bud. My approach would be from the other direction - the neighbor would be told to stop emailing my child or I would get a restraining order. My child would lose email privileges, and I would also employ the 'tomato staking' others mentioned. No way would my neighbor insert herself into our parental authority without a harsh retort! So dicey since she lives next door!
  7. This is a massively unacceptable breach of boundaries IMO. They have to be confronted. I wouldn't trust them alone with my daughter, either. What was described demonstrates very poor judgement!
  8. :001_smile: Thank you to everyone for all of the suggestions. We are going to go for it!
  9. We have a random one. Books are all over everywhere we go, by cluttery chance, not by design. Luckily, I like them, but sometimes, the book clutter...gets to even me. :blink:
  10. We did that the first year. Now our days flow a little more - no exact demarcation between school and life. I have goals we try to hit, but it's nothing like regular school. We do use curriculum and have set times for some things (violin, piano, Latin, etc lessons.) Otherwise we have days that are more math days and other days that are more science days, etc...no "45 min of this, 45 min of that." We use what I consider to be good curriculum and always are ahead, so it works out for us. We don't always sit in the same places to do work. Sometimes it's on the go, or outside, or on the couch. Some days...lunch takes 30 minutes, some days, and hour and a half... and so it goes. We are also night owls, and I work mornings part time...with hubs at home in the morning. The kids are often not up til 9:30 am.
  11. I have an 11-year old daughter who is taking Latin 1 (Wheelock) and Latin and Greek work roots also. She is advanced in her Grammar and about average in math, probably a year or so ahead in other subjects. What age should I start Shakespeare? I feel like if she can handle an aggressive Latin program at this age, she should be ok with Willy... any opinions? I hate to pile on too much also, so that is a consideration. I was thinking of just going slowly, with "Shakespeare Saturdays" - maybe an hour per week. :confused1:
  12. I am not in the least disturbed. I think most people don't know what goes on behind the scenes to keep us safe. I personally HOPE there are a bunch of Jack Bauer types out there keeping things in check. War is not simple crime, as someone said earlier. We can't afford to be innocent and doe-eyed. There are people out there who don't think like us, with our sensibilities and focus on fair play - people who want us - including our children - dead, by any means necessary. I personally have NO INTEREST in treating them with kid gloves. I don't want my killer immune cells to negotiate with germs that want to kill my body...and I don't want terrorists negotiated with/coddled either. Jury trial! So he could be given a jail cell with amenities on our tax dollars for years to come? Yeah, no thanks. Losing no sleep here! Interesting debate.
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