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Everything posted by llindseymomoffour

  1. My two boys age 7 and 8 did not like SWS. We do still use GWG and WWW and they love them.
  2. We used several different things, but the favorite with the kids was the history channels The States DVD Set http://shop.history.com/detail.php?p=70012&SESSID=23ea5167f4efa28798995ef0366ba838&v=history. The can watch a short segment on each state. It details history, famous people and landmarks, and interesting facts about each state. I learned a lot as well. HTH:001_smile:
  3. Funny you ask, I just had my MM books printed out today. I sent the files online to Office Depot. Used a good coupon I had and it wasn't bad at all. I only got a total of 4 books done right now. I just wanted to get what I would be using with my kids for the next few months. I got mine finished with coil binding. Since I have 4 kids, I didn't want to print it all myself either. It equals to about $12-15 a book depending on what binding you use. But there is always coupons floating around to use to help offset the cost. I did two separate orders and used a $10 off coupon on one and a 15% off on the other. HTH :001_smile:
  4. I guess it just depends on how much practice your child needs with grammar. My sons are using Level 2 (age 7) and Level 3 (age 8). I wanted them to have a solid foundation with grammar so I don't see it as to repetitive. They have never complained either. As for spelling, my 8 year old is a good speller so he doesn't do a formal spelling program. I just correct as needed. My 7 year old uses AAS and is now starting level 2. He is behind with spelling and reading so this program is a good fit for him.
  5. We are using both WWW and GWG. To me it seems like WWW will lightly introduce a subject and then GWG will cover it more in depth. For example, week 2 of WWW you learn about subjects and predicates. Then toward the end of week 2 into week 3 GWG will start reviewing subjects and predicates. I like it because WWW is not hard work and the pages are quick to finish for the kids. It gives them a taste of something before diving in with GWG so to speak. We did have Soaring with Spelling but I did not like it at all so we dropped it after the first week. HTH :001_smile:
  6. Check out http://www.hookedonscience.org. He does a lot of experiments that use stuff from around the house and the kids love them.
  7. http://www.alittletipsy.com/2009/10/finger-painting-fall.html http://amanda-besweet.blogspot.com/2011/08/hand-art.html
  8. I am trying it as a reading program as well. Right now we are focusing on learning the sounds and then we will progress with sounding out the words in each lesson.
  9. I just checked mine and I have the test and stuff.
  10. Thanks everyone for the great advise. Onward we will go tomorrow. :D
  11. I have started AAS with all three of my children; ages 8, 7, and 4. My two oldest know most of their sounds, they just don't know all of the sounds for some of the vowels. Should I stay on lesson 1 and keep reviewing everyday or move on and review as we move forward in the book? Also, my 4 year old is very eager to learn to read. I have started her on AAS. Should I also use the book The Reading Lesson that I also have? Thanks for the help. :001_smile:
  12. My 7 year old is the same way, except it isn't that he can't do it, he doesn't want to do it. When I mention school he shuts down. He sees it as boring, something taking away from everything else he wants to be doing. So we still sit down and do school work but I will also ask questions throughout the day away from the school setting to engage him and make sure he absorbed what we went over that day. (Ex. We studied Common Nouns and Proper Nouns the other day. Later in the car I would say random places, things, and people and ask if it is a common or proper noun.) I do the same with math, etc. He has been such a struggle for me since his older brother is a great learner and loves school. I've just learned that it isn't that he can't learn, he just will do it on his own time. Also, I do not believe public school is the option. I started homeschooling because of my 7 year old and how he struggled in school. He shut down even more at school and I was constantly in communication with the teacher and principal about how he "isn't performing up to the rest of the classes level". Good luck, I'm sure you will find the right mix of learning tools to help him succeed.
  13. I use the CD instead of the cards right now. My kids love doing anything on the computer. So with my 2 that are learning to read, I let them one at a time sit with me on the computer and we review the sounds. I point to a letter and ask what the sound is, then we listen to the sound from the cd to reinforce it. They love it! Especially when I hit the key over and over and it sounds like a little "rap". They start to sing along with the sound. It's working for us for now, don't know how long we will use the cd but thought I would give an alternative to the other posts. HTH. :001_smile:
  14. :lurk5:I'm already in at 40% but would really love to save some more. Less than 40 orders needed before midnight. It has been climbing today so we may get there.
  15. He does this with every subject unfortunately. I think I will take everyone's advise and just sit there through them all. I just thought handwriting would be easy and he could do that independently while I worked with my other children. I'm new at this so I'm glad I have you guess to give advice. Thanks everyone.:001_smile:
  16. :iagree:We finally sat together last night and finished his work. We skipped handwriting and moved on to his other work and did handwriting last. He does do better sitting with me. I guess I just assumed since my 3rd grader can do independent work that my 2nd grader should be able to as well. I feel like when I work with him he practically wants me to do the work for him and give him the answers. I don't know if he is clueless, lazy, or just zoning out.
  17. My middle child is having issues with doing school work. For instance right now he is sitting there just looking at his workbook instead of actually doing the work. It is just handwriting so nothing I can help him with. I keep telling him that it won't take long and to hurry up so we can move along. but it doesn't help. He gets overwhelmed so easily. His brother is cruising right along with his work and my middle child just sits there. He is behind grade level on everything and is part of the reason we started homeschooling. I don't know what to try differently. I have picked out good solid programs that don't require a lot of time. He just zones out. Help me please!:confused:
  18. I love everyone's ideas. I think the more hands on the better for my kids. I have a lot to look into. Keep the ideas coming. :D
  19. If you could design your own science curriculum for elementary, what would you make a must have? Hands on learning kits Videos Workbooks or PDF files Other
  20. My mom said the other day when a shipment of books came in the mail, "So you can just order whatever books they need?" :001_huh: She also comments everyday, "If I were you, I wouldn't mess with it anymore. Just put them on that bus and send them to school." :confused:
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