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Everything posted by Unscripted

  1. Totally agreed on that. However you can't discount seeing the "regulars" (that were in clothing and cars that just didn't seem to go along with being in need) that I mentioned for the 3 years I worked there through high school and not think *something*. It does happen and often. And yeah- the attire does bug me... I have BTDT to sell my nice stuff from my former life to make it. Did I make pennies versus what I paid back when for them? Yes, but I needed those pennies.
  2. Not a leap at all when you skipped the entire fraud part and the exception part- and just want to address me as if they weren't said. As to the rest of your post- I will have to abstain due to it's political nature. ;)
  3. Again- please read my post- the whole thing... Like the last paragraph. Again- I ask- do you all think that is the norm? Not the exception? To me, it seems one would be ebaying all that shtuff to help the family's bottom line. Just my .02.
  4. The last paragraph in my post is dedicated to that being a very possible situation. It sounds as though you believe there is no fraud- and 100% of the recipients are totally in need? It's just not the case... And honestly- it pissed me off not because of the fraud near as much as the fact that there could be more $$$ out there for the poor if it weren't for all fraud. I don't see it as stealing money from *me* the taxpayer- it's stealing from the needy.
  5. I haven't read through all the pages- but I do want to share my opinion on negativity about FS. I am all for FS being applied to pretty much anything in a grocery store- I don't care if it's a custom made cake or rotisserie chicken or any other prepared food. Don't care. Their food budget is whatever it is- if the FS recipient runs out of stamps because of inappropriate purchases (outside of budget for example) it's not like they get more FS's next month from what I understand. Equally, I have X number of dollars for our grocery budget. If I go over- it has to come from somewhere else. I just don't see the difference. That said... I do have a big chip on my shoulder when I see the mom wearing juicy couture, pulling her Louis Vuitton wallet out of her matching purse for her FS card- and then watching her get into her BMW suv. That irks the hell out of me. (is it obvious that I just saw these specific details last week at publix?). My first job was cashiering- and I would say 60% FS customers looked totally average, another 20% looked very down on their luck, but another strong 20% appeared at the store wearing a shirt that I am sure may be worth twice their food budget. I really wish more folks would concentrate on fraud, than the actual purchase. (disclaimer: yes I do realize that some of whom I am complaining about could be in the middle of a divorce, etc- and just wearing or driving what they had in the marriage... But surely that has to be the exception in the group- not the norm)
  6. Yes, my DD's birthday is 12/29- and we usually do the party with friends a couple of weeks later... To have it during the week of her birthday would be difficult for her friends to make with all of the busy-ness that the week of Christmas usually entails for families.
  7. I would just call my doctor for the peace of mind. Happy laboring!!!
  8. Let me say first- I am in GA, so it may very well be more of a southern thing for all I know. There is a major 4 lane divided highway that I take to get almost everywhere. There are also two large cemeteries on this highway too. (And again- I am in metro Atlanta - so this is not on our interstates here... This is just a major divided hwy- with 65 mph limit) So seeing a processional on it is pretty common. I think the suddenly stopping in moving traffic would be an obvious safety problem- but here you see the cars way ahead of you slowing down, and moving to the right (yes on the opposite side of the divide), and then you know it's coming and start slowing down too- it's pretty orderly usually. I haven't seen any "near misses" at all- but I have seen out of state plates fly on by while the rest of us are pulled over- lol! I always wonder if they think we are nuts, or what. I love the tradition here. While GA has many faults, I love some of the old south respect and manners that are still in force- respect for the dead being one of them. If I were somewhere else where this tradition wasn't the case- I would keep with whatever traffic is doing- for safety... But be a little sad and embarrassed for myself that I didn't show any respect. It's just how I think about it- not a judgement on any other culture/region.
  9. Yes it would annoy me- ESPECIALLY if I lived in a neighborhood with an HOA (I live in a neighborhood with covenants, but no HOA- and therefore- no enforcement). You pay dues - report them. It's against the rules, it's gotta go. Then plant a nice, tall hedge.
  10. I wanted to add that most of what I stop for is in fact on the other side of a 4 lane highway (not interstate). 95% stop. It's a human, that died. A moment of respect isn't much to ask.
  11. With my first I was very upfront that I didn't know how I would behave during labor- and I didn't want to find out with an audience. I also warned that only DH would be there for the delivery. I wanted my privates to say, you know, somewhat private. But I was totally cool with calling (everyone had to drive a couple of hours anyway) everyone- and they could hang in the waiting room till their hearts content. :) they wouldn't be invited in till I felt that DH and I had our private time with DD anyway. I told all of them- well in advance. My mother actually snuck into the wing (secured door), and actually tried to push the door past the nurse that cracked it open to see who was knocking (I warned her about my no-boundaries-controlling-mother when I was admitted). The nurse then asked me (while wrestling the door with my mother, and while she should have been handling nurse duties- not bouncer duties) if she could be allowed in- I was in mid push, and yelled "absolutely NOT!". That was the only yelling or screaming for either baby- and it was because of her- not the physical pain, lol! With #2, my mother was not called (we no longer have a relationship- which is a whole other story- but basically I was disowned for converting to Catholicism), but everyone else was. Since I knew that I handled labor well, and delivered very quickly with the first- I was okay with limited visitors. However, my delivery rule was still in place- for the same reason as above. The only exception being that my BF (and photography assistant in the studio I own) was documenting this time. Well, everyone left when *that time* came, except my MIL. She pouted to my DH "why do *I* have to leave?". DH- in one of his dumbest moments actually asked if she could stay- while my legs are being lifted into the stirrups at that point! Something like "it's really not that big of a deal is it?" with her standing right there waiting for an answer and nurses and doctors prepping me. I am still ticked about that. I say that the mom is the one that gets to say what's reasonable- no one else.
  12. Yes- always. If we are on a side walk- we stop then too. And yes, I do mutter to myself when I see others that dont. I will never understand not respecting the dead.
  13. #1: DH and a ton of personnel due to complications my DD seemed to show on monitor- but she was fine. #2: DH, my best friend (I am a photographer and she is one of my assistants- and DH really wanted to be there- not responsible for the pictures), and against my will- my MIL was there. I was fine with she and a few others during labor (I labor really well) But have always been clear that I would like some modesty while my privates are on display. Well, once *that time* came- she pouted to DH "do I really have to leave?"; and DH (not one of his finer moments) actually asked me as I was putting my legs up if it was "really that big of a deal?" And yes- I still remind him every so often of that "finer moment" :D
  14. :glare:<---- that's my miffed face. Lol! I wasn't assuming you were angry per se... Just clarifying what would be in *my* head. The game changer for me from stopping for someone was that in your case- I was assuming that I *did* know them. Whether they looked capable, had it under control, at the police station, whatever- it's just the fact that I know the person that is stranded- and would double check on them.
  15. I think if it were me, I would suck it up and deal with their BS at the OHP to hear that heartbeat. And more (((hugs)))
  16. I would stop for anyone I know that is on the side of the road- just in case they could use a tool, etc. The age of my acquaintance wouldn't matter- I would stop. I don't know that I would be angry about this, but just more miffed than anything.
  17. Absolutely. And that was honestly the first points of many that began my conversion to Catholicism.
  18. Cool. I am taking this to mean then, that you are correcting your children- that those Catholics are not worshipping idols, that they are merely participating in something that you don't believe in. The way that sounded- it sounded like you were allowing your children to falsely believe that those Catholics are in direct violation of the 1st commandment. Glad you clarified- thanks!
  19. I will say that my many many methodist baptisms were recognized within the Catholic church. I did not need to be baptized yet again to come into full communion with the church. However, I would have needed to be baptized again for many protestant faiths to recognize it. I have never been called a "non-Christian" as a protestant... However, in my years as a Catholic- I have had to defend my Christianity numerous times. To me the RCC is way more accepting of our brothern (even within the sacrament of baptism) than they are of we Catholics. Just speaking to my experience on both sides is the aisle here.
  20. Absolutely not, they are essentially saying that you temporarily terminate your parental rights when you drop off your kid every morning- and then I would be paying for that? No.
  21. My DD got them at 7. She needed my help for the first 3 months or so- but is totally good completely on her own now.
  22. Ditto! I became very sour in the UMC in the late 90's... Attended a mass with a boy I was dating at the time- took a year to investigate on my own, and then began RCIA and converted a year later. My parents disowned me over the conversion (yes, really)... But I am so grateful for my conversion now. I have definitely found my home in the RCC. I have truly grown in ways that I would have never even been exposed to had I remained methodist.
  23. From another lurker/newbie: welcome!!!!!
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