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Everything posted by AdamsFamily

  1. Are you shopping in KL? If not, there is an American grocery store near the Embassy that might have better prices. I think it is in Ampang or called Ampang. It has been a while since I lived in Malaysia. I do remember buying Cheerios for about $6 a box ten years ago. Are you shopping in the non-halal part of a regular grocery store? Do you know any locals that will help shop for you? Can you buy bulk spices and have them shipped to you or buy them locally to make your own taco seasoning? Can you buy strawberries and make freezer jam or some runny equivalent (without the Certo, I mean). I completely understand the need for an American fix! I enjoyed many of the local foods, but every once in a while I needed a taste from home! :) BTW, I was pregnant, too! I bought American cheese in Singapore, froze it, wrapped it in newspaper, and flew it back with us.
  2. HI! I bought a used copy of atelier art level 4 last year, and I am now finally getting to look at it. I am making a supply list for each of the lessons and just realized that pg. 5-6 from module C is missing. It is the Rousseau lesson. Would anyone be willing to scan a copy of those two pages and send them to me? Thanks!
  3. I found it, but it is not in stock. Thanks for the Camel Camel Camel idea. This is what I was looking for: Folgers Classic Roast Ground Coffee, 22.6-Ounce Packages (Pack of 3) for only $16.46/ $5.49 each when you use the subscribe & save option I put another seller's listing in my cart and saved it for later. I will keep checking it to see if amazon gets some more in. If coffee is currently not in stock, will it sometimes not be available once you sign up for S&S? Thanks for all your help!
  4. So... I investigated the price of my preferred brand of coffee at both Sams and Amazon last week and saw that through Amazon's subscribe and save it was cheaper. Unfortuanately, I delayed in ordering it. I went onto Amazon's site today to get it, and the coffee was no longer being offered at the price from last week nor through Subscribe and Save at all. Does Amazon regularly change items offered through Subscribe and Save? Do I have any hope in waiting for it to reappear? Thanks!
  5. Hi. I have moved from SC to AK and later AK to NV. First, if you move yourself, DO NOT move while kids are moving into and out of college. We did that going to AK, and all of Uhaul's blankets were spoken for. Make sure you get LOTS of blankets and protect your furniture. The worst part about moving is rebuying the things you left behind. It takes quite a bit of $$ to reset up a house, so keep that in mind when you purge your current belongings. It might seem ridiculous to move that old mop, but you will be buying a lot of things for your new home. That would be one less thing to replace. Research the area. Compare prices online. SC is cheaper than NV in ALL ways except food prices. (We have family in SC, so we are current on their prices.) You really want to have a good idea of what your living expenses will look like before you buy/rent a house. You are about to change cultures, so bring things to make your home a "safe haven", too. No offense, but the South is not like the West! :) And I am not saying one is better than the other; just that they are different. Good luck!
  6. I was thinking you should call the manufacturer of the printer, too. Explain that you purchased and installed new cartridges before realizing the printer had died. They very well may help refund your money. Make sure you have your receipt for the ink handy when you call.
  7. I don't have a smart phone, but I sure would like the capability of scanning items in the store! :) I had amazon mom prime for a trial period and loved it. We use netflix and have contemplated canceling our satellite and getting a roku. My dh looked at the tv/movie selection on amazon prime when it first started and was not impressed. Netflix is about to change its program, so we are really thinking about making some changes, too. I LOVE my dvr, so I am not sure I want to totally give that up, but I hate paying for redundant services. A few of the things that I could locate prices for are cheaper at amazon. I noticed that walmart sells some of the same kitchen items for cheaper than amazon, so I wondered if that was the case with some of their office products. I have contemplated trying the subscribe and save. Do you find that the grocery items are less than sale prices in regular grocery stores?
  8. So... I would like to buy a few office supply type items. Walmart is 40 miles away from me, so comparison shopping is not easy. Walmart does not post prices online for a few of the items that I need. Do any of you have experience in shopping from amazon versus walmart for non-book purchases? Thanks!
  9. I did not go through all the posts, so this may have already been mentioned: a three drawer sterilite organizer. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Sterilite-3-Drawer-Wide-Organizer-Set-of-3/10877954 Mine is about a foot tall and fits nicely on a bookshelf. One drawer for crayons, one for pencils, and one for markers. I got this idea from another friend several years ago and love it!
  10. Sometimes I think I should add the extra "d" just for fun! :lol:
  11. My problem, too. My dds beg me to work with them on their scrapbooks, but I have no free space!
  12. Learning Resources Inflatable Solar System Set I used to have one of these, but I sold it. It is huge, so you will need a LOT of room.
  13. We use cuisenaire rods with Miquon math. I taped one of each rod on a notecard with its corresponding number. My dd referred to the notecard until she memorized them. It did not take her long - much less time than it took for me to remember them. The rods are cool, because when we got to problems like 4+x=10, my dd could "see" the empty space equaled 6. She started to be able to "see" the numbers in the empty spaces of more complex problems, too. If you keep with the rods, they will begin to make more sense.
  14. I, too, have never formally introduced myself and was quite enlightened by a few threads from yesterday. So... here goes.... I homeschool two dds, one in 5th and one in 3rd. They have never been in ps. My current curriculum choices are below. I displayed them, so if I ever post about them then you know I have at least a little experience with them. Sonlight forums taught me that. (Which I do not currently use, but did in the past. I loved it, but my older dd is NOT an auditory learner. :~) I do not have a blog. I am pastor's wife, so blogging could be dangerous. I don't have enough time to blog about just Bible study stuff, so I would rather avoid the idea all together. I have a background in biology. I love gardening, organizing, piano playing, singing, beading, and paper crafting. I don't have much time for the latter two, but when I can I enjoy them. I sub in our local schools (K-12), so although I do not send my kids to ps, I have some knowledge of what goes on there. I have lived in a foreign country and in many different parts of the US. That about sums up my life! I have enjoyed reading the other threads on here and have appreciated the help I have already recevied. I hope that this forum continues to be a source of great information as I am quite isolated. I do have a couple of other local hs friends whose wisdom is invaluable.
  15. Oooo.... I love the crate with folders/week. Hmmm... What does this Sat look like for me? We only transfer completed work into the 3 ring binders, so I could definitely sort out quizzes, tests, worksheets by week! I love that idea!
  16. I think I added a pic of my template. S and L each represent one of my children. B is for both. I started putting the S and L on the left side and changed my mind part-way through. Since I was in a car at the time, I did not have any more paper with me. I put the template on tracing paper, but I don't think that makes a difference. Dad does their Bible lessons, so I used that space for Spelling, Handwriting, and Vocab. I have found this template helpful in that it minimizes the amount of writing I have to do for each day. My older dd's planner has everything written in color - a color per subject. Her binders' and notebooks' colors correspond with the subjects' colors in the planner. I only write out a week at a time in her planner. Mine is planned out for most of the year, but done in pencil so I can make many changes! :) I hope this helps! (and that the attachment goes through. This is my first time attaching something.)
  17. I have a stupid question... Why would a student take a National Latin Exam? Is it only for students that want to major in Latin in college? Is it just to have another achievement for college applications? Can it replace college classes like AP exams? Or is there another reason that I am missing? Also, at what age can students start taking the exams? How much Latin needs to have been studied before taking the first level exam? I had not even heard of this test until yesterday, and now I am curious. Thanks!
  18. I went to Furman. I gradutated in 1994 with a B.S. in biology. I was on Furman's campus last October. While there, I rowed on crew, was a member of Delta Gamma, and participated in many community activities through CESC. I went to Furman because I wanted something comparable to Wake Forest, but not Wake Forest. I personally was not a stellar FU grad, but that was not Furman's fault. I do have many friends that went on to Med school and Pharmacy schools. UGa added .5 to a friend's grade point average when she applied to their pharmacy school. UGa recognized the higher quality of education Furman had to offer and rewarded her for it. The head of research and development at Milliken (back in 1994) equated a bachelor's in science from Furman with a Master's in Science at most other schools. Unfortunately, I don't know how well known Furman is of the East Coast. I have lived in Alaska and Nevada, and hardly anyone I have met has heard of Furman. Furman broke away from the Southern Baptist Convention in 1993. When they did that, large amounts of money was donated to the school. The chapel, two classroom buildings, apartments, and student center have all been redone. The dorms and the rec center are from earlier than my days at the school. That is probably why they were avoided on your tour. They were in great shape, just not bright and shiny like the other buildings. There is a great sense of community at the school. The music department is fantastic. When I attended the school, all students were required to attend a certain number of CLPs each year - musical performances, plays, and lectures. The public is welcome to attend those as well. I really wished I still lived near Furman; I would still take advantage of those opportunities.
  19. I am thinking she was truly just wanting to be nosy. A few people tried to befriend me on fb after I moved from the last place I lived. Those folks would have nothing to do with me while I lived there, but as soon as I left wanted to befriend me. I giggled and hit "ignore". I have 300 friends on fb, but I have lived in many places. I am obviously not close to most of them anymore, but I do like to keep some type of contact with most of them. Plus, my dh and I are in ministry, so many of our contacts are from previous churches, Bible studies, etc. I have thought about culling my friend list. It is so hard to "unfriend" them after you made them a friend. Some people wouldn't notice, but a few will and will have their feelings hurt. It is best to friend wisely first.
  20. There is no Bountiful Baskets in VA, but it is in SC and GA as well as 14 other states. It has grown very quickly, so it may not be long before it is available in VA. Bountiful baskets is a co-op, but you only participate when you want to. You pay $15 plus $1.50 cc processing fee for 10-12 fruits and vegetables. I received black grapes, plums, cantaloupe, strawberries, tomatoes, corn, lettuce, bananas, broccoli, and pears this morning. You order on Monday/Tuesday and pick up the following Sat. There are often addons, too, such as 9grain bread ($10/5 loaves), cases of various fruit and vegetables, herb packs, desserts, tortillas, etc. Their website is www.bountifulbaskets.org.
  21. Yay! I don't like the phone either. I am a pastor's wife and stink at calling people. I have a couple of people that I will talk to on the phone, and our conversations are often an hour long, so the number of them that I make are limited. I am an introvert, more task oriented, and have no desire to constantly run from activity to activity. I hate small talk, too. I never know what to say. I am very busy with homeschool and church and a few other activities, but I spend a lot of time at home. I know another mom that fills her kids' calendars up with play dates and activities during the summer. They hardly seem to have any down time. I prefer to have my dds know how to both entertain themselves at home as well as be "social" with other people. My bil and sil are never home b/c of their kids' activities. They are both on their second marriages, too. Hmm... I wonder if their busyness affected their first marriages.
  22. I use the planner with two children, so each child gets two lines/subject. I had to make a template that can be moved from week to week, so I don't have to write more than just page numbers in some of the blocks. I use multiple supplemental books, so I can schedule those without taking up too much room. I do have another planner from WPD for my older dd. I will put her work in there and highlight tests and quizzes. I found that I was failing at making sure she was aware of when the next tests and quizzes were going to be. I don't write everything in there. I color code my subjects, so what I do enter into her planner is simple. For example, math is read. In read pen I write the page numbers of her primary math book and "test" every other Friday. She knows that the read pages refer to her math book. I don't have to write "Math p. 23-24". Instead I just write 23-24. I like having my main planner for me, so I know what we will cover week to week. I also like my dd to have her own, so she can work independently and knows what is expected of her.
  23. The one thing that makes me think I'm being too idealistic is that I also have to "live" in that setting which will be harder and more time-consuming than in the States - washing clothes by hand, gardening, no convenient foods, etc. Your kids will help you more than the average kids in the US would help their parents at similar young ages. You can even turn household chores into lessons and review time. Or have the kids work on their lessons with you in the "laundry room" while you wash clothes - wherever that might be. In other cultures, sometimes all you can expect to get done in a day is one task. An entire day can get eaten up just paying a water bill, or something else that would have taken you two minutes online in the US. Your kids will probably have to adjust to learning on the go - anywhere, anytime.
  24. Wonderful! I lived in the SE Asia and Oceana area for two years, but my oldest was under 2 when we moved. Would there be other missionaries near you? Are you going with an organization? Some organizations have homeschool libraries (in localized areas) that you can borrow stuff from. Without having much space, I would look into some type of ereader and load it up with books. Search the internet now and copy whatever you can onto flashdrives or cds. Hopefully you will have an idea of your dc's learning styles before you go, so you will be able to tailor what you bring to meet his/her needs.
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