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Everything posted by Dooley

  1. We have been hard hit by this recession. My husbands industry is pretty dried up. So far this year, we have made about 2/5 of what we would normally need to make to stay ontop of stuff. We are living on our savings and while I am glad we have that savings, I am wondering if its worth draining our account. For the first time ever, we even have a savings account - (we sold a house in San Diego and moved to NC) and I am loath to get rid of it like this. I had hoped, one day, to maybe have a vacation or something. Anyway, I am feeling like we may need to cancel our health insurance - its the biggest bill we have. I am almost 50, I have had a few surgeries, dh is 48, fairly healthy....he is afraid to loose that safety net. Its either the savings or the insurance. Has anyone done this and how do you feel about it? AND, sorry if you are in the same boat as us!!!
  2. I really loved this guy, back in the mid 80's. He left me, it was a very hard break up. He went to LA and I went to NYC. I called him and we were phone friends until I just HAD to bring up our break up...he ended the friendship. Couple years later, ran into him when we both lived in San Diego. I dreamed of him for years - the kind of dream where we are sitting at dinner, I turn around to get something, turn back and he is gone - I run into the rain looking for him and never finding him. He meant a lot to me. I got married to a wonderful man, kids, life....I got on FB in May I think, and you know how when you first start on FB, its kind of a giddy experience, finding all these people from the past and chatting. I looked for him, he was there and asked to be a friend. I had this crazy idea that we could actually be REAL friends.... He responded with a huge letter about all the things he had done, with many exclamation marks! Look at my life! Wow!! He is divorced, with yet another girlfriend - he seems to always need a woman in his life. I was probably just a woman, not someone he loved, in retrospect. So we chatted back and forth, mostly he talked about him, did not ask any questions about me - I tried to be thoughtful and gracious. We last talked a few months ago. Silence. I want to delete him. I realize it was a mistake, heck, I am not even sure he knows who I am! I am not mad, I just realize it was not that good of an idea and the hope that one can be friends after pain and breakups and all....well...probably just doesnt happen. I dont want to offend or make him think "what a weirdo", if I deleted him. Should I send a polite note about "this was not well thought out, I wish you well, but it is probably best if we DELETE...." I dont think he will miss me. Delete outright? Or, small note, then delete?
  3. A neighbor girl here had swine flu - she was given Tamiflu. Her mom said she was SICK, sick, sick for a few days, but seemed to bounce back quickly. Wash your hands a lot, was the doctors recommendation.
  4. I was walking my dogs WITHOUT children, and a lady drove up, stopped and asked if I homeschooled. I was very confused - She said someone told her the homeschooled lady does daycare and watches pets. As though that should make things clearer....how did she apply that info to me?? I can tell others that homeschool - one giveaway is kids that are a bit older wearing nice polo shirts and look neat, as opposed to t-shirts and baggy jeans. They speak nicely to each other. This is not always a truism, I have certainly known some homeschoolers that made me cringe too.
  5. Do you realize how fortunate you have been??? To have made such close friends, as an adult....really, as we go through our lives, we only meet a few people who touch us like your friends do you. I think you must be a pretty special woman to have had them. I also think, because of who YOU are, you will be making more friends like them. You must be a doll. God bless you and all your future relationships!!
  6. Breann - you are correct. An apple. A plane. I think I have actually heard that some grammar rules have changed over the years, to reflect speech. A common example is the use of the word "party" as a verb. Currently, I am reading a book called "The Lost Maya Chronicles" and I keep thinking to myself, shouldn't it be The Lost MAYAN Chronicles???? It wouldn't be "the America flag" , if it belongs to America, wouldnt it be American - so.....if the chronicles belong to the Maya, shouldn't they be MAYAN??? Argh.
  7. Half.com - I find tons of stuff there. Not so much grammar and Jr. high textbooks, but certainly High School and all kinds of reading material.
  8. My feeling is as a nation, we have long since forgotten what "Christian" really means. Just as your not a car if you are in the garage, you are not a Christian for just going to church/your parents were/you never killed anyone. That, and a bit of political correctness thrown in!
  9. Chris, she would probably love herding the kids. Send them out to run around and that Aussie will perk right up. So...thats good for 5 minutes of her day. Maybe a backpack and lots of walks too. I have a Wiem and you dont leave them alone or they can get destructive out of boredom and loneliness. So he just love to BE with us, its enough. Play, walk, get attention, pet - it all helps.
  10. Ok, so once, a long time ago when I was pregnant, I went to Tijuana to get some asthma meds, and stopped at a taco stall. I like a certain kind of taco you can get in TJ. So I order them, turn around to look at people, casually look back into the stall....and the man had an entire horses head in the sink and was scraping off the flesh. I immediatly thought, if I think about this too much, I will barf. I am probably eating horse. Took my tacos, ate them and left. So...I think I ate horse meat. I couldn't tell - at the time.
  11. You will never believe it. Super Castles came home. OK, it was hiding amongst maps in the bookcase (??), but nonetheless. There is hope out there gals.
  12. ...they must also be with socks and ball point pens....
  13. ...is a 8x10 booklet of sorts, that has fun stuff to do regarding the Middle Ages. I had it. It has disappeared. Do you have it?? If you do, can you send me a copy, I will pay. :D Hoping, hoping, hoping...
  14. Thanks all - I did the basic mayo recipe, maybe it just needed a bit more punch with salt or ppr, or paprika. I will try Spycars too! Should it sit in the salad a bit before serving - marinate it a bit?? I used to buy a package of slaw, with a packet of dressing inside at the local market in San Diego. It was great and easy! Cant seem to find it out here....
  15. Hi Kristine - I used this last year, along with Sister Wendy's history of art AND what I used as sort of my spine was the Barrons AP Art History test book. I had my dd read through each period of Art History in Barrons, then read in the two other books about the same period. Barrons then has them do a test and a small essay on each period. I supplemented these with vocab tests, Barrons also has a good vocab listing.
  16. Sounds like croup. My son had it as a baby and was hospitalized, its not to be taken lightly!! He has had croup several times a year from then on, he is now 11. Its a virus, stay away from babies. Take your child into a steamy bath or outside in the cold (if you have a cold outside, that is....check into a steriod from your doctor. Its only about 3 doses, which should be enough to get through the attack....
  17. The lighthouse is at the top of Point Loma.
  18. Hi all - we lived there for 20 years - FYI, the Star of India is one of the oldest, historical ships around and no, there is no restaurant aboard! We love the beach on the strand, near the Hotel Del, cause you not only get a great view, free parking, but not many come there and you get the bonus of having military aircraft flying low overhead, to land nearby. Kinda exciting. Balboa Park has free Tuesdays - check and see what Tuesdays. A nice area for a walk and it does have some art museums free. Love the zoo, always have. The tidepools at the end of Point Loma are fun and free. Eat at any Robertos/Alibertos/Roybertos type taco stand. Good food for a good price. We also love Miguels Mexican food at Shelter Island. And in La Jolla, hanging out on the coast is fun, you can walk, see the seals and eat at the Mandarin House. Sea World is pricey but fun. I never heard raves about Legoland, I admit. Wild Animal Park is fun too, nice drive. If you are ever in SD in the fall, also go to Bates Nut Farm in Valley Center . I would avoid Mission Beach, for locals, it is a beach to party and get into fights. Not clean or kid friendly, though there is a fun amusement park there. Just not the beach.
  19. NOOOOO! Ok, I do take the dogs out for about a mile a day. But I do not have the energy to do anything else. Do you mean working out to a tape or something?
  20. I am not trying to downplay how the OP feels, I have the same problem with my two oldest. Oh. Yes. Anyway, I have come to the conclusion that since so many, many families have sibling rivalry issues, it must be important to growing up, the Lord must have decided to let this kind of thing rear its ugly head in the family for a reason. Perhaps it gets them prepared for real life, ie, conflict resolution. After all, you cant have kick fights with your boss to get your way. I think this problem must also bring a (eventual) gift with it as well....
  21. I have had anemia for years, recently took months of iron and they tell me I dont have it now. But I still feel very, very sluggish. Aside from seeing a doctor about it, and maybe even aside from ingesting very large quantities of caffeine (which might make me hurl), what can I take to have more energy. Is there an energy drink that wont make me sick? More vita B? What helps YOU?
  22. I understand you can use Basil as a replacement for lettuce in sandwiches! Sounds pretty good!
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