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Posts posted by Mommy22alyns

  1. I am so torn on this as well, and I need to order our math this weekend.  I was planning on moving to Saxon Algebra 1/2, but I did not like the looks of it at all.  I was able to view it this afternoon at our local homeschool convention, and I am back at square one.  I really want one year of pre-algebra. 



    What didn't you like about it?

  2. Whoa.  Call me whatever you want, but no way in H-E-double hockey sticks am I teaching my 10 year old about sex toys and an*l sex.  My 12 year old either, for that matter.  I can see that different approaches would be necessary for homeschooled vs. traditionally schooled kids.  Welcome to a HUGE reason why I homeschool.


    And yes I have discussed puberty and sex with both of my girls in respectful and simple ways.  I'm not locking them in a closet, but I'm not going to go jump off the cliff either.

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  3. I didn't use Core D (I think I used B and P 4/5) but I did feel like SL was boring.  We love books, we love to read, I steal book ideas from SL frequently, but it's just that there's nothing else there.  We like activities, maps, notebook pages, trying out new foods, etc.

  4. The girls get clear/sparkly lip gloss and can paint their toenails and fingernails (but rarely do it).  At 13, we'll go and do makeup at a counter and buy some neutral/natural things.  I've also allowed "sparkle dust" with Halloween costumes.  But basically, like Ellie said.  You can do it when you're 13 and that's it.  I always tell them they don't need anything to look beautiful.

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