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Posts posted by Mommy22alyns

  1. You do know you have the timeline wrong, don't you?

    The laws against gay marriage, gay intercourse, etc all happened BEFORE the parades. The parades were a reaction to that, not the other way around. 



    My post had nothing to do with a "timeline."  Divorce is not a "hot issue" right now.  Homosexual marriage is.  That's what I was saying.

  2. Maybe half or 60 with/40 independent.  They get planners with assignments, but of course the work gets checked and corrections discussed.  I watch the DIVE videos with my 7th grader and she sometimes does math in the same room just in case.  She gets a little more face to face on history reading and discussion.  I view this as helping her transition to higher level work and more independence in high school. 

  3. But no (or at least very few) Christians march around with signs, call divorced people perverts, blame them as pedophiles, picket their funerals, and physically attack them in divorce-bashings.


    Why reserve so much hatred for 10% of the population when greater than 50% of the population is divorcing and remarrying ... some multiple times?


    For me, it is the selective, public war against gay people that makes the ""it's not about hate" line very difficult to believe.


    Why are gay people so much more dangerous than divorced/remarried people?



    Are there divorce pride parades?  Are people wanting divorce cakes?  Do people want more divorcees on television and in the movies?  I can't think of other examples, but surely you get the gist of it.


    People pay attention to what is going on at the time.  Right now, homosexuals are very "out there" and visible with many petitions, parades, tv shows, movies, etc. etc. etc.  Therefore, people of opposing viewpoints are also vocal and visible. That's just how it works.

    • Like 1
  4. Whoa, I am so sorry.  Some people are just crazy.  I spent a lot of time in retail, and I once had a customer literally threaten to KILL me ("slice me in two") because I gave him a golden dollar as change instead of a paper dollar.  I feared for my life for MONTHS after that, because he actually worked around the corner and was allowed to keep doing so even though I pressed charges.

  5. Pinterest is my friend and enemy.  There are always sooo many tasty things to make and try.  I really love when the weather finally cools down some in early October and I can open my window and watch playoff baseball.  When the teams are set, I always make my chart so I can track the records.  Yes, I'm a dork.  I like making fall crafts too.  I bought some pretty cotton yarn in an "Autumn leaves" colorway, so I might try to crochet/knit a leaf banner.

    • Like 1
  6. I should also mention when choosing to eat less than what one is accustomed to, friends from my lunch table who are losing weight tell me about eating just what they put on their plate and nothing more even if they are still hungry.  Then they get up and do something rather than sitting around dwelling on the feeling.  Later they find they aren't hungry anymore anyway.


    We've pondered about a disconnect between eating and feeling full (we can eat more quickly than our brains/stomachs react).



    This is very true.  I lost over 40 pounds last year by counting calories and it was astounding how much more I was eating than what I actually needed to eat.


    FWIW, OP, you wouldn't start at 1200 calories by counting calories - you would go to a website and put in your current height, weight, age, and activity level, and the calculator would give you a target calorie range.  You might be at 1700 or so, more or less, depending on all the factors.  I know you weren't particularly looking for calorie counting ideas, but I just wanted to clear up a misconception.


    Best of luck to you.  :)

  7. I started the girls with it in 2nd and 4th grades.  YDD didn't care for the full-year reading and all the diacritical markings in grade 2 (she was a self-taught reader).  Everyone likes the half-year 4th grade and up.  I feel like it teaches a lot of "little" things that I might otherwise forget.  I also like that I have time to add in lit guides as well.  I'll continue it through 8th grade.

  8. You must have the one-year-older version of my ODD.  The only saving grace is that she has gymnastics 4 days out of 5, so she will eventually get into gear so she doesn't miss practice.  Of course, if she didn't have to get out of the house, I wouldn't stress so much about how long everything is taking her.... *pulls hair out*.  I ended up giving her homework and telling her she had to be done by bedtime tomorrow.  She's finishing her last chore now, so she'll actually have a little free time.

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