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Posts posted by Mommy22alyns

  1. Nope, nope, nope, nope.  You are not obligated to pay her obeisance.  So, what...? She doesn't like you, she tears down the kids (which would be enough in itself for me to stay home), and isn't even nice to her own son?  Oh, AND it costs YOU a bunch of money.  I don't think anyone should be forced to maintain relationships with such a toxic person.  Like Joanne said in another thread, she has chosen, by her actions, to forfeit a relationship with you guys.


    *If she sent enough to cover your DH, I suppose he could always go alone.


    **Take the money and take a real vacation... in the opposite direction!

    • Like 7
  2. My 5th grader now is a whole lot faster than my 5th grader two years ago.   :glare:


    Sylvia knows how to sit down and get things done.  She almost never gets distracted or off track.  I'm thinking maybe 3 hours, 4 at the absolute outside.  I end up giving her extra reading, projects, coloring, activities to keep her busy so she doesn't distract the distractible big sister...  :glare:

    • Like 2
  3. I don't think anyone is spinning it as Anna is an idiot. *I* don't think Anna is an idiot, but I think she got wrapped up in this crappy trap because of that damn Gothard prison.



    Anna was raised the Gothard way.  She bought in, 100%.  All she wanted was her Prince Charming and a lot of kids.  And now what does she have?

    • Like 7
  4. Thanks. You guys have some fabulous success stories. Congratulations.

    Long term anything is just hard for me but I'm hopeful.

    I tend toward lower carb and I think I eat pretty well, but I have a few vices that I need to count to remind myself how fast they add up.

    Exercise I think is the key for me. Those extra 500 calories make all the difference in the long run by allowing me some extras.



    This is really key.  Once you start noticing calories and logging them, what you used to eat will astound you!

  5. I have one of those! I call mine Achievement Unlocked. I, too, have chronicled my wisdom in the comments.


    I never thought of Pinterest as anything to produce competition. I always think it's more like bookmarks for visual people.



    Me too.  I mean, some of that stuff, I just cackle wildly in my head, because there's no way I'll be even attempting that!  But I've found some fun stuff and neat ideas.  It's just fun.

  6. I wonder sometimes if that's one reason why DD grabbed onto herpetology so hard. It's definitely hers, and while DH and I have been pulled along (and I've enjoyed learning about it, it's not something that is shared, really, at all. When she's at the conferences, etc, it's all her. I'm just a driver's license and a credit card.



    LOL, that is the truth!  They always say that good gym parents pay the bills and chauffeur...

    • Like 2
  7. If this has been covered, feel free to direct me to links. :)


    We've discussed academic passions, but what about extracurricular ones with commitments? I'm particularity interested in ones that don't have a direct academic leaning (science or math clubs).


    How many does your child have? How many hours a week total are spent on them? I'm not thinking of passions that the students can just easily skip or walk away from on a given day- such as drawing or video games. I'm thinking more along the lines of someone expecting a student to show up - such as for a performance.


    In other words, it's my annual beginning of the school year thread of panic.... ;)


    I don't pop in here often, as I feel like my girls are bright, but certainly not gifted as the kids here are.  However, my ODD is a competitive gymnast.  She's not a phenom by any means, but she's also not the "typical" everyday 12 year old.  And no, she's not in high school yet, but I already have to plan that way!


    She spends 17.5 hours at the gym every week as of right now.  She's training level 7, to compete formally in January.  We have no time for anything else!  Luckily, her schedule this fall is such that she can rejoin children's choir, but that's it.


    She now has a top-notch coach who has noticed her and a handful of others particularly.  According to him, she is "very on track" for college gymnastics and a serious potential for Div. I or II scholarships.  As she hits higher competitive levels, she has the possibility of taking advantage of being homeschooled to come in for daytime practices.


    Trust me, I'm already sweating 7th grade with competitive gymnastics.  Even thinking of high school has me shaking in my shoes!  :O

    • Like 4
  8. I'm a lifetime hs'er but I don't believe that three year olds in childcare settings are fending for themselves, or that parents who choose public school are getting rid of their children in any way (or that they want to).



    My intent was not to come off that harshly.  You put words in my mouth. I said SOME people think... about the 3 year olds.  Some parents DO feel this way, but not all of them, obviously.  I've been seeing plenty of "School's back in, let's celebrate!" posts on FB lately.  And it's certainly not unheard of for people to express hopes of "getting their life back" after graduating their kids and sending them off to college.

  9. Now that ODD has hit 7th grade, I'm waiting for the condescending, "Well, it was cute for elementary school, but you're going to get serious and send them to school now, right?  RIGHT???"  


    Sometimes I think that anti-homeschoolers lack imagination.  They look at something and dismiss it immediately as "too hard."  We can see the possibilities - let's Google it, let's YouTube it, let's ask others who have been there, let's see what resources there are on Amazon or Pinterest, etc.



    And when will I let them go?  When they're ready, likely around 18 or so.  Why would I be kicking a 10 and 12 year old out of the "nest" (shelter)?  Some people think 3 year olds should be dropped off and left to fend for themselves.  I happen to feel differently.  I didn't have kids so I could get rid of them as soon as possible.  JMO.

    • Like 1
  10. I swear.  Sometimes I think the girls know as much now as they would if I had just let them play on computers 24/7 for the past 7 years instead of trying to teach them.  First, ODD froze yesterday at a simple math question in Hobby Lobby - what's 10% of $8.00?  SHE'S 12.  Then today, neither could remember who started the Protestant Reformation when we learned it late last year... or just a few months ago.


    You ever want to just curl up and cry from frustration?


    Maybe it's just Monday.

    • Like 3
  11. My YDD has very, very thick curly/wavy hair. She loves her Tangle Teezer, but you do have to use it underneath as well as on top.  You may need to help her brush - Sylvia can usually do a pre-brush before a shower, and DH or I go back over it to get the last little tangles out.  As far as conditioning, do it every time you wash.  Put her hair like a ponytail and condition the ponytail down to the ends.  Give a quick brush over the top of her head.

  12. How has it gone so far over the past few days? Is there a paperback book for the Algebra 1/2 or still hardcover? I was at the used bookstore here locally and only found Algebra 1/2 in the hardback. My only concern is my daughter having to rewrite the math problems as she gets very frustrated with this because she constantly rewrites the numbers down incorrectly in the transfer.



    Ours is hardcover, it's the 3rd edition.  We're using the DIVE CD and I'm sitting through the lesson with her for now.  Someone else here on the boards put on her blog about this method.  She would watch along and they would both work the problems on the whiteboard.  Right now it's all easy review.  She is doing really well and is starting to feel more comfortable with the idea of "big bad Algebra 1/2."  :D

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