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Posts posted by Mommy22alyns

  1. Call the doc and ask for a different sleep med.  I've had the same thing happen, and I finally asked for a different prescription.  I had to try Sonata first, which isn't much better (very short-acting and I'm a fast metabolizer), and hopefully she'll be able to call in for Lunesta today.  Your DH has my sympathies.  I struggle constantly with insomnia.

  2. I bought both girls Well-Planned Day student planners for use in the fall (5th and 7th grades).  They've been more independent over the past year and a half, and this way they'll have things written out well in advance.  This will allow YDD to work ahead when she wants, and possibly allow ODD to be a little more fluid as to when she completes assignments.

  3. DD doesn't want that sort of stuff yet (and was insistent that the male friend she made at science camp is an "Age appropriate opposite-gender companion", NOT a "Boyfriend"), but she's definitely getting more and more peer focused (to the point that she's ready to pack her snakes and move 2000+ miles),



    Hahaha, she cracks me up!

  4. Both. I could kill for a chocolate-covered pretzel or a hunk of Bark. Or trail mix that has chocolate bits in it. Mmmmmmmmmmm.



    Thanks, now I want trail mix.....



    You had to go and say chocolate-covered pretzel, now didn't you?

    • Like 1
  5. ODD is all gym, all the time.  Boys - "ain't nobody got time for that!"  She'd like to wear makeup, but she knows that she'll get some when she turns 13.  She gets lip gloss (clear or very light) and can paint her nails when she's not in season (but forgets most of the time anyway).


    YDD is very young, loves games and her toys, doesn't seem to care about makeup, but does have a teeny tiny adorable little crush on her one male friend, her BFF's brother.


    OP, your DD sounds perfectly fine to me and I'd probably go looking for other peers too.  Both of my daughters still love imaginative play and running around on the playground, but they also get along fine with kids their ages in different settings.

  6. "I wear my sunglasses at night..." :D



    Listened to the Bay City Rollers on an 8-track.  Yup.  You heard me.  8-track.




    My teen crush was Michael J. Fox.  It was even cooler that he was Canadian.  Loved him on "Family Ties". :)



    Yep, I gotta admit I thought he was pretty cute too.

    • Like 1
  7. My mother's abortion was, she tells me, the easiest decision of her life*. My sister's abortion wasn't a hard decision either.


    Of course, the vast majority of elective abortions occur before the zygote/embryo/fetus has any sort of brain activity, much less higher brain functions, so it's more akin to a corpse than a person. I don't think corpses have rights either. Chickens and pigs have higher brain functions, I suppose. Don't think much of their rights, though.


    * Actually, my mother miscarried. The vast majority of successful conceptions miscarry, often before the woman even knows she's pregnant. Because of the miscarriage, my mother had to cancel her appointment to get an abortion. Kind of a funny story, really.



    A barrel of laughs, I'm sure.  I didn't think I could still be shocked by anything I read on this board.  

    • Like 6
  8. Lori D., you rock!!  I hope you stick around until I've graduated both of mine.


    Yes... deep breaths, deep breaths... planning 7th inevitably leads to high school, and to top that off, I recently discovered that I should be planning high school for ODD with an eye towards a heavy gym schedule and NCAA requirements!   :huh:  Therefore, I will be ecstatic if YDD sticks with wanting to be a hair stylist.  But yeah.  How can we be here already?  They were JUST in kindergarten, elementary school... right??

    • Like 2
  9. 10 yo is plowing through tons of books that I jotted down from Newbery Award winners.  She has to have read 10 already. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze, Island of the Blue Dolphins, Ella Enchanted, Bud, Not Buddy... She also read Dork Diaries 9.  


    12 yo is a slower reader; she did finish DD 9 in hours though.  Right now she's reading The Witch of Blackbird Pond, as she'll be doing a PP guide on it in the fall. She's reading a chapter of Beautiful Girlhood every night too.  She also re-read Phantom Tollbooth for fun.


    DH is reading Two Towers to the girls as well.

  10. To me, the umbrella school is the least invasive method in my state.  I don't have to test at all.  I like it that the local school board does not know my kids exist.  I also get a letter stating that they are enrolled in XYZ school that I always keep on file just in case.  I am afraid that some of my family members could become vindictive, so that's very important to me.


    I do submit attendance, just days, not hours.  I don't need to verify anything.

    I do submit curriculum, but it doesn't matter what I use.

    I do submit grades, but they are entirely at my discretion.

    • Like 1
  11. The bolded is not true for homeschoolers.  You must use curricula that is at least at a high school level, but if the textbook is not on the NCAA approved list, that does not mean you cannot use it, thankfully, as the last thing I would want is the NCAA dictating my textbook choices!


    When I spoke with the NCAA a few years ago about this issue, the AoPS  textbooks my kids use for math were not on the NCAA approved  list.  I was assured that not being on the list did not mean that the the textbooks would not be approved, but I might have to submit a table of contents page in that situation.


    Also, while the NCAA does have an approved list of online academic providers, many of the top-notch academic providers for the homeschooling community do not have the time to jump through the NCAA paperwork hoops to get their stamp of approval.  You can bypass this stupid NCAA requirement and maintain your high academic standards by listing yourself as the teacher of record on the worksheets.


    Also, I made the mistake the first time through this process by registering my oldest with the NCAA clearinghouse the beginning of his junior year.  My son ended up going the Div III route and the NCAA would not refund my money, even though they had done absolutely nothing but send an email with an ID clearinghouse number.


    My rising junior is getting questionnaires from college coaches.  While he has been asked on many of the forms to list his NCAA clearinghouse ID, leaving it blank has not been a problem.  I don't plan to register him until the last possible moment.



    Okay, so at the beginning of the junior year is too early to register?  What is the last possible moment?  Can you explain this a little more, please?

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