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Posts posted by Mommy22alyns

  1. Our NPD switches up who the golden child is depending on who's easiest to manipulate at the time, and it's extra painful each time they fall for it.  It took me well over a decade to recognize it for what it was.  Over a decade to recognize and understand reality.  That's more than 10 years of vile manipulation convincing me I was insane.

    Eff that!



    I went probably about 34 years before I realized how profoundly abnormal my upbringing was.  You know how if that's all you experience, that's normal to you? Yep.  I should shout out to WTM'ers, because this is where the lights began to come on re: the NPD.

    • Like 12
  2. I need a few weeks to completely decompress.  Then I work on acquainting myself with the TM, gradually making supply lists, re-reading pertinent parts of my reference books, making book basket lists, etc.  By the time the second week in August rolls around, I'm ready to begin again.


    My ODD trains 22 hours a week in the summer, this is 5 days a week, so she really can't do much of anything else.  We fit in some summer library activities, regular playing, and VBS around that.


    YDD hangs out at home and chills a lot, but she also does VBS and a choir camp.  I'm thinking of signing her up for a Minecraft homeschool camp too.


    I haven't really had trouble getting all of our work done between August and May.

    • Like 1
  3. I'm not planning on looking pretty. Pretty is too tame. I'm going for gorgeous, stunning and strong.


    like these women:


    77 yo http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2014/11/29/inspiration-nation-grandma-powerlifter/19656645/




    80 yo http://running.competitor.com/2015/02/news/80-year-old-woman-sets-half-marathon-record_122383




    92 yo https://www.facebook.com/ABBADogs/videos/675970332532468/





    These women are bosses!  There's also video out there of an incredible 86 year old gymnast.  A while back I saw a video on an older women's volleyball team - they're 70, 80, 90, out there playing volleyball!  Hats off!

    • Like 3
  4. I attended a church with a large quiverful population for awhile, and when I had severe HELLP, leading to an emergency C-section, a week in ICU for me, and a dead baby, was told it was my fault for not bringing my husband to the church. I'm still very shaky on my beliefs and feelings about Christianity largely due to that experience-not just the loss, but the condemnation that followed it.



    My gosh.  I am so very sorry.   :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :crying:


    According to the WAV3 news report on the day of the "big clean up" (which only lasted a few hours and accomplished basically nothing), Joe and Nicole are currently "staying with friends." They can't be expected them to haul their own water and cook their own food and wash their own dishes and dump their own shit buckets with all the slave labor gone, can they?   :001_rolleyes:


    Plus now they have thousands and thousands of dollars — they can stay in a motel and eat out every night is they want to. Which is what I'd bet they're really doing. 




    Do they even want their kids back?   :crying:

  6. The Duggars didn't create the ATI curriculum. That was the brain child of Bill Gothard. The Duggars are followers of his.


    I just came across this article written by a former ATI student. I spent years in a church where Mr. Gothard was revered. We didn't qualify for ATI because my dh had facial hair, and he was wise enough to refuse to shave just so we could join our friends on that journey. I am, however, familiar enough with the program to be able to confirm just about every statement made here:





    Well, there you have it.  I could never join ATI because you're not supposed to use tampons, and you can have my tampons when you pry them out of my cold, dead hands.

    • Like 10
  7. According to a post on FJ, Josh was scheduled to speak at the Teach them Diligently conference coming up in Ohio. He has now dropped out from speaking.


    His workshops would have probably been packed and standing room only if this hadn't come out when it did.


    There is some kind of ATI/whatever conference in Nashville starting tomorrow.  JB & M are *supposed* to be there via video.  I wonder if that's still going to happen or not.

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  8. There is a distinct difference between forgiveness and making a FOUR YEAR OLD to live with their abuser.


    And no, if my spouse molested my kid they sure as hell would NOT ever see my kid much less live with them. Only a CRAZY person would make a preschooler live with the person whom sexually assaulted them.



    Exactly.  Forgiveness doesn't mean allowing access for more abuse.  I've forgiven my rapist, but the dude isn't listed on my family tree either and it's not like I'd ever allow my children to be around him.  It's been 24 years and frankly, I will still feel that way in another 24 years.  That doesn't make me vindictive.  



    These need to be reposted 1000x.

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