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Posts posted by Mommy22alyns

  1. And if all things were equal, and is was based on something such as gender expression would you still insist she accept it? 


    I do not view financial situations of the parents as the same. That is something the vast majority of people have to deal with and is not the same for children who do not have genders that match their sex.



    I don't understand why "gender identity or expression" is such a special snowflake thing that everything has to be changed to accommodate it.  That may not be a politically correct opinion, but there you have it.  Kids have to suck it up that they happen to live in a small town instead of a big city.  Or a state that has no TOPS for gymnastics vs. Texas, which is a hotbed for it.  Kids have to suck it up that their parents are poor vs. rich.  What gives me the right to go and demand that gyms lower their meet fees because it's a hardship for us to pay $100 for one meet?  Would I have the right to insist that girls from TN are being discriminated against because no gym in TN provides TOPS?


    Yes, I would be telling my kid, sorry, life sucks sometimes, but we're going to do the best we can with what we have and what we can do.


    In your hypothetical situation, I do not see what could be gained by deception and subterfuge.  Go ask whoever's running the team if the girl can play on the boys' team.  If not, kid, I'm sorry.


    But a PP was right.  No answer is good enough or acceptable unless it's, "Yes, by all means, employ any means necessary to get the special snowflake into the exact precise decision that will make him or her happy as a clam and screw the rules and everyone else around them."


    If you want JAWM, you should probably edit your title.


    BTW, "the vast majority of people" have SOMETHING that they have to put up with or struggle with or what have you.  Why is one more important and pressing than another?  

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  2. Would you accept it if it was something beyond their control?



    My ODD is a very good gymnast.  She will never be an elite gymnast.  It is incredibly expensive and time-consuming.  We have very little money.  Our financial situation is beyond her control, but I still have to tell her that it's something she simply has to accept.  

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  3. I would definitely NOT try to proselytize to a non-Christian in tough times.  I usually just offer condolences and support.


    That said, I would really just roll my eyes and toss it.  I am a Christian, but I have not always been, and I'm sure they meant well in their own way and I would brush it off.


    I am sorry for your hard times.   :grouphug:

    • Like 3
  4. I read yesterday on the BLH page that the kids were broken up into 3 foster homes and the oldest 2 are in an "institution". I think that means a group home.



    Good gosh.   :crying:

  5.  I wouldn't be insulted, so much as I'd be a bit hurt.


    But to be fair, I might be that person also.  I can memorize names to faces in the moment, but once the context changes all bets are off. E.g., at a rehearsal dinner I'll remember every person I'm introduced to; the next day at the wedding I won't know Eve from Adam, even if we bonded over cigars by the break of daylight - because the context (environment, clothing/appearances, etc.) all changed.


    I have kids come up to me at the store to say hello, kids I teach in Sunday School (class of 10, same girls for the past 4 years).  I've learned to always smile and engage, but inside it takes me hours, sometimes days, to know who the heck they are and where I know them from.


    Like you, I do make it a point to cheer on all the kids my own kids play/train with. But I have to keep a laminated cheat sheet in my bag with their names and jersey numbers. Kids we've played with for 7 years I still don't "know" if they're not on the field, wearing their jersey. The kids roll with it; I'm the scorekeeper and they've learned to inform me when they buy new cleats or a new bat LOL.


    But for people who don't know me as well, I can imagine how hurtful it must be to feel ... I guess unnoticed? is the word ... to feel that others are indifferent to you?  I think we've all experienced that at some point and I try to be sensitive to it. Even in high school I was the one calling everybody "love" or "honey" :lol: people find that just as annoying, but it seems to feel less personal to them!



    Yes, thank you.  At every meet, there are score sheets or booklets that have all the girls' names in them, so...

  6. Here K graduation was already a thing in '84. I know because I had to make the stupid mortarboards. It was obvious that it was already well established by then. Ours was pretty much: put the hat on, sing songs, eat cake. I didn't like it because my spec ed kids knew they were repeating K. 



    I was in K '83-'84 (please, don't do the math).  I definitely did "graduate." I remember the little paper capes and my picture.  But then I didn't "graduate" from anything else until 12th.


    I keep seeing all these big things on FB.  Many of my friends have kids almost the exact same ages, and I saw a bunch of 6th grade "dance" pics!  I was kind of surprised.  Mine thinks boys are an alien species still.

  7. So, would you recommend for my third grader whose never had any type of formal spelling, to start with her grade level?



    If she has never had any formal spelling, I agree to start with her grade level.  My girls had had a good bit of spelling beforehand.

  8. Count me in!  I was also hoping for something far more embarrassing, but I struggle too.  I have gotten a lot better, but if I am extremely stressed (say, not sleeping for a few days) and I'm triggered, I BLOW like crazy.  I hate it so much.   :grouphug:  Usually I can steer away from it by exhaling hard, shifting it into unintelligible mumbling, or bleeping myself out.  It's definitely a long process.

    • Like 1
  9. It looks good to me? I'm not an expert though ;).


    'The' is an adjective describing the widow. Articles are adjectives. Here it is answering the question 'which one'. We use CLE for LA.



    Hey Jennifer!  This is apparently the CLE answer key.  I use R&S and agreed with it.  I'm not an expert either. ;)

  10. I use the grammar and spelling and really love both.  I use the spelling a grade level ahead because the 2nd grade one was so easy.  My girls have handled it well, but all kids are different.  I agree that 6-8 spelling really kicks it up and teaches a lot of valuable things.

  11. Aaaaah... I would visit every single MLB stadium.  And I'd have awesome seats because I'd only need one ticket.  My house would be a library.  I'd eat a lot of sushi that somebody else made for me.  I'd probably be a well-known regular at a local sushi place.  I would HAVE a local sushi place.  I would probably have at least one kitty, but I like Wendy's suggestion of a litter box cleaner. I'd have a house cleaner too to keep my allergies at bay.  

    • Like 1
  12. I think you probably felt insulted because after all this time, it makes sense to assume that the other moms know your dd's name.


    It's hard for me to know what to think, because I have a neighbor who always calls one neighborhood kid by the wrong name. It's close to the actual name, but it's definitely wrong. She is definitely not doing it to be snotty. She has even apologized to the kid for it.


    OTOH, I know another woman who intentionally calls people the wrong names if she doesn't like them, because she wants to be insulting and act like she is so important that she can't even be bothered to remember their names. (Seriously -- she told me she does this! :eek:)


    So.... I don't know whether or not I would be insulted because I don't know the woman. I would definitely have been annoyed about it but I wouldn't have let her know, but I would have made a joke out of how she could have known Rebecca for all this time and still called her Rachel, just to see how she responded.


    Did you correct her about the name, or did it happen so fast that you didn't get a chance to say anything? This seems like it may have been one of those situations where you let it go at the time, but think about it afterward and wish you had said something about it.


    She actually said it to Rebecca, not me.  Rebecca did politely correct her.


    I'm a Rebecca, but I go by Becca now.  When I went by Rebecca, I frequently got called Rachel by mistake.


    I find that I usually remember kids' names more easily than their parents' names, perhaps because I often hear the parents calling the kids by their names, but most of the kids just call their parents "Mom" or "Dad".


    That is so funny - my Rebecca is a Becca too!  We have called her that since she was born, but I have asked, and she wants to be called Rebecca at the gym, have that on her backpack, etc.

    • Like 1
  13. I wouldn't be insulted for the name thing alone - I'm terrible at remembering names, though I do try really hard. I have to chant them to myself for a long time after I meet someone, use the name as much as possible when speaking to the person and I still forget sometimes. And, my neighbor, after 9 years of living across from us, still calls me Amber instead of Amanda constantly. 


    However, gym moms can be notoriously horrible to each other and to other gymnasts in the group. Is your DD one of the better gymnasts in her level? I was regularly appalled at some of the things parents would say to me about gymnasts and their families - especially the ones that were the best in the group. Or the worst for that matter - the ones in the middle of the pack were spared a bit, but gym moms can be nasty creatures. I would see them cheering to themselves at meets when teammates of their child fell or stumbled, nothing loud or obvious, but I'd catch it if I were looking. Claims of favoritism were rampant and snarky comments too. We did our best to manage the worst offenders, but it's tough. I feel your pain!!


    I make a very concerted effort to not brag about this, KWIM? But the fact is, yes, she is one of the better girls.



    I didn't recognize my neighbor of 13 years in a Walgreens one day. I'd only ever seen her in her yard. She was in the wrong place! I was visibly sick, so. Hope she gave me a pass.



    One of the jokes about gymnasts is that nobody recognizes them with their hair down!

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