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Posts posted by Mommy22alyns

  1. If she loved her kids so much, she would have put aside her anti-government beliefs to get her son treatment and pain med for his horrific burn. Or brought them somewhere they could recover comfortably when they all had e. Coli or whatever it was. Or gotten her son treatment when he had a scalp laceration almost down to the bone. You don't just ignore stuff like that if you love your children.




  2. I just laughed, because it really was very good. Williams Brothers and chicken, can't go wrong, unless you're DS11 and hate barbecue. :zombie:



    You get big points for that.  :)  If I have spent time on a meal or dish, I get rather snippy when it's insulted in word or deed.  That said, just reading this in a detached manner, it seemed like a very "guy" thing to say.  ;)

    • Like 2
  3. I'm asking a legit question, so please don't jump on me, but does anyone else find it rather odd that they have iphones and expensive cameras but they aren't even bathed regularly?

    • Like 11
  4. Beaches (During Wind Beneath My Wings)

    Stella (at the end when she's looking through the window)

    Titanic (when she jumps back on the boat)

    Steel Magnolias (when she loses it after the funeral)


    Both Stella and Steel Magnolias became ugly cry movies after I had the girls.

  5. Yes, I dislike Mother's Day at church.  It's fine at home with the cards and lunch if they remember.


    But church.  UGH.  I do what I do because I do it.  I'm not anything more special than millions of other mothers, and of course there are plenty of wonderful people in the world who are not mothers.


    And then all of the rhetoric about honoring our mothers.  My mother was a violent, disturbed individual who tormented me until the very end.  I have no interest in honoring that sort of person, mother or not.


    And yes, DH is perfectly capable of managing without me, and has done so for weeks at a time when I was away dealing with eldercare issues.  OK, maybe he didn't mop the kitchen floor the whole time, but they ate 3 meals and wore clean clothes every day.  And he did a bunch of home projects that needed doing that I'm not capable of.  Sounds like shared responsibility to me!



    This is where Mother's Day (and Father's Day) can miss me.  NO, not everyone had a saintly, awesome, inspiring, loving, wonderful mother.  

    • Like 2
  6. The girls get lip gloss and nail polish. We're very hit or miss with those. I wear makeup to church or out shopping, and I do so because I feel better in it. When the girls turn 13, we'll go get some light makeup. I wear natural, neutral tones, and while they are young, I will steer them that way. It's not a huge deal, just something pretty and fun.

  7. Interestingly enough, one "Tweeter" collected photos of white people rioting. There were many of them and they mostly had to do with sporting events, you know, like Penn State students rioting over Paterno's firing for protecting a pedophile. The rioters were mostly young people and they were burning cars and destroying property. I was wondering if anyone was calling those kids animals and asking where their parents were?

    FWIW, I would, but I'm only one person.


    I just fail to see any justification whatsoever for these kinds of actions. Is this really the lesson we want to teach our kids? If you get mad enough and if people do mean things to you, it's okay to steal and destroy property? My mind is boggled.

    • Like 4
  8. I have been using IEW theme writing with both of my girls last year and this year.  I watched most of TWSS on my own and walked them through last year. This year, they've become mostly independent.  I go over the assignment with them and check each stage (which doesn't take long).  I plan to keep using IEW theme through the next two years, so it'll take ODD up to high school years.  Then I will likely do WWS 1&2 with YDD for 7th and 8th.

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