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Everything posted by jenbrdsly

  1. Have you checked through all the articles on the SENG website? That was most helpful to me. I also have a gifted page on my blog that might help.
  2. This is what I do with my kids for reading. Welcome to Hive!
  3. There's going to be some spiraling and embedded review as he moves up, so I wouldn't worry too much.
  4. Did my last post come out in really small font or is it just like that on my screen?
  5. We usually sign up for Dreambox for a month, every few months or so. When we do, I let my DS7 play it as much as he wants with (almost no restrictions). He usually plays it heavily for the first week, lightly for the second, and then not at all for weeks 3 and 4. The progression has changed a bit over the years because they added a bunch of new content. It does seem that there is embedded review and spiraling content, so I wouldn't worry about your child "missing" something. Now if you were a homeschooling family using Dreambox as your primary math program, that would be different. But you are just talking about preK right? When my son was 4 he was doing Horizons first grade math (which is not a program I would recommend by the way.) So if your son is doing Dreambox 1st grade, that makes total sense to me.
  6. Yes! This isn't a colonial example, but even Abraham Lincoln's own mother couldn't read.
  7. YES! I'm an Afterschooling mom and former ps teacher. I believe that teachers have a lot to learn from Homeschool parents and vice versa.
  8. What about the Duggars? I'm still wondering how the mom could adequately be homeschooling all 19 kids and taking care of a high needs infant at the same time. The sons seem equipped to go off into the real world and start businesses, but what about the girls?
  9. Yikes! It sounds like you made the right decision Jade. Now that I'm not going to cloud your judgment at all... I have very strong opinions about Doug Wilson.
  10. I taught first grade for two years. 6-year-olds do nutty things all the time. That doesn't mean that they are budding psychopaths. It means that the part of their brain that masters impulse control hasn't fully developed yet. I agree with the other posters that this is a serious enough issue to progress to "in writing" and "with the principal involved". :grouphug:
  11. Welcome to Hive! Here are a few ideas: Fidget toys for him to use while you are trying to teach something. A stamp book. (This might just work for a week or two.) An exercise ball for him to sit on while you teach him something. Tape a labyrinth on your carpet and have him walk it before you start lessons.
  12. A lot of the threads about the new forum have mentioned that PHP is a business, that they pay a lot of money for the forum, and that the community of message board members helps support PHP. But what I've haven't seen specifically mentioned is how blogs help support PHP too. This forum already helps bloggers a lot. I would like to see more readily accessible ways for bloggers to help support PHP in return. Right now if I blog about my kids enjoying SOTW I'm likely to include the Amazon Affiliate Link instead of linking back to PHP. That's not because I'm mercenary; it's because it costs money to blog and I try to break even. I wish there was a way that I could link back directly to PHP instead of Amazon, but still get that 10 cent commission. If PHP ended up starting a program for bloggers like AAS has, that would be awesome. A more basic idea would be for the PHP website to have a special link called "For Bloggers". It could include thumbnail tags of different shapes that bloggers could put on their blog just to be supportive. I might not to choose to include an advertisement like that for free on my blog all the time, but I definitely would sometime. But please make it easier for me to help! Since normally you aren't allowed to talk about the forums on the forum, this is finally a chance to share. I bet other bloggers out there have some ideas about this too. I know there are a lot of bloggers out there who are passionate about education, inspired by SWB and JW, and who are willing to help support PHP no matter what forum technology you use.
  13. It took me a while to figure out how to reply on the new forum. I guess I'm not a very gifted "doer". :) I'm wondering if that article/video about "is your child gifted" that was on yahoo this week might be what triggered that mean comment Runningmom. That's the only thing I can think of.
  14. Whoa. I'm wondering if those bloggers are concerned at all about copyright violation. They could be in hot water, even though they aren't making any money off of it.
  15. Thank you all for the help (especially when I really needed it.) Here's the final result: That's not a zombie; it's a sleep deprived parent.
  16. There could be hundreds of legitimate reasons to afterschool a child in math who was also doing math at school. I think it is awesome that this mom cares enough about her step child that she is willing to be so thoughtful and dedicated. My personal opinion is that this mom who is brand new to Hive should have been treated with more kindness.
  17. I don't think you are a tiger mom! I think you are a really caring step mom who is going above and beyond the call of duty. I think your problem is with Saxon Math. Saxon has a reputation for having "a lot". For afterschooling, it can be better to try something more condensed, like SM. Or, you could try Dreambox math, and that would take you of the equation. Why not take a break from workbooks altogether and try geoboards? That could be a good transition back into a happy place for everyone. I've got some ideas on my blog right here. It will just look like "fun", not math.
  18. This is what I do with my preschooler (when she feels like it).
  19. I've read all three books several times, and seen the movie twice. :)
  20. Flog me. Flail me. Send me into the arena. I'm horrible at crafting polls! So sorry for the confusion! :tongue_smilie:(I'm the OP.) Thank you everyone for responding though. I had written something about The Hunger Games recently, but also mentioned Ayn Rand at the same time. I heard some strong responses, which is why I wondered if I was off base. I'd be happy for my kids to read any of it at the right age and with a responsible person discussing it with them. I just don't feel right about my seven year old reading whatever when nobody's looking.
  21. Me too. Somebody else start the poll because I'm obviously a horrible pollster. :lol:
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