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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I'm so sorry. May he rest in peace. :grouphug:
  2. wow. Thank you for sharing this with all of us. :grouphug:
  3. yes, that price is common around here too. I once wanted to go get my hair colored/cut at a salon--- was shocked at the pricetag!! I now have a friend who does it in her home. I spend less than $50 for a cut and color. If she stopped I'd start coloring it myself at home and getting it cut at great clips or something.
  4. :grouphug: I have no words but you must be amazing mom to fight through. That sounds like my parents, although my dad is working for financial reasons. I think secretly he's glad. He's be bored to tears and it's hard on him being the primary caregiver for my mom anyway.
  5. I love my toaster oven. In fact, we didn't have a micro until about 2 yrs ago when we re-did the kitchen and added one. We've had several over the years and I'm not brand conscience. I just know I need one big enough to fit a plate in for practical use.
  6. I'm really enjoying everyone's perspective on this. We all have such different experiences.
  7. Exactly. My mom is in her early 70s and she's physically worse off than both my MIL (mid 80s) and my FIL (101). She is in constant pain and makes sure everyone knows about it. She's miserable and the only topic of conversation is how bad she feels. She can't get out very well, she uses either a walker or one of those electric chairs. She's quite lonely and depressed. Of course, I guess I could say it's all about attitude, but then again, I'm not in chronic pain so I have no idea what it must be like to live that way. I just know I don't want to end up like that.
  8. We have several of those at our church and the directions we've put out is 1/2 heaping cup of coffee for every 10 cups water... then add another 1/2 cup heaping or two to make it a bit stronger.
  9. Yes, I agree. Area rugs are cheaper and easier to replace When I buy w2w I never buy a single color unless it is brown. My other w2w (at the old house) was a marbly Berber. It never showed stains or dirt. At the new house the previous owner put white carpeting in upstairs. Ugh. But we'll live with it until it looks gross and then switch to something more practical.
  10. yes, I agree. I may have an opinion but I don't have much of a choice. ;)
  11. I'm not going to make it a poll or anything, but it's something very much on my mind. I've never really seen the appeal of living to be 100 or beyond. Too many of my friends and family will most likely die before me - perhaps even some of my children. Also, as a Christian, I don't want to stay here forever. I want to go to my heart's True Home. I have no desire to stay an extra long time... heck I'd be happy if God sees fit to take me in my 60s. Honestly. So, I'd love to know what the appeal is of living to 100. Especially since I know some people who are living a long time and their life isn't all that peachy. I know the news likes to tout out the centenarians who are still very active, but I honestly think they are the exception and not the rule. I volunteer for hospice so I'm around older people a lot. Granted, they are older people who are sick and in hospice. But, My FIL will turn 102 this year. He was very active, both mentally and physically, up until his mid 90s. He would play chess against grandmasters and win! He swam 3x per week. Definitely no couch potato. But, since his mid 90's he has been slipping - mostly mentally. He now just sits in front of the tv being cared for by his wife and round the clock nurses. Another friend is in her mid-late 80's. She's another very active person. She lived on the 11th floor of her apartment but would almost always take the stairs. She led Bible studies and was a leader at her church. She's dealing with dementia. She remembers less and less each time I visit her and her world is shrinking.
  12. I thought this piece was appropriate to our topic: Why I love Carpet I've been thinking the same thing throughout this discussion but couldn't quite put it into words.
  13. I know that carpets aren't more clean the hardwood floors - that goes without saying.. But they are more comfortable and it doesn't show the dirt as easily. I can't imagine what might be seeping through the cracks between the planks and what the subflooring must look like. And I won't scratch the carpet when I step on a piece of dirt, etc. ;) At least with carpets I can wait a week (or two :tongue_smilie:) between cleanings. And I don't have to go back and then mop them afterward too :D My hardwood floors are real hardwood floors, not pergo.
  14. I actually have a few area rugs, but one isn't big enough - it's 9x11 or something. The other one is in the tv room. It does help. I need bigger carpet though. Yes, I've thought about putting w2w over the wood floors. Do they still do that? Wouldn't that raise up the whole floor by a few inches though?
  15. The plan is to get a big area rug for the family room. It's going to be around 16x12, so I'm thinking a remnant. I hope it will be enough. Right now we're trying to get the old house on the market so all my energy (and $$) is going in that direction.
  16. The only plus is that since the previous owner put it in I don't have to feel like I'm wasting our money to rip it out and put in carpeting. I was thinking I'd do it in a few years, but now my back hurts all the time and I don't know how much longer I can hold out.
  17. There. I've gotten that off my chest. The previous owners put wood floors on the entire first floor. It's cold, echoey, and uninviting (we also have a cathedral ceiling). My feet and back hurt. I need to sweep or vaccum 2x per week to keep the dust bunnies and dirt at bay. I like to go barefoot in the house and I like to sit on the floor when I'm working on a project. I can't do either of these ANYWHERE downstairs. I know, I know, I'm probably in the minority. Everyone is supposed to love wood floors. Its the "in" thing. But, I don't care. I hate THIS much wood flooring. Thanks for letting me vent.
  18. Amber and Melissa...those are beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing your talents.
  19. I wove two scarves from the same warp. One is for dd's school silent auction and one is for ??? :confused: I'll save it for a while to figure out who gets it. I didn't get a picture of the first scarf, but I'll try to get one of the other. I still have more warp on the loom from this project. I must have miscalculated. But, I had to cut off the two scarves because the project was due on Monday and I was already late :001_huh:
  20. wow, I had no idea. I must have left before it got bad. I remember having some good conversations there where people strongly disagreed. I don't remember any banning... wow.
  21. It so wonderful you have spotted this. My teenager was dx with depression at 15 and she said she'd been feeling that way for 6 years! I felt like a horrible mother. How could I not notice my girl was so sad? How could I be so oblivious? It had to get to the point where it was nearly a crisis for me to see. :grouphug: I hope you get some good answers from the doctors. Praying for you.
  22. We've had two with knee pain over the years. One was dx with Runner's knee (no injury -it's common in girls too) and the other is because of the way he's walking. We have an appt. with the podiatrist next week for him. It could be anything so it's good you're taking her in.
  23. I do remember the name. It's been so long. Is that you? Since we're talking about some oldies but goodies. Did anyone ever use to go to the Titus2 forums back in the early days of AOL? I think there may have been another homeschooling one there too, but I don't remember the name.
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