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Everything posted by BlueTaelon

  1. Get the blood test then do the diet
  2. I havent been happy with the king arthur stuff I have tried and its twice the price.
  3. dd7 had 4 extractions yesterday morning under GA (Office sedation did not work at all). Both baby canines due to to crowding (consulted with orthodontist before allowing) and I'm guessing her 2nd year molars on the bottoms due to abscesses, the infection ate away the roots;( (We've been trying to get this taken care of since Dec but kept having to reschedule due to illness, had to fight to get it done yesterday since she's getting over a cold, she's on like day 10 and still has a runny nose and minor cough). She's never well more then 1-2 days since starting B&M:( She had huge clots in the sites on the left side of her mouth on top and bottom, like bigger then the tooth they extracted. Bottom fell out about 2am which freaked her out but it looks kinda smooth now with mix of blood and white stuff, I'm guessing its still draining more even though they said they cleaned out the abscesses. The canine site on top she lost when she sneezed about an hour ago, it looks like its got fresh blood pooling but you can see some of the wound. Sites on the other side of her mouth look fine. Do I need to be worrying that the clot came off or is it just likely the sheer size caused it to come off of the top but leaves the actual important clot intact? She's also having a fair amount of pain this morning and is needing both Tylenol and Motrin, waiting for the Motrin to kick in still and have her eating ice cream and using a cold pack on her face. I've had a number of extractions and with the exceptions of my wisdom teeth I didn't need any pain killers beyond the 1st day unless I had a dry socket. Its a weekend and the dentist office recording says not to call unless its an actual emergency which this is not so I can't call and ask. Its pretty stupid imo for surgery to be done on Fridays but no medical advice available after until Monday.
  4. Yep betty crocker rocks:) If you go on their website you can make a ton of stuff from that yellow cake mix. Im a good GF baker and even I grab the stuff for when I need something fast because its good. We love the chocolate for cake:) The Bisquick rocks too if your ever needing GF pancakes, crusts or flour for dredging while having GF company.
  5. Can I add to my vent? I just spent 6 hours at the hospital clinic for the worst leg pain I have ever had. It appears that yesterday I pulled a calf muscle while digging in the bowels of my car looking for leaking break fluid. This morning I had a sudden sharp pain unlike anything I had ever felt that lasted several minutes. It kept happening every time I move around so I went in, lucky me has low magnesium or potassium again and it was causing muscle cramping including that pulled muscle. By the time I finished picking up some groceries my whole lower body was cramping up:( I've had this happen quite a few times over the years so I know to take both until we get the labs back to see which to push but man it sucks. I haven't had cramping this bad since I went into labor! I picked up dd7 from school on the way home and my little darling has the flu, she's scheduled for her surgery next Friday which was already rescheduled from last time because she was sick! Also kicking myself because I haven't had the money to restock on cold and flu meds and I can't remember where I saw a bag of cough drops hiding and I think were out of ocillo:(
  6. Dont places automatically go month to month when the lease expires? I've never needed to resign a lease after it expires unless there was a change in rent.
  7. ok ladies, in light of my venting I found something positive cause dwelling on the crap just invites more crap ya know?, tonight I made a pork roast for dinner, I suck at making them TBH but tonights was awesome and leftovers shredded beautifully for shredded tacos tomorrow. Even both kids really liked it:) I found out one of my fav 80's movie is now on DVD so when my VHS copy bites the dust I can get a dvd copy:) The mechanic called about my breaks, he can't find a darn thing wrong. Best guess is since I was parking I was probably on autopilot and had killed the engine but hadn't fully turned the key to off when the car started down the hill (at which point I was focused on trying to stop the car and not the engine state) so the master cylinder wasn't able to create enough vacuum to work the breaks. Best part? No charge:) Only thing in the whole engine he found was was the air intake into the turbo was loose enough to fall off which he tightened for me:) My step dad is giving me a ride into town tomorrow to pick my baby up:)
  8. *hugs* I was reading and thinking "Hey! Don't I know her from MDC?" lol:) Have you put in an app for income based housing else where? I totally get the aspie, OCD, attitude thing, not sure dd13 is going to survive into adulthood at the rate she's going. My mother LOVES to say "she's just like you were!" ummm no mom, she's way worse, I didn't have autism or OCD. I had to laugh about your wanting a husband, I've never had one but I have had long term relationships and to me they seemed like having another kid to take care of. Do men actually step up and help? All I see are women complaining about how awful their DH's are. I have decided I need a wife, at least they are known for taking care of whats needed lol:) May we both have better luck soon:)
  9. I am trying not to lose it here and start crying, its been one thing after another for 4 months and the tax return which was supposed to last through the year is GONE, car repair ended up costing 2x what I was expecting, had a whole bunch of expenses I wasn't expecting. My breaks failed while driving and I'm waiting for the shop to call to tell me the damage and I got a shut off notice for the electric with a week to get the money together and all the agencies are out of funds since it appears everyone else on the winter moratorium got their shut off notices before I did. I've worked 1 day in the past 4 months, first because the car died then dd13 went off the deep end and I had to stay with her non stop due to self harm and run away worries. She's finally stable and I got to go to work for a whopping 4 hours on Tuesday and was scheduled for today and had to call my boss and say sorry! car's broke. Its a wonder I haven't been fired. We have lots of meat but thats about it, no fruits or veggies and no money to buy more but its not like we have a car to get to the store which is half hour away! dd7 is acting like a spoiled brat throwing major tantrums when she doesn't get her way and I don't come at her beck and call or do what she wants instantly. She's been home from school today due to the failed car breaks and its been a very very very long day with her. It kills me but she will be on the 6:30am school bus tomorrow, I can't handle another day like this. I'm tired of freezing my butt off in this house, utilities were over $400 last month and we still froze. I want to be able to take a dang shower daily for all of us but we have a crappy water heater which gives us 17min of hot water a day, 32 if mixed with cold. I was just told that water heater is probably why we have such high bills and it the bathroom is so drafty it takes the space heater an hour to get the temp up to 60F in the bathroom when it can heat a room twice that size in 15 minutes. I'm tired of not being able to afford to pay for the Dr's we need, I'm tired of being tired and flat out emotionally and physically exhausted all the time. I keep trying and things just get worse. I can't remember the last time I did something nice or fun for me or the kids, there just isn't money. Praying we get into the low income apts in the city next month which would at least solve the majority of our money problems and I could at least take the bus to the grocery store if not ride my bike.
  10. Still waiting for the truck that was supposed to be here 40 min ago. Think I found the problem, missing a break vacuum line if I'm right. I can see where its supposed to go and both ports are leaking break fluid.
  11. Yep, they tow from home! In CA they won't so I was worried they wouldn't up here. Truck should be here in about an hour.
  12. Breaks failed as I was pulling in at home. Will they tow from here or do I need to move it a block down? Any idea what could cause a temporary break failure? Weather and roads were fine and they started working again after turning off the car and restarting it a min later but I'm not about to do more then move it down the street after that failure. You have to take long windy mountain roads that will kill you if you go off the road taking a curve to fast, not to mention the billions of trees to hit.
  13. The past 4 months have been straight from you know where, Tuesday I FINALLY got to go to work for the 1st time in almost 4 months because of everything going on. Wednesday I got to learn what total break failure while driving feels like. Were all ok but really?! Its been one thing after another and my stress levels are through the roof:( I had the breaks checked a month ago when I had my rotors turned (front) and replaced (rear) and they were fine. Break fluid is fine, engine warnings that popped up when the breaks failed are gone now and I'm having the car towed but its like something is actively working to keep my butt at home which is bad because if I don't work the electric is going to get shut off.
  14. *hugs* dd7 was born with facial difference and it was very very obvious when she was born, she looked like a stroke victim with half her face melted including her left eye. I really struggled with it and people did not help with the stares and everyone felt the need to ask if she was in a car accident for a year after her 1st surgery. Now at 7 it doesn't seem to bother her but I am always worried about her getting teased over it. Kids can be downright cruel, thankfully we've only had a problem with teasing once and it was by another older child who was being teased in school for looking different and she was taking it out on dd. I wish I had advice for you, I just acted like everything was normal and explained she had a stroke if they asked. It was the kids everywhere constant asking "whats wrong with her face" that got to me:(
  15. Its normal and the beans are fine:)
  16. Thank you for asking this OP, this is something I have trouble with and reading the responses helped me to understand whats going on. I am terrible with faces and names. If I can't pick out a feature to go with the voice I can't recognize the person.
  17. Not the OP but having a DUH! moment, thank you for posting this, I've got 2 high histamine kids and it never occurred to me to limit high histamine foods. I'm going to start tracking behavior and see if I can match it to histamine content. Were actually rechecking whole blood histamine soon to see whats going on and start supplements to bring down the levels. It will be interesting to see if dietary changes help. We went paleo and we saw a rapid improvement but looking at the lists of high histamine foods it also removed some of our staple foods like canned beans which are high histamine and I know at least 1 kid loses it after eating canned refried beans. How long did it take to see a response? Online it says about 4 weeks is average? oyy... this last week has been extra difficult with dd7 and I'm looking at the foods list and she's been eating almost pure high histamine foods. Why do I always learn this stuff AFTER I've spent all the grocery money for the month? I'll be sure to track behavior with meals:)
  18. Thats my thought too, at least if I know its coming I'll know that in year xyz I'll need to plan on braces in the budget even if that means thats where the tax return goes. At the very least I plan the budget 1 year ahead with a general idea of the next couple years of whats coming up.
  19. Not when you need to do GA in a hospital.
  20. I wish, this state doesn't even want Medicaid period. Thank you for the idea! I actually called an Orthodontist who has tons of positive reviews on line and she's scheduled for a 1 hour consult 3 days before surgery. They are getting the panoramic xray from the dentist and will do another one in the office if needed. The consult is complementary:) They sounded wayyyyy more child friendly and what I would want from a dentist in general.
  21. We have Medicaid which we are looked down upon in this state for having at certain places, the dentist is one of them. They were very clear and rude IMO about their feelings about people on Medicaid and that they are only reimbursed 40% and have to write off the rest. There is only 1 dentist within 1.5hrs who will take a child on Medicaid over age 5 that can do sedation dentistry. Were kinda stuck with him and I DO NOT LIKE HIM. He's rude, overbearing and completely dismissive. He wouldn't even explain exactly what he plans on doing to my dd7, I recognized a lot of the coding he was telling his nurse but I asked for an explanation and wasn't given one and was flat out told my child was uncontrollable and off the charts with anxiety and basically told it was my fault and I should just allow them to papoose her and get to work which I refuse to do. (dd has a long history of the "caine" numbing stuff not working on her and I didn't believe they would stop if she said she felt it) I told them I was concerned there low level of sedation is unlikely to work which is didn't (they had a fit at what our old dentist used which they claimed way far to strong and dangerous to use in a clinic setting but its whats normally used in CA), we've BTDT and they are unhappy they needed to schedule GA in a hospital after she totally flipped out on their sedation/gas stuff. We've BTDT too, dentists are the 1 Dr that scares dd to death. I'd be scared to death too if strangers just started shoving things in my mouth that hurt and refused to listen to me or my mother who told them bite blocks to painful for her because of structural birth defects. The whole experience has been a nightmare with them. The problem is dd7 has 2 abscesses that need to be taken care of, we've been doing the antibiotics thing for going on 3 months trying to get the extractions done. If not for those I would just walk away and wait until we could see someone better. Anyway this has just been rubbing me the wrong way and it can't be undone once done and I'd like some opinions. dd7 has teeth overcrowding, she doesn't have room for the remaining adult teeth to come in once the last of the baby teeth fall out and he's planning on pulling several teeth and not just 1 or 2, most of which are adult teeth I think in addition to the abscessed ones because..... were on Medicaid and he doesn't think I'll be able to afford braces when she's a teen. Yes, because I'm on friggin Medicaid NOW he wants to pull the teeth to help avoid the braces "I won't be able to afford when she's older" yeah... Begin upset angry mother. She's already had several teeth pulled due to decay and her mouth is crowded still. Before we started treating her blood disorder at 5 her teeth were a mess due to enamel defects, the decay stopped pretty much as soon as we started addressing the blood issue and for the 1st time in her life she had a clean dental check up 6 months after. 2 years later and this is the 1st time she's needed a dentist, he didn't say anything about cavities, just the abscesses and we need to replace the crown holding a spacer and remove one spacer because there is no adult tooth to come in, its missing. I only know this because I heard him talking to the nurse. This just doesn't sit right with me to pull those teeth! How much do braces cost? I'm assuming braces are not a huge sudden emergency and something I could cover out of a tax return if needed. Teeth are one thing I don't know a lot about, I know how to take care of them, brush, floss, ect but seriously, pulling them? Am I right to be wary? dd was scheduled for surgery Friday but she's still got a junky wet cough from that croup thing so they rescheduled to the end of the month and I'm kinda glad so I can research this more. I'm thinking, pull the abscessed teeth, replace that spacer if need be, remove the spacer not needed since its a pain as food gets stuck in it and causes pain and leave the rest of the teeth ALONE and were deal with braces if we need to when the time comes.
  22. I'm actually searching recipes online. Crockpot takes planning and what I had thawed and ready was not crockpot friendly like ground turkey. Pulling out a chicken from the freezer though and found a chili recipe I can make if I cook the turkey at my moms today.
  23. Finally heard back from him, he never even checked his phone for my text or VM. He just noticed he had a missed call from me and called me to see if I needed something and hadn't even listened to the VM. His dad who lives about 30 min from here will come by this evening to look at it. My mom boiled a bunch of eggs for us this morning and I can go back this afternoon to cook up some stuff to get some meals in the fridge that we can just reheat. This morning was meal #2 off the diet and it was a rough morning with the kids, felt so bad for dd7, she just totally melted down and was in tears over a wrinkle in her sock in her boot. She was actually upset about it. I wasn't sure she was benefiting from the diet like dd13 and I are but wow, to see that much difference an hour after eating and I'm back to feeling like I have a cold/flu thing going on due to inflammation. Hoping to have us back to paleo by dinner:)
  24. Bank called, the service fee has been refunded and they changed it to a free checking account although they still acted like it was a glitch and I shouldn't have been getting free checking all these years. I know what I signed up for and it wasn't $12mo checking.
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