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Everything posted by Kareni

  1. I'm happy to share the course descriptions I wrote for my daughter. If interested, send me a personal message with your email address. Regards, Kareni
  2. Wishing you well, Ottakee, as you move forward. Nice job with your first post. Regards, Kareni
  3. Some bookish posts ~ Fans of the Aubrey/Maturin books by Patrick O'Brien might be interested in this series of posts from 2010 by Jo Walton when she reread the series: RE-READING PATRICK O’BRIAN’S AUBREY-MATURIN SERIES “Not a moment to be lost”: Patrick O’Brian’s Aubrey-Maturin series by Jo Walton https://www.tor.com/2010/10/04/not-a-moment-to-be-lost-patrick-obrians-aubrey-maturin-series/or Friday Five: 5 Fantastic Gardens https://www.pornokitsch.com/2015/01/friday-five-5-fantastic-gardens.html#more Bookmark: 12 cheery books to bring you out of the winter doldrums http://www.startribune.com/bookmark-12-cheery-books-to-bring-you-out-of-the-winter-doldrums/506176252/ Fran Wilde Science Fiction, Journaling, and Travels through China https://www.tor.com/2019/03/01/science-fiction-journaling-and-travels-through-china/ Regards, Kareni
  4. Okay, that sounds far more reasonable. Regards, Kareni (who currently has 15 books from one library, three books from a second library, one inter-library loan from a third library, one borrowed e-book, and you-really-don't-want-to-know how many Kindle books)
  5. Last July I read and enjoyed a book so requested the second book in the series via inter-library loan. I think my request was lost for a time, but the book arrived at last. This series is very much Horatio Hornblower in space complete with cutlasses, space suits, and cat o' nine tails. I zipped through the book and am now wondering how looking it will take to borrow book three. Mutineer (Alexis Carew Book 2) by J.A. Sutherland "Just as Midshipman Alexis Carew thinks she’s found a place in the Royal Navy, she’s transferred aboard H.M.S. Hermione. Her captain is a Tartar, free with the cat o' nine tails and who thinks girls have no place aboard ship. The other midshipmen in the berth are no better. The only advice she’s offered is to keep her head down and mouth shut – things Alexis is rarely able to do." Regards, Kareni
  6. Congratulations to those who have received happy news. My sympathy to those who have been disappointed; I hope that better news is on the horizon. And good wishes to those who wait...and wait. Regards, Kareni
  7. Some currently free books for Kindle readers ~ I liked this one: Past Crimes: A Compendium of Historical Mysteries by Ashley Gardner/Jennifer Ashley The Fifth Sense by Erik Nickerson The Bad Break: A Riley Ellison Mystery by Jill Orr Junkyard: (a Fractured Stars novella) by Lindsay Buroker Smallworld by Dominic Green Regards, Kareni
  8. A couple of suggestions ~ Bananagrams (similar to Scrabble but there is no board and everyone plays simultaneously) Fluxx (a card game in which the rules are consistently changing) Wise and Otherwise One person serves as reader and the other players write the endings to obscure sayings. The reader writes the actual ending to the saying and then reads aloud all the options. Players gain points when their ending is voted for. The reader gains points if no one votes for the correct ending. A prompt might be something such as: There's an Old Dutch saying. "In the land of blind men, ...." Highlight to see correct answer here: One Eye is king. We laugh a lot when playing this game. Regards, Kareni
  9. I'm another who has yet to make it through the first book. I may give it another try. That is neat! Here's hoping your new glasses will soon arrive. Only eight?! Enjoy your trip and happy reading. Regards, Kareni
  10. Some bookish posts ~ From the Word Wenches: What We're Reading in February https://wordwenches.typepad.com/word_wenches/ 10 OF THE BEST KNITTING BOOKS FOR BEGINNERS AND BEYOND https://bookriot.com/2019/02/25/best-knitting-books/ Any other Star Trek novel fans here? Two of my favourites are included in this list. Friday Five: 5 Noteworthy Pocket Books Star Trek Novels https://www.pornokitsch.com/2015/09/friday-five-noteworthy-pocket-books-star-trek-novels.html Regards, Kareni
  11. So glad to hear you're enjoying the series, LaughingCat. You are in the happy position of being able to read the first series of five books rather than having to wait a year or so between books. Then you get to move on to Lake Silence (new setting and characters) and Wild Country (out on Tuesday). [Then you can wait along with the rest of us for whatever comes next....] Regards, Kareni
  12. I found three five dollar bills once; I've also found the occasional receipt, boarding pass, bookmark, and tissue. I posted back in 2014 about my most intriguing find. I'll recopy the post here: "Today (20 June 2014) while browsing the old book section of a local thrift store, I found something nifty in an old logic book: A University of California, Schedule of Final Exams for April - May, 1915 It's ninety-nine years old and is in wonderful condition; it looks as though it could have been printed yesterday. It's about 11 by 12 inches in size and printed on both sides. So, some items of interest: The vast majority of exams were three hours long. (My husband who attended UCB in the seventies said that was true then as well.) To name just a few (amongst the hundreds listed), there were exams in: Civil Engineering Geology Hygiene Celtic Mining Greek Oriental Languages Mechanics Sanskrit Jurisprudence - X English - X Zoology - X Philosophy - X Chemistry Agriculture: Viticulture Domestic Art Latin (many, many sections) I've marked with an X the exams the owner of this paper was scheduled to take. The final exam for Subject A was scheduled for Monday, April 26, at 2:00pm. My husband said that Subject A was still offered when he attended and was commonly referred to as Bonehead English. My husband went looking for, and found, exam times for Professor Hildebrand's Chemistry classes. This professor who was teaching classes in 1914 was still a member of the department some sixty years later when my husband was there. And, no, we don't live in California. So this paper has done some traveling in both time and distance." Regards, Kareni
  13. Sending good thoughts for your father, Robin. Welcome back, Nan! Regards, Kareni
  14. I wonder if The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy might be a good possibility for you and your daughter. There are a host of sequels that my daughter sought out when she was a teenager. Others who have read The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison, please weigh in on this as a choice for moonflower if not for her daughter. (There is some pressing against social roles so perhaps not.) My daughter would have loved it at 13, but we're not at all conservative readers. Regards, Kareni
  15. I just finished a young adult novel (which you need not add to your list, @moonflower); I almost gave up on the book but persevered and ultimately found it an intriguing read. Matthew Quick's Every Exquisite Thing "Nanette O'Hare has played the quintessential privileged star athlete and straight-A student for as long as she can remember. But when a beloved teacher gives her his worn copy of The Bubblegum Reaper--a mysterious, out-of-print cult classic--the rebel within Nanette awakens. As the new and outspoken Nanette attempts to insert her true self into the world with wild abandon, she learns that rebellion can sometimes come at a high price...and with devastating consequences. " Regards, Kareni
  16. I believe I read this for a book group years ago (it feels like 100 Years ago....) My recollection is that it remained depressing. You have my permission to abandon it with abandon! Given that you read a quarter of the book, you can tell everyone you read 25 Years of Solitude. Regards, Kareni
  17. A bird, tapping tapping tapping.... Was it upon a midnight dreary? Were you pondering, weak and weary, over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore? If yes, it was likely a raven. Regards, Kareni
  18. Thank you for the kind wishes, tuesdayschild. And I'm glad the review did not disappoint! Regards, Kareni
  19. Recently I decided to resume adult literacy tutoring after a 16 year hiatus when one of my local libraries decided to begin a program. I need to start the sixteen hour online training. In the meantime I read New Readers Press' Teaching Adults: A Literacy Resource Book. While I wouldn't describe it as a scintillating read, it had some worthwhile information. Regards, Kareni
  20. You are quite welcome! I enjoy them, too. I thought of the Heyer mentions here when I saw this review today on the Dear Author site: REVIEW: Frederica by Georgette Heyer Regards, Kareni
  21. Some bookish posts ~ A Quiet Hero’s Journey: Processing Trauma in Fantasy ( @JennW in SoCal, One of the books discussed is The Goblin Emperor.) 6 Badass Female Time Travelers Who Get the Job Done https://www.tor.com/2019/02/20/female-time-travelers-methods-sci-fi-fantasy/comment-page-1/#comment-791394Adult A History of the American Public Library https://www.citylab.com/design/2019/02/american-public-library-history-cities-visual-journalism/582991/?utm_source=twb 10 “FROM THE LIBRARY OF” STAMPS FOR YOUR HOME BOOK COLLECTION https://bookriot.com/2019/02/22/from-the-library-of-stamps/ CORSETS AND CARRIAGES: 15 MUST-READ REGENCY ROMANCE NOVELS https://bookriot.com/2019/02/22/best-regency-romance-novels/ AN ATHEIST READS NARNIA https://bookriot.com/2019/02/22/an-atheist-reads-narnia/ 10 TERRIFIC DINOSAUR BOOKS FOR ADULTS https://bookriot.com/2019/02/23/dinosaur-books-for-adults/ Regards, Kareni
  22. I mentioned earlier about a new book by a favorite author. I just spent a happy few hours reading Anne Cleeland's Murder in Just Cause (The Doyle & Acton Mystery Series Book 9) "Doyle was back at Scotland Yard after taking maternity leave, and the powers-that-be had decided they’d ease her way by assigning her to assist DS Isabella Munoz, which was a fate only slightly worse than death.Annoying, it was, that she had to answer to Munoz; not to mention that Munoz wasn’t given many high-quality homicide assignments in the first place.As a case in point, the first assignment out of the box was a possible suicide at the housing projects, something that happened with such regularity that it was a wonder the responding officer had even thought it worthy of a detective’s notice. . . . " Regards, Kareni
  23. I have not. Thanks for the recommendation; I'm always happy to hear about a good game. Regards, Kareni
  24. Fans of Anne Cleeland's Acton and Doyle series might be interested to know that a new book has been released ~ ETA to correct: Murder in Just Cause: A Doyle & Acton Mystery (The Doyle & Acton Mystery Series Book 9) Some free books for Kindle readers: These two are LGBT: Tamara Allen's The Road to Silver Plume Tamara Allen's The Only Gold Fantasy: D. Bruce Cotton's Magician's Heir (Dark Mage Series Book 1) Regards, Kareni
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