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Everything posted by mrshomework

  1. I am currently doing SOTW but I would like to include some early american history for my dd this coming year. Any suggestions for curriculum? I would like to cover American Revolution, the Bill of Right, the Constitution, War of 1812, Wild West, and Civil War? Does anyone know of curriculums or workbooks to get some introduction into these subjects even unit studies but nothing too advanced. We read a few scholastic books for 1st but I would like to include a bit more detail or if something is out there that covers it all in one curriculum would be great? Any advice would be great thanks.
  2. I have a canon and refill my own ink using a kit I got on ebay. I payed less than $3 including shipping on black ink to test if it worked and it did. The ink works great. I have refilled my color and black ink about 3 times. I got a color refill kit at a local inksell it cost $ 15 and is of the same quality the ebay ink is. I have purchased used ink cartridges from ebay in the past but one time the cartridge ran out quick I read here how easy it was to refill and tried that. I know after so many refills you have to invest in a new cartridge but when you print eworkbooks it makes it so much cheaper. You can try to google "How to refill (whatever your ink cartridge number is)" and you can see if there is a video on youtube or an instuction sheet on how to refill you model. This will give you an idea if you can do it. The local walgreens also refills if you have one nearby.
  3. :iagree:I bought a used set of SL reader 2 package and it is great. I really like the booklist I got the older version from 2002 some of the books have changed from current list . In the current list some of the books I have for 2nd are in 3rd grade list now. I don't know why. I think they are totally approppriate for 2nd. ex. Secret Valley, Question of Yams, Riding pony express, Viking Adventures they are all on old 2nd grade pack. My dd really loves these and has no problem reading them.
  4. FLL is First Language Lessons it's a grammer program or that is how I see it. It is teacher intensive. It is very scripted. I like it. Dd loves it we used it in 1st and now are using it in 2nd grade. I think you can get some samples from Amazon or Story of the world home page. I think it's gentle and quick just 15-20 mins a day. I include GWG with it because it has more worksheet practice but I like the explanation and the repetition of the definitions of sentences, nouns, adjective, advebs, verbs, etc. that are required. I also like poem memorization. I am glad we use it.
  5. This is what I was looking for too. I am glad I saw the thread. I have been doing writing with ease but my daughter does well with workbooks too and wanted to get something like Winning with Writing she can do. I just heard of this and from the site it looks great and the price is affordable.
  6. I have never used HOD but I found this on another thread this maybe what your looking for In a previous thread a while back, someone mentioned First Spelling Book by Margaret Purcell. http://books.google.com/books?id=HU1...first+spelling Hope this helps.
  7. This is one of the problems I have the co-op would meet on mondays we do 4 days a week right now with friday being day off. DH is usually off every other friday and we usually end up doing some family thing or as it sometimes turns out house maintenance day. This would mean I would lose a monday and friday everyother week. Then like you stated it is a co-op where parents are part of it so I expect I will be taking time out to help with planning of some sort. This is still my big concern.
  8. I have never been a part of a co-op we have always done things on our own. I would not mind being a part of one but my fear is that we would fall behind on our schedule. The co-op would be for music, P.E. and writing class. I already have my curriculum planned out and I am happy with it so I am debating weather it will be beneficial of not. We don't have a park day because I live in a rural area. I want to give my only child a day to socialize more too so thought this would help? I am still waiting to hear from the Co-op board on more information I was just wondering what experiences have been with participating in a co-op? Thanks your input.
  9. We do about 4 hours a day 4 days a week we go year round but take breaks often. My dd loves to talk and ask questions and get off track; something we are trying to work on. I have to say in previous years we did lots of workbooks and we completed school work in 2 hours having switched to more TWTM method IMO I think takes more time. I don't mind I'm learning too.
  10. I am looking for a writing workbook for 2nd grade that will help dd writing; especially with putting ideas in order. Anyone have any good recommendations.
  11. We use both FLL2 and GWG2 I like the workbook style of GWG but the explanations of FLL we also use WWE2.
  12. Am I correct in understanding that if I have to choose one for right now which is 2nd grade grammer stage Earth & Science I should probably go with USborne. I can get Kingfisher later. You both mention middle school for Kingfisher -- do you think it's too advanced for a 7-8yr old? Thank you both for your responses.
  13. We liked FLL 1 and are doing FLL2 now but I add in Growing with Grammer 2 it's more workbook style but it covers same topics as FLL2 and it's pretty economical. I think. FLL requires more teacher involvement GWG is more independant work.
  14. I have been reseaching both and each has mixed reviews? I was also wondering if Usborne Internet linked Science is that different? If you had to pick one for a 2nd grade curriculum which would it be or do I really need to get both? Thank you for your responses.
  15. I am making cake or cupcake for next weekend any ideas how to freeze them? What to wrap it in-- pastic, aluminum, parchment, wax paper? Any experience so they stay fresh and moist? It's carrot cake. I plan to frost the day of but want to get started on baking either cake or cupcakes this weekend. I was wondering if one freezes better than the other? Thanks,
  16. I wanted to review this summer with Elemental Science Biology Lapbook. Can it be done in a few months? I definetly want to include reading.I wanted something fun for science review in the summer? Thanks
  17. Great information from all the contributors. My dd is just starting WWE 2 and this info helps in teaching it. Thanks
  18. I have a canon mp250 could you tell me the name of the ebay store you buy from.
  19. Do you drill the rules or do you require him to read for practice. dd (7) does not do very well sometimes with rules but she does read well. She know basic words when we get big words I get her to break up the word and try reading it. Sometimes she says the wrong sounds and I tell her to try again. I remind her of the rule. I don't know the programs that you are using I have used ETC and learning syllables rules seemed to help my daughter especially as the words get longer.
  20. I have a Canon Pixma MP250 I have been looking at ebay to buy a refilled cartride but many of the seller have a few bad reviews of cartridges being low on ink and just not working or ink quality is bad. I have never refilled this printer with ink I would be willing to buy a kit but what I remember about one I did a while back was the ink was water soluble if you spill something it runs and ruins you printout. :sad: I just got the MM CD and will be doing lots of printing any recommendations with a seller would be great. i know walgreens does them but not Canon.
  21. Every day especially on weekends dh loves big breakfast on weekends it makes him realize he doesn't have to go to work. I wake up at 5am to make him something pack his lunch then make me and dd scrambled eggs,ham & eggs, grilled cheese, hard boiled eggs, oatmeal, etc. I grew up on eggs for breakfast so I don't mind. My mom and dad would always cook breakfast during the week. I never got to eat cereal except when I skipped dinner and wanted something else to eat in the evening. That was dinner. Diana
  22. Thanks you Kalah and BarbequeMom that info was very helpful. I will print it out and take with me and show to the manager if necessary. Thanks again, Diana
  23. We have had a septic system for 8yrs we use to put toilet paper in it and used Ridex monthly and we had to get it pumped about every 18 months for about $200 for 1500 tank in our area. The man advised us not to use Ridex and put less or no toilet paper in tank and stick with Scott or angel soft if we did. We also have installed graywater for laundry machine and RO water filter. He also advised us to add baking yeast and sugar once a year. It's been close to 3 years without any problem and we would have known if we had to get if pumped. He advised pumping every 5-6 years. No grease or garbage disposal. Be sure to find out were you tank opening is. We didn't know exactly and had to do lot of digging. We had a general area idea and now have it marked with a water cover.
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