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Everything posted by hshibley

  1. That’s what I was driving at. You didn’t just wear jeans you wore Calvin Klein jeans. You didn’t just wear makeup it was Maybeline blue eye shadow with the raccoon eye liner 😂 Now with my teens I see a lot more diversity. Yeah they may all wear jeans but no ones calling you out if your jeans are from target, jc penny or second hand. I think in that regard things have improved.
  2. I agree about the decline in the influence of marketing. I remember as a teen everyone watching the same tv shows (General Hospital, the count down show with the solid gold dancers, the start of MTV),reading Seventeen magazine (I used to rush out in August to get the back to school issue) and listened to the same radio stations. My teens now all watch different YouTubers and stream shows off of Netflix. I don’t think there is a single dominant culture in the same way there was during the 70’s and 80’s.
  3. You wrote that people run for the endorphin surge. I wrote that plenty of people never experience an endorphin surge and run for other long term goals. People are not defined by biology. (I’d multi quote if I knew how 🙄)
  4. Yes. If they were at the target in my town. There’s a variety of cuts of jeans and t shirts both plain and with graphic prints.
  5. A. That’s horrible for your daughter. B. Maybe it’s an Australia thing? My daughter 20 shaved her head last summer. The reaction was generally pretty positive. She was mistaken for a boy a couple of times at work by customers, but she works fast food and those uniforms are pretty shapeless. It wasn’t people being derogatory it was people not paying attention to their server.
  6. Here boys and girls soccer uniforms are basically all the same. My kids played travel soccer and high school soccer for years. Occasionally the club would offer the girls the option of ordering women’s cut uniforms. The only difference with the cut of women’s uniform was the top. The women’s tops fit the girls a lot better. Both boys and girls teams wear compression shorts under their uniforms. It’s such standard practice that the length and color of the compression shorts are regulated by both the state classic league and the high school league. So boys and girls are dressing the same.
  7. You keep reducing women’s motivation to a simple x=y. Some people run and do experience a runner’s high. Plenty of runners never do. This is something commonly discussed on running blogs. Many people exercise for a variety of reasons - prevent or reverse type 2 diabetes, prevent or mitigate deterioration due to muscle loss balance loss in old age, prevent osteoporosis, help mitigate hormonal swings in menopause. All of these reasons have been mentioned in exercise threads on this site. None of these reasons have anything to do with sexual attractiveness or men. Women are more complex that that.
  8. I think you’re confusing what’s available to buy with what people see actual children wearing. When I pick up my kindergartener from school the girls and boys are wearing jeans and T-shirts. I realize that you’ll dismiss this as individuals making choices, but society is made up of individuals. You can’t just repeatedly dismiss people using their free will to make choices. I read the Beauty Myth years ago when it first came out. Life is not that simple. Women make choices for a variety of reasons
  9. That same advice applies to men as well. Age discrimination for people over 50 is rampant.
  10. Basically we have to dress like men. We’re going to throw off the shackles of patriarchy by aligning our personal dress decisions to those of men.
  11. I think the difference in thinking how you define ‘youth’ and relying on social media for your definition of attractiveness. If you limit your life to biological function then your definition of attractiveness makes sense. For those of us who don’t limit our choices based on biological function there’s no reason to not dress as we please after menopause. I don’t have to quit engaging with society just because I’m 50. I don’t look to social media for my definition of attractiveness. My media consumption is basically npr for news, Facebook is friends and family with running motivation, books, Girl Scouts pages thrown in. I don’t watch tv and can’t think of the last time I saw a fashion magazine. I spend my weekends busy with friends and family. Most of the women I see look nicely put together regardless of age.
  12. I ran 4 times this week, did 1 spin class, 3 strength classes and a yoga class. It was good to be back to normal. I’m looking at running a 6 mile trail run in May.
  13. I don’t have a problem finding v necks that work for me but that obviously depends on your size and clevage. Llbean has plenty of button downs that have a top button. As far as sleeveless shirts, I live in the south so I want sleeveless shirts. It’s hot. Good shoes don’t hurt your feet. I don’t dye my hair and I doubt that the majority of the women I know do. (Men do dye their hair to appear younger for jobs) shorts - I wear Bermuda shorts that go to my knees. They are available at every major department store. If men are wearing pants and a jacket at a Christmas party why can’t women wear a dress and jacket or wrap? Make-up is a choice. Shapewear is a choice. You can exercise or not worry about it. Most women are not wearing shapewear Your clothing issues are issues are yours but not everyone’s . Don’t put your issues and preconceptions on others. Plenty of older women dress for themselves.
  14. I don’t think most people define looking attractive as you do looking younger and as if they just had marital relations. I think it has more to do with a woman’s confidence. For me being fit, a good hair cut and good fitting clothes are what make me look and feel attractive. I feel more attractive now at 50 than I did at 30. I have more time and am not as haggard as I was with 3 small children.
  15. A quick search shows you can buy boot cut jeans from a variety of sources Talbots and Ann Taylor which definitely cater to a more mature customer as well as lucky jeans. I don’t like bootcut jeans and I don’t see many people wearing them. Maybe that’s due to the fact that others don’t as well. Women should be able to dress how they want regardless of age without other women pushing their own preferences on them. Women who dress differently that you (this is the generic you) are not by default trying to look younger or sexually attractive etc. maybe they just like what they are wearing. Women/girls who are athletic or are trying to maintain their physical health should not be shamed for wearing clothes that they are comfortable in while training. We as women should be supporting them.
  16. Maybe it’s regional. I don’t see adult women wearing inappropriate clothing all over the place. I’m 50 I ran this morning at 5am wearing capris leggings and a t shirt. When I go to the gym to lift I wear leggings and a fitted tec tank. It’s comfortable and keeps me covered. All the women in my class wear variations of the same. The guys wear shorts and tanks or t’s. The women’s clothing is definitely more modest while doing push-ups and chest presses. To be honest at my gym the men and women are too busy getting their work out in at 6 am to worry about what everyone else is wearing. Now I’m wearing capris jeans a woven tank and a sweater. I like what I’m wearing and dress for myself not others.
  17. My calf strain is better so I was able to run a very slow 2.5 miles this morning. I was very pleased to be able to get back out there. I should be on week 3 of my 10k training program but I'm going to go back to week 1 to ease my self back into it. I'm not going to worry about my times just work on covering the distance. I've gotten 1 spin class and 1 strength training class in this week. Hoping to fit in 2 more strength training classes and a yoga class.
  18. My son 2nd class Boy Scout earned his welding merit badge yesterday at a district class. I love the variety of merit badge classes available.
  19. I ran on the treadmill twice this week and I think running with the incline to replicate road run caused a calf strain 😢I can put some weight on it but I’m basically limping around. I’m hoping it heals quickly.
  20. I installed our new toilet last summer. It was very easy. When I was buying supplies at Lowe’s the employee said something about how I must have a plumber lined up to install it. I told him no I’ve watched a lot of you tube videos 😂😂. His look was priceless.
  21. I used to shop once a month when I had more kids at home and an extra refrigerator. I did it in conjunction with once a month cooking. I think it saved money. I’d make a second produce and milk run midway through the month.
  22. I think using the recommended tabs makes a huge difference with new appliances. They are engineered to work together. I use the finish tabs and my Bosch works great.
  23. That’s so true. I live in the area hardest hit by hurricane Florence. The few weeks where everything was closed and there were too many trees down to go for a walk were so hard to remain in a good mood with out exercise as an outlet. The past week was pretty good. I liked the trx class and I was able to get in a 7.2 mile hike Saturday in addition to my planned workouts.
  24. So it really has nothing to do with camping and hiking. He’s not comfortable with any mixed group situation. That needs to be dealt with separately. It’s not something I would put up with. I camp and hike with a state wide mixed group. I worked in a male dominated field and went to a college with 5 guys for every 1 girl. I can’t imagine socializing with only women. I socialize with people which I share things in common. Knitting group is all female. Classes at the gym are coed. You need to sort out your personal standards on this issue.
  25. Code name Disney, Marvel, or Harry Potter. You play on teams so any even number of players works.
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