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Everything posted by historymatters

  1. Depending on your location, I'm sure there are plenty of churches and/or synagogues, mosques, and other charity organizations- of mixed political and economic persuasions; conservative, liberal, or progressive-which would be very happy to take her as a volunteer. I may be assuming here, but my opinion is that the above approach - as opposed to a "camp" that may be more partisan, with an underbelly of "us" v/s "them", and where she may only interact with those of a like-mind (as in an echo-chamber), could lead to vilifying those who are of a different political persuasion or those who have different ideas about how to achieve similar ends. Working with a variety of organizations would give her wider opportunities that are specific to her local community and region, serve a variety of needs that your community may uniquely have, plus, she'll work with a wider variety of people with whom she may disagree on some things, but with whom she can meet at areas of agreement as they work together on particular goals: improving the community/city/state and serving others who need the extra assistance. These can translate to national issues, too. Again, not partisan-based, but people-based. It's good that she is finding a voice of her own to speak up about, and act upon, those areas about which she cares, but I think equally important lessons - especially in our "charged" atmosphere and which will last a lifetime - are learning how to listen to those who aren't like-minded, to not use charged language, individually or as part of a crowd, and to see people as people and not from a partisan perspective. To clarify, so there are (hopefully) no misunderstandings: I'm not saying she doesn't "listen to those who aren't like-minded"; see "people as people and not from a partisan perspective"; or that she does use "charged language, individually or as part of a crowd." My opinions and concerns I wanted to give voice to are the benefits of serving locally, instead of going to a distinctively termed "social" justice camp (instead of "equal" justice). I know this technically wasn't a part of your original question, but I think needs to be mentioned as often as we can that to make positive changes, we must work with people with whom we disagree with; those with whom we are "like-minded" on some things, but not others, and be able to disagree, yet in an agreeable fashion. Those lessons are difficult to find in our current atmosphere, so we must "ratchet the rhetoric down" and link arms with others who want to do the same, no matter their political persuasion. I'm not convinced that "social justice" camps do that. Just my 2 cents. With respect, Rachel
  2. I would suggest looking at the offerings from Hillsdale College to add another semester, or organize as you see fit: https://online.hillsdale.edu/dashboard/courses There are study guides, quizzes, and supplemental readings; and you can add your owm stuff, too for comprehension. They also have a Hillsdale Dialogue: 30 min. radio program with President Arnn and Hugh Hewitt duscussing various topics, some of which fall under this category. HTH
  3. While you are awaiting a response, could you tell me why you liked TPS' Eng. 3 Survey? Thx!
  4. Haven't used, but looked at very strongly. It's the history equivalent to Center for Lit with more writing; a Socratic approach: http://www.classicalhistorian.com/online-classes.html
  5. I found a Jane Austin summer book club course at The Potter's School: https://www.pottersschool.org/h?id=591691
  6. How about the books by Russell Roberts? http://russroberts.info/books/adam-smith/
  7. No, not even with Teaching Toolbox. I suggest just skipping to Art of Argument which is itself a .5 credit (as Intro to Logic or Informal Logic); but your child can read FD with you or ya'll can make it a family thing. It's fun.
  8. Keep a lookout, and actually ask if you can't find it, on: https://m.facebook.com/groups/1519089804771785?ref=bookmarks And https://m.facebook.com/groups/195041743867820?ref=bookmarks
  9. I have Great Courses Plus and will be watching several of their courses related to writing, using their guidebooks, too. What I'm really looking forward to is I'm about to start a writing class learning the literary analysis essay specifically using Windows to the World at Inspired Scholar. 1 semester, at your own pace. Lively Art of Writing is also on my list, using the study guide so graciously provided through this forum. You might also want to brush-up on grammar skills with Our Mother Tongue? Though, there are GC courses which address that when starting from the "writing a sentence" level. HTH
  10. Here it is in copy form: I am a (former) teacher at Landry, and I just stumbled on this thread. I teach German I and German 2. I plan to continue teaching to finish the year. But we were just told about the closing about an hour before parents - so I am praying about where/how to finish the year. If you need either of these courses, feel free to contact me. Faith Cruz faith-full@juno.com Landry is (was) full of wonderful teachers who are great at what they do & really love their students. The vast majority finished first semester without pay. I am in prayer for the teachers, the students, and for Greg & his wife. I don't believe he intentionally did anything wrong. I think he must have had some poor business/tax advice. This school was his life - it must be a devastating loss.
  11. Someone was concerned about a creative writing course (either here or on Fb-my brain is starting to get fuzzy). Well, at SchoolhouseTeachers they have Creative Writing: https://schoolhouseteachers.com/school-subjects/language-arts/creative-writing/
  12. Where did she post? I emailed her tonight; having gotten her address from the Jeremiah 17:8 FB page. Thanks
  13. Attn for Landry Latin! Elizabeth's contact info has been found: Elizabeth Thomas: ethomas1776@gmail.com (Latin IA, IB & II)
  14. Thank you, That's what I'm hoping. I will post if that is the case so others will recognize that as an option.
  15. Thank you. Yes, it's just a basic course. There are two I can use from GC streaming via my Roku. I did look at Potter's School, they have a few for the high school level, a couple that look promising. I am going to contact them to see what arrangements can be made since their cut-off dates for spring sem. have officially passed.
  16. Anyone had their child in the Intermediate Art class? I was contacted by the Intro to Art teacher, but after comparing syllabi, she thinks my dd is too advanced. Any ideas would be appreciated. I'll keep looking at the free options posted above. Didn't really have time yesterday. BTW, my dd already uses Youtube "How to..." videos, but she needs more order and accountability. My co-op hasn't the option. My dd really didn'[t care too much for the Artistic Pursuits style. :banghead: Thanks
  17. Veritas Press uses LA I in their Latin Transitions 1 class, and LA II in the Latin Transitions 2 class. I can't afford this option. Besides, my son was in Latin 1A-only covering the first 16 chapters for the full year. My plan was to then put him in 1B for the remaining chapters in 17/18 and Latin II the following year. I don't know of any other forum which breaks it down with that slower-paced option and I don't think anyone has heard from her, yet. On the FB page for teachers, word has been sent out for her attention, so I am waiting. Either way, I think I'm going to have to get the DVDs and the CD-or find the pronunciations at Quizlet (but do I want to take that time?) Thankfully, I already own the TG. I have the syllabus for 2nd semester; wish I had 1B's, but oh well. I suppose it's not rocket science to map out the last half of the book for 17/18. However, I need to save up for WHA, Schole's, or VP's Latin Alive 2 class, if another doesn't pop up by then, or maybe we'll continue. I don't know. I just need to look focus on finishing out his 2nd. Semester. I'll post if Elizabeth Thomas shows up...
  18. They're also in the midst of a Shakespeare teaching series currently (on Lecture 6). Should be posted on the site when complete. Also the one from Prof. Connor from GC is excellent: How to Read and Understand Shakespeare.
  19. I saw the Spanish teacher on FB page Ashley kae Stickel: https://m.facebook.com/ashley.stickel?fref=nf&ref=bookmarks
  20. I wasn't able to access the main home page to Landry, but I was able to access my dd's transcript from her 1 semester class. Try this: https://landry.geniussis.com put in your family login and password and see if you can get what you need.
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