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Everything posted by historymatters

  1. I think I have decided upon a Traditional Logic 1 online course this coming fall. There are two locations I am looking at: Memoria Press(MP) and Homeschool Connections (HC). My questions are: 1) Has anyone had experience at MP with either of these instructors and can you please share? Thomas Achord Stephen Wolfe 2) At HC, Phillip Campbell is teaching the fall sem. of TL 1 (don't know yet about TL 2 in spring). I've read positive things about him here. My only issue is that we are not Catholic (but the cost is less, which is an incentive). Any opinions on him or how much Catholicism will be present in the course? Thanks, Rachel
  2. This teacher taught this course at Landry before it shut down. Does anyone here have experience with this class and can share opinions? She's now at Big River Academy. Thx
  3. No, not yet. Those are the ones I am looking at the most and deciding between.
  4. Write at Home: High School Composition 1 Excelsior -Foundations of Writing: The Basics with Mrs. Erin Sipe http://excelsiorclasses.com/english/ Homeschool Connections
  5. Well, that fits with your username: madteaparty! 😉 What are you puttin' in that tea? 😃
  6. Inspired Scholar https://www.inspiredscholar.com/ Middle and High School. Some self-paced, some live. Canvas organization ( very easy) My son took her 1 sem. Elegant Essay class and both of mine are finishing up the combined Writeshop 1 & 2 year-long class. I am taking her 1 sem Windows to Lit. Analysis class, which uses Windows to the World. All of these are Renee Metcalf's classes.
  7. Excelsior has several former-Landry teachers. Good stuff there. Haven't used; but looking. Didn't see it listed, so here: http://excelsiorclasses.com/instructors/
  8. Excelsior is where several Landry teachers went. They have some good options. http://excelsiorclasses.com/instructors/
  9. Anyone take advantage of this option? Specifically, those who have used the additional grading option. Thanks!
  10. On the stream about folk music, I'd suggest the "negro spirituals" of the mid-19th cen. Their aords have symbolism beyond the Biblical allusion and spiritual strength they provided, as many carried dbl meanings about about the Underground Railroad, specifically. Also, "Battle Hymn of the Republic" was written as a "pro-Union" cause song during the War.
  11. Bumping for answers to the same questions, please! Additiond: Add in High School Essentials and Simplified 1 to the answers. Thx!
  12. Thanks for taking the time to find these. I will read through them.
  13. I've been teaching him annotation via LLfLotR class, so that's fine. I'm tempted because he'd love the added philosophical analyzation, plus the benefits to writing about the lit you're reading has always been a goal of mine. I'm tempted by Homeschool Connections: its cost is lower and it is just writing. Still struggling with this decision. We lost a couple of years due to mental illness in the family and his subsequent depression, so I'm trying to catch him up. I don't feel like he has the time (age-wise) for me to make a wrong decision.
  14. Thank you for the detail. Do they work on initial brainstorming, annotating, and/or note-taking? This past year he went through Elegant Essays ( really struggled, grumbled, but showed improvement); then Writeshop 1 & 2 class (liked the checklist requirements) which we've been very pleased with and his confidence has improved, but still needs continued work on the basics.
  15. For those who used the CLRC Lit. and Composition 1 class, which instructor(s) did you have and which your child liked? I like the philosophy of teaching that I read there, but I'm still wondering if there is ANY structure for the child to follow. So, for those whose child took the first Lit. Comp class, could you give me some details? My son is finishing Write Shop II, but needs to continue in learning basic outlining and structural, as well as , variety in his writing. He knows what he wants to say, but he's better at doing that orally. He's a deep thinker and enjoys challenging and interesting discussion. THX
  16. Can anyone speak about the Writing for High School Prep Camp? What is covered? Would it be confusing for a young person coming from Writeshop II? Must I continie with TPS thereafter (due to the TPS "way"), or can I easily switch to somewhere else, applying what was learned? Thx
  17. Thank you very much! I read through the post link and it was helpful. Although there were some for whom it had benefited, my gut is doubtful. I am not ruling WaH out; only the cost is hard on us. Follow-up question: Does anyone have experience with Homeschool Connections? I like their tiered offer which included recorded classes with feedback and grading. Not to mention, the syllabus looks good, too. Thx!
  18. Could I get some experiences of those who have used either/or or both of these resources? I'm interested in strength of feedback amd structures. My young people are finishing a Writeshop I & II class and I am trying to decide what to do next. The Write at Home High School Comp. 1 is tempting because of the basic structure my son needs before moving on. Bravewriter is tempting, but too expensive and unnecessary right now. The Potter School is, too, but maybe too structured? Lastly, the Big River Academy has the formet -I think- Landry, English I -IV, using Micheal C. Thpson, of which I don't know enough about. I just need to know if the price is worth it with the feedback one gets. Thx
  19. That's excellent! Teaching practical skills that people need to function, assimilate, and reach their potential in our society.
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