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Mrs. Readsalot

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Everything posted by Mrs. Readsalot

  1. Check out Newfoundlands, they might be just the dog you are looking for. Several people have suggested herding type dogs and although I think they are wonderful (we own a Pembroke Welsh Corgi) keep in mind that herding dogs often like to herd the children Karen
  2. We have been informed that their is a confirmed case of swine flu in our neighborhood. Our prayers go out to the family, although we do not know which family at this time to pray for. The child with the flu is a student at the elementary school that is a 2 minute walk from our house. What precautions would you take if you were us. We also know 4 employees at the hospital have been confirmed with the flu(again the paper just gave a number - no names). Many people who work at the hospital live in our neighborhood. Our neighborhood has 215 homes. Should we just be careful and wash hands etc, or should we not go to the community pool, not let our son play at others houses, avoid the local stores, skip going to the air show( a huge local public event this weekend). This is a major concern to us because I have lung issues due to an autoimmune disease I have and dh has battled pneumonia several times. Here is a link to one newspaper article about this http://www.delmarvanow.com/article/20090611/NEWS01/906110386/-1/newsfront2/Worcester-swine-flu-cases-rise-to-six Karen
  3. They probably don't realize that it is a problem because you have a dog. They may think you keep your outside when they are their so the dogs won't creat to much of a racket inside. That said I would say to them. I know I have never told you this but, we keep out dog outside all the time because x, y, and z have allergies. I know you love your dog, and we do too but having a dog in the house is causing medical issues for x, y and z. So due to our no dogs in the house medical requirement you will need to make other arrangements for Fido during your visit. Now don't be surprised it they decide not to come. Making last minute arrangement for a dog's care during a vacation can be difficult. Also don't be surprise if they don't come because they feel insulted ( shocking but it happens) This is not your problem it is theirs and I would not let it bother me. We have and love our dog, ours is in the house, I keep her nails filed so they do not scratch the hardwood. I also keep them filed because she does pet therapy and dog shows. We have a relative with a pit bull mix that has VERY long nails and is not nice to other dogs. We have never allowed the dog in our house. They still love us. So this hopefully will not be a problem for you. KAren
  4. Ds and I watched Hotel for Dogs and really enjoyed it. I think the enitre family would like this one. DH and I watched Fool's Gold and it was better thatn we thought it would be. And Australia was wonderful(although we thought it could have been two movies) The following are in my queue but I have not seen them yet New in Town Taking Chance Saving Sarah Cain The Wedding Date Songcatcher Yes I do plan to spend my movie watching time this summer watching brain candy Some favorites I have seen Ms Potter (lovely about Beatrice Potter) P S I Love You Hairspray Mr Hollands Opus (yes old movie but I watch it once a year or so) Karen (who also need help with her Netflex queue)
  5. We just finished the course and it was wonderful. (Note I just posted our set for sale on the For Sale Board set includes Student Text, TM, Bridge Math and Bridge math answer guide) I took Chemistry in highschool andn was lost by the third week. With Dr. Dobbins text I really understood the material. Karen
  6. Contacting French Bulldog breeders and seeing if they have any slightly older dogs they want to place. Generally someone into showing dogs will have a dog or two that they have grown out for show but has not turned out for the show ring. Usually these dogs are well socialized and housebroken(note I say usually ask questions to be sure) They also have all their shots etc. Also explain that you have a certain budget for a dog and let them know how wonderful of a dog owner you will be. You may be able to find what you want this way. I showed and breed Shetland sheepdogs for years and several times people I have come to me looking for an older housetrained and well socialized dog. After asking some questions etc I would usually place a dog with them for half the amount I charged for puppies. Older dogs are often harder to place because people want puppies. I tend to keep in contact with my buyers and I can't tell you how many times I have heard from people who got an older dog (by older I mean between 8 months and 3 years) and told me how nice is was not to have to house train them and how happy them were about getting the "older" dog. With the bad ecomony I know people how show dogs are cutting back on their kennel sizes etc. Note - I am currently getting back into showing with a sweet Pembroke Welsh Corgi that has captured my heart :001_smile: Best Wishes on a successful dog search~~Karen
  7. Although for me I don't think of it as a problem. I like to read slowly, I like to ponder the story, I even like to drift off at times. This last thing is what really slows me down. I tend to think about other things as I read. Ask your daughter if she does this...if so...she, like me will have to concentrate on not thinking about other things. I am sure this sounds weird but for me it is how it works. As long as I really concentrate on just reading my speed greatly improves. Now how to make sure I do this...wow you are all going to think I am so strange. Well if I am reading and my mind is wandering I will say stop to myself, close my eyes and say just read. Then continue reading. This usually works for me. Karen
  8. oh you are a mean mom....just kidding. I still can't believe I didn't discover Mr. Darcy until I was 44. It sounds like you and your daughter have a wonderful year to look forward too. Karen
  9. I don't know what level this is considered. From my point of view looking at the textbook we have I would consider it highschool level. I plan to use this text and then next year use a text(Saxon Physics) that has more math. Karen
  10. mission accomplished....I found a different edition of the teacher manual on Amazon for a reasonable price. I own student book 7th edition and I bought the teacher edition to go with the 9th edition...I think they will be very similiar. To the person that posted the link to the review question answers ...Thanks you....I have put the site into favorites on my computer and may even print out the answers...they do match up with our edition Karen
  11. I would also say go ahead and take her to the vet for an initial checkup. It is fairly common for a pup to throw up undigested food if they become excited and going to a new home is exciting. It's great that you are feeding the pup the same food as before. Well my pup is asking to go out so I need to take her for a walk. Keep us posted. Karen
  12. Could you share the TM ISBN number with me if you have it. That information would really help me in searching for the book. Thanks~~Karen
  13. We are looking at Kenmores, do you know the model number of yours. We are looking at the #78402 and 78502 Thanks~~~Karen
  14. I have the 7th edition Conpectual Physics by Hewitt student book. I would like to have the teacher edition so I have the answers to the questions. I have tried Amazon and ebay (although I don't think they allow TE to be sold) with no luck. Anyone know where to find them? Karen
  15. Yes your response helped quite a bit. I am the one with concerns as to whether I will like a bottom freezer over our current side by side. We also have a chest freezer in another location the the house. Thanks~~Karen
  16. We need a new refrigerator and are considering a European style one(withthe freezer on the bottom) I have a few questions. Do you like this style frig, why or why not? Is the bottom freezer drawer heavy when it is full of food? Is it easy or hard to organize the freezer and find items in it? Do you like that you have more space for pizza boxes etc in the frig part than with a side by side? Does it seem like you have more space in the frig than with a side by side? Any other comments on owning one of these would be appreciated. Thanks~~~Karen
  17. I have finised my ds schedule for 10th grade and was curious what others looked like. Here is ours Algebra 2 eith Saxon or Life of Fred (ds is going to decide which this summer) Physics (Saxon) Sonlight 300 for history,geography, literature and maybe writing if Sonlight writing doesn't work for us I also have Format Writing Wordly Wise 300 10thgrade level Analogies 2 PSAT prep book Guitar lesson and Music Theory (he has done both for several years) Possible Electives Drafting Computer Science Logic Electronics (Mr. Circuit 3) Life Skills ( I design this myself and he does about a 1/2 credit work in it each year this includes things like getting a loan, balancing a check book, doing volunteer work, auto repair, home maintenance etc.) That is all for now, although I fell like I am missing something. Karen married for dh for 19 wonderful years mother to ds for 15 fun filled years. curretly raising a future spoiled rotten Pembroke Welsh Corgi
  18. To those of you who enjoy watching the national spelling Bee I wanted to post a reminder that it airs today Thursday May 28. THe times are 10 am eastern on ESPN and The finals are on ABC at 8 pm eastern Karen
  19. Now that people are answering the poll I realize I didn't enough choices. It's my first poll so I guess it is a live and learn situation. The sites you mentioned for menu planning sound very interesting. Do you find you spend more on groceries when you are using them? I usually shop the specials and prepare simple meals that don't require a lot of ingredients. Basically these are generally my old standbys....checken on the grill, hamburgers, roast chicken, stir fry, pasta and sauce, etc. Karen
  20. I wish I could enjoy cooking more. I always feel like I am having to think ahead about what to fix, make sure I have everything I need, make sure the weather will cooperate(if grilling) well you know the list goes on... I no longer have much joy in cooking. I hope I don't sound like I am whining, but the fact that I don't enjoy cooking just kinda caught up with me today. Karen
  21. I was having a terrible time with shin splints a few years ago. A fellow walked told me to make sure I did not tie my shoes to tight. I have had loose shoes and been shin splint free ever since. Amazing how a simple change can make such a big difference. Note be sure to make sure you are completely healed from current shin splints (ie a few weeks rest) before you start again. Karen (who walkes 5-8 miles a day)
  22. I grew up in in a town just north of Baltimore City and now I live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. I am about 150 miles away. I like the lifestyle of the Eastern Shore much better than the city. Also because we are close to the ocean (about a mile away) our summers are cooler and our winter are warmer than they were in Baltimore County. Basically I love living on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and am so glad my dh and I decided to move here 19 years ago. I lived in Hawaii for 3 years so that was very far from were I grew up. Karen
  23. My first choice would be 8 weeks and NOT before. You can end us with serious temperment issues seperating a pup from its mom and liter mates before 8 weeks. Pups thrive on a schedule when they enter a new home. Also waiting until the pup is 12 weeks would be fine and it sounds like you would have more time then to establish a routine. Generally mine goes like this. feed about 6 am take outside playtime for about 45-minutes to an hour take outside sleep in confined space (I use a crate) for an hour repeat from step 2 throughout day. Feed three times a day until 6 months old and then twice a day for life Raising a pup is ALOT of work. My current pup, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi and now 5 months old and is only crated at night and if we go out somewhere, she is completely housetrained and a real joy. I walk her 3-4 times a day and pups need this physical and mental stimulation of being out and about. At first my days were wrapped around her and trust me this pays off in the long run. I have been raising, showing, training, loving dogs since I was a kid. If you have a questions feel free to e-mail me. As I type this my girl is asleep at my feet. I am a huge believer in clicker training and suggest you look into how it works before your pup comes home. Best wishes for many joyful years with your new family member. Karen
  24. I expect to hear from the buyer within 3 days and to received payment within 10 days of the close of the auction. I have granted exceptions but only if the person contacts me before bidding. If I have not heard from the person in 10 days I file a non paying bidder form with ebay and then offer it to the second highest bidder or relist the item. Karen
  25. Wow it looks like this thread has gone way off topic. Here are my thoughts on the original questions. For me this is simple. You asked your mom not to do something, she did it, you have every reason now not to let her come back on the property. Really I don't think it matters whether what she did was morally right or wrong, she went against you wishes. She sounds like an intelligent woman and she had to have known that this would cause problems for you with your neighbors. I see situations like this go on all the time in our neighborhood and people end up retaliating against other etc. It can get very ugly. I do feel bad that your mom has had such mean words for you. I am sure that hurt. It's sounds like she is not great with interpersonal relationships. Karen
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