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Everything posted by warriormom

  1. Woohoo...I just picked that workbook up new at Goodwill for .75 . I know I am probably working myself up, but I would like to be the one who exposes my son to writing since the feelings of dread can stay with you when you feel behind. (yes, part of my hang ups with my public schools)
  2. This is just the difference between whole word and classical. I totally agree with classical which is Learning how to write through dictation of great book passages. I am not excited about my son going to public school. In whole word, they want them to get over the fear of writing and just learn the process without worrying about the mechanics (spelling, grammar etc.) I agree that learning the writing process before all of the rest is putting the cart before the horse. I just want to see if I can start working with him this summer on writing so that his first introduction will not be foreign ( and he will not feel far behind). The "he will be fine answer" is not what I am looking for. I am asking for a recommendation for blog, website or program. I have seen the writing, and it is mildly impressive since they work on writing on a daily basis.
  3. Yes, they teach writing with invented spelling. I guess to teach them early so they can learn to enjoy it.....or with the 5 paragraph essay in mind.
  4. This year, my son attends a private classical Christian school. He is doing very well. Next year, he will be going to public school for 1st grade. The public school is a good one ( my husband is friends with the principal). One of my concerns academically about next year is writing. In his school now they practice writing through dictation and handwriting exercises. Next year, he will need to do creative writing and understand the writing process. Any recommendation for a good Program to help my son catch up with creative writing? Blog? Free program? I am just not sure how I am supposed to teach him to go through the writing process. Anyone use Write Shop for creative writing?
  5. This year, my son attends a private classical Christian school. He is doing very well. Next year, he will be going to public school for 1st grade. The public school is a good one ( my husband is friends with the principal). One of my concerns academically about next year is writing. In his school now they practice writing through dictation and handwriting exercises. Next year, he will need to do creative writing and understand the writing process. Any recommendation for a good Program to help my son catch up with creative writing? Blog? Free program? I am just not sure how I am supposed to teach him to go through the writing process. Anyone use Write Shop for creative writing?
  6. In my son's school, they have journals, writing process posted....even writing on the computer. Creative writing is a big part of kindergarten at my sons school. Anyone have experience with Write Shop A?
  7. This year, my son attends a private classical Christian school. He is doing very well. Next year, he will be going to public school for 1st grade. The public school is a good one ( my husband is friends with the principal). One of my concerns academically about next year is writing. In his school now they practice writing through dictation and handwriting exercises. Next year, he will need to do creative writing and understand the writing process. Any recommendation for a good Program to help my son catch up with creative writing? Blog? Free program? I am just not sure how I am supposed to teach him to go through the writing process.
  8. I absolutely LOVE the blog http://satorismiles.com . Does anyone know how Angela is doing? Satori? I miss her posts :sad:
  9. Ok, I think Sally Clarkson had one of her children use this blible memory club. AHHH it is bothering me....
  10. Ok, I think Sally Clarkson had one of her children use this blible memory club. AHHH it is bothering me....
  11. I tried google more than once. Thank you. Anyone else want to take a stab at it?
  12. I do not think it is called Journey....but can you send me a link to find out more about it? I want to say it is something like Bible memory masters but I think that is Classical Conversations. The kids Bible group I am thinking about memorizes a ton of scripture ( maybe chapters at a time)
  13. I am trying to remember the name of a program similar to awana but more intensive. It is driving me crazy. Help me hive!
  14. Ok, I need help from the hive to help me with my memory loss. I am trying to remember the name of a Bible memory program like Awana but more intensive. They meet at churches. I am totally drawing a blank. I think they memorize chapters of the Bible. Help!
  15. Really organic carrots, parsley (for green shakes), spinach, bananas etc are really inexpensive. I think I saw on a video that we are the first generation to spend only 15% on our groceries. Our food is so cheap thanks to corn, high fructose corn syrup and corn feed for animals. King of Corn is another eye opening film.
  16. I just sent you my email. :001_wub: Thank you for sharing! If anyone knows of corresponding lapbooks or has any other creative ideas, please let me know!
  17. Has Anyone put together lapbooks for OPGTR? Do you know where I can find corresponding lapbooks? Or has anyone Put together a page that includes the text from the lessons where the child can illustrate the stories? If so, would you mind sending me the file. I would love you forever :001_wub: I am thinking about using a puppet with this curriculum with my daughter (4). Any other ideas on how to make this curriculum more fun and interactive? Put on my tap shoes :rofl:
  18. I just thought I would post that I am looking for: Orange Miquon book Diary for First grader Cuisenaire Rods PM me if you have it. I will pay shipping through PayPal.
  19. Thank you everyone for the advice. I am going to try more veggie smoothies today to see if that makes a difference.
  20. The last two days I have had to take a nap. I am really constipated (tmi). I have also stopped losing weight. I am stuck at 5 lbs down 9 days in which is not bad. I am making smoothies rather than juicing though. I am still going to stick this out and see how it goes. I do not feel well right now. Maybe this is detox :nopity:
  21. If you do this, make sure to get a great multivitamin, nutritional yeast, vitamin B-12, D3 and Omega 3 oils as a supplement. I slacked the last few day with my supplements and I could feel the difference.
  22. I had a sibling with an addiction problem. I highly suggest alanon as a support for you and your family during this process. Also if she is a minor, you can force her to get help. Send her away to a camp for troubled teens. Drastic times call for drastic measures. Alanon will tell you to cut off ALL money, cell phones and any other luxuries that could be used, sold or make comfortable to live in this lifestyle. Also if she gets arrested, to allow her to stay in juvenile detention until she will get help. With this type of problem, addiction specialists highly recommend tough love. Also, faith based rehabs have a better success rate. I will be praying. This has to be tough. I am praying that God will give you wisdom.:grouphug:
  23. Janna, what an amazing testimony! I actually looked into this diet for my mil. The doctors want to do another heart surgery on her. I started this as support to her and a way of working on my health.
  24. Thank you for your response. At this point, I am not eating any protein besides what is in vegetables, fruits and ezekiel bread (and almond butter). I am not doing this long term (more than 60 days). The melatonin supplement with exercise works for me. As far as cost, I buy most of my produce at Aldi's (same company as Trader Joe's) which is SUPER cheap. I take all of my produce home and soak it in water, 1/4 cup of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of salt and a squeeze of lemon. I soak my produce for 15 minutes. I know organic would be better for me, but right now it is not in the budget. Eating vegan raw is really not that expensive. You can buy whatever greens that are on sale (kale, spinach or parsley). I buy TONS of bananas (the riper the better). I figure with the amount of energy I have I save on fast food stops because I am too tired to cook, coffee at Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts and eventually I will save on medical expenses and medication expenses. For me personally. I would rather spend my money on real food than stuff that makes me feel terrible. I was eating terribly before I started this raw vegan plan.
  25. I am 6 days in and 5 lbs down. I get all of my recipes online. I have tried gazpacho, raw guacamole, green smoothies and fruit smoothies. This week I want to try squash and apple soup.
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