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Everything posted by warriormom

  1. :bigear: I would be interested in reading a blog about Drawing with Children as well.
  2. I just read a post from someone stating that HTTS is a workbook version of AAS. I looked for reviews and only found a couple on amazon. Do you know where I can find other reviews? If you have used both programs, can you compare and contrast them? I like the price of HTTS but I like the reviews of AAS. I am torn. If you have used or are using HTTS, can you tell me the strengths and weaknesses of the program? Who do you think this would work for? Who would this not work for? :bigear:
  3. Inexpensive for me is $15-25. Cute dresses....but a little too much for me. If I had money I would buy some of the simple , more modest dresses from victorias secret. I know vs is not what people think of when they think of mom gear :)
  4. Hey ladies, any advice on where I can buy inexpensive dresses for fall winter? I am thinking about buying some polo style dresses, scoop neck and rounded neck long sleeve dresses. I am going to look first at goodwill. Any other suggestions for inexpen sive places to buy dresses? I am thinking about having plain dresses in different colors and adding pizzaz with jewelry. No full length dresses though :)
  5. My family member is asking, searching and looking for help. She is desperate. Preschool is a nightmare right now for her ds. All pride has been put aside. I care a great deal about this child. I have helped my family member with things like sports for her child, nutrition info that I know and research that I have found. His mom and I are very close. LOL, don't assume that someone is just being nosey! :lol:
  6. A few speech therapists, pediatrician and preschool teachers showed concern of markers of adhd
  7. One of my family members has a child who is 4 years old. The doctors suspect that he may have ADHD. Any advice? Encouragement? Websites or suggestions for alternative treatment? Any allergies or foods to avoid?
  8. The classical school that my son goes to part-time is going to do an assessment of his class to see if they are ready for Saxon 1. If a student is ready for Saxon 1, they will go to 1st grade math for math time. Do you know where I can find the learning objectives for Saxon K so I can review them with him? Any suggestions? I am worried that he would be bored in Saxon K. :glare:
  9. My son is doing a half-day program. Do you think adding a discovery math program would be overkill?
  10. I really want to make science alive with fun projects like building a bird house, mixing colors etc. Any recommendations for a hands-on book like that? Also do you have any suggestions for a fun art book for kindergarteners that does not require a ton of supplies?
  11. Ok, I just went to my classical christian school's open house. They are using Saxon k classroom version for kidergarten instead of Saxon 1 that they used last year for kindergarten. The school feels like it will lay a solid foundation and is developmentally appropriate. I am a little bummed since ds will most likely be bored since he wants to do arithmatic. What do u think I should add to acompany saxon k for math play for afterschooling? Miquon, cuisenair rod activity books etc? Any encouragment?
  12. I am looking for a program like kindergarten public school /journaling. My son is going to a classical school. I do not know whether public school is in our future. I just do not want him to get behind especially since boys tend to struggle with writing. So what do you suggest I buy?
  13. I think I have decided on write source and growing with grammar. Which books should i buy? I am trying to figure out if i can cut corners to save money. Just do not want to buy only part and that it would be useless or lacking vital info.
  14. I know it seems strange. I suggest you read Thomas Sowell's "Late Talker" or "Einstein Syndrome". Children who are late-talkers can be EXTREMELY bright. They develop at their own pace. My son could read before he was potty trained at 3 1/2. Totally backwards but that is just the way God made him. I would encourage you to nudge them in their area of interest. Buy fridge phonics from leapfrog, get "The Talking Letters Factory" from leapfrog, purchase foam letters and play Patti Labelle's ABC on you tube. The talking will follow. I did have to take my son to speech therapy because of disfluent speech. The school district is paying for speech therapy although he does not go to public school.
  15. I think my child is an auditory learner because my child listens to a song on the radio and know the song enough to sing along. My child picks up on the inflection in my voice and mimics it when they talk. Dd sings all of the time.Dd was an early talker. I just know my child. I have a visual learner who was a late-talker but early reader.
  16. I have an auditory learner that wants to learn to read. Any programs, tools or advice you can give? What worked for your child? Anything that you think I should avoid?
  17. Thank you for your replies. I am unable to go back to college because of money....oh and being a stay-st-home mom with a 5 and 2 year old. I would love to do a "homeschool" program, even if it is meant for high school students so that I can get over my insecurity. Any suggestions? Would write source for high school help me along with a grammar course?
  18. Ok, I have a big insecurity, I am not a great writer. When I took the Regents exam about 10 years ago (writing), I almost had a panic attack. I had to run out of the test because I totally fell apart. I did not finish college. I think a big part was stress when I needed to write a paper, especially annotated. I would love to get over this fear/insecurity. Any advice on where I should start? I think my stress is with the writing process + grammar rules and writing a good sentence. I really have never shared this before because of embarrassment. Btw, when speaking publicly, I also have a problem with anxiety and organizing my thoughts. Any suggestions? For years, I told myself that I am just not a natural writer and speaker. That may be true, but I believe that failure is giving up. I do not want to up on myself. I want to quit making excuses and try, try again. I may not be able to go back to college, but I can be a self-taught woman.
  19. I am a big fan of non-fiction. Anyone know of a great book I should read? :bigear: Here are the topics I like: 1. Health/Diet 2. History 3. Biography 4. Political (I am conservative.) 5. Business/Entrepreneurship 6. How to/self-help
  20. My ds is going to a Classical Christian school half-day for kindergarten. My husband wants to send him to public school maybe for 1st grade. Our public schools are HEAVY in writing (stories etc) like a lot of public schools. The CC school is very traditional and works on penmanship and copywork. Is there a curriculum or workbook that I can use to afterschool him to help him keep up with PS in writing?
  21. My ds is going to a Classical Christian school half-day for kindergarten. My husband wants to send him to public school maybe for 1st grade. Our public schools are HEAVY in writing (stories etc) like a lot of public schools. The CC school is very traditional and works on penmanship and copywork. Is there a curriculum or workbook that I can use to afterschool him to help him keep up with PS in writing?
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