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Status Replies posted by Random

  1. Reason #4,134 I love my husband: when I present him with an expensive (but perfect for our kids!) curriculum, he responds with phrases like, "get everything you need to be successful" and "are you sure you don't need these other books, as well?"

  2. My poor sweet baby. I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you from this :(

  3. An 80 year old man in my neck of the woods driving an SUV just hit a bike rider. An 80 year old in a giant SUV!

  4. Just put in requests for tons of homeschooling catalogs. My mailman is going to love me.

    1. Random


      :) Be nice to your mailman, and your mailman will be nice to you.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. THe inscription on the grave stone of my father's GM and GF (he fought for the North in the Civil War): They dared to know the right, and knowing, dared to do it. I googled these phrases and found "He knew his duty, and knowing dared to do it" in a speech to the Senate regarding the death (in a duel with a pro-slavery judge) of David Broderick, about 1860. I'm sure the inscription is a reference to GGF's Civil War involvement.

  6. There's a hole in my ignore bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza; There's a hole in my ignore bucket, dear Liza, a hole. But not for long.

  7. Brave or foolhardy: walking home with three dozen eggs, leading a dog, on black ice?

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