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Everything posted by lovemywhirlygirls

  1. Crissy, I am just seeing the message about your mom's passing. I've been in a vortex of a crazy, busy schedule. I am so sorry for your loss. Having experienced the loss of both parents to long illnesses, I am particularly sensitive to what you are experiencing right now. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. :grouphug:
  2. Strider, I am deeply sorry for your loss. I pray that the Lord will bring palpable comfort and peace to your heart and the hearts of her husband and children. I pray that as time passes a new wind of hope and possibility and good things will blow away the pain and loss and darkness of such a long and devastating illness. I pray they find a new way to be family. I am sure the idea is unfathomable at this moment. :grouphug:
  3. Thanks, Ladies! I very much appreciate your input. We will mull it over. My oldest is old enough for the Teen Track at the convention. I might have her check that out. Just can't decide.
  4. I'm considering attending the Homeschool Convention in Memphis in March. My husband asked if this would be a good trip to go on as a family. I'm not familiar with Memphis at all. I know I'd want to take the girls to the Peabody to see the marching of the ducks, but beyond that..... Never been to Graceland. Can't imagine it's anything my girls would care about. Correct me if I'm wrong. Please let me know any family friendly fun stuff that is worth the drive and hotel. Honestly, I like to do the conventions alone so that I can focus. I'm not particularly interested in having to make sure they have things to do, etc. and don't want to feel rushed. BUT, if there are some really cool things to do, I can be persuaded. Thanks in advance!
  5. So sorry for your loss. Celebrating with your MIL that she no longer suffers and that she is now with her Savior.
  6. So thankful that you are safe! Praying you are able to relax and have peaceful sleep tonight. Celebrating the gift of life with you tonight!
  7. Mmmmmm. Pork roast, new potatoes, candied carrots, rolls.
  8. This is such an important subject. My finite mind struggles (obviously) with understanding an infinite God and His will. My pastor says (and I don't know if it's original to him or not) "If you can't follow/understand God's hand, trust His heart." Basically, if you don't understand why things are one way and not another, lean on what you know about WHO God is. Study His character and who He says He is. It won't make the pain of the loss of you precious child any less painful....but if you seek to know Him intimately (maybe even more intimately--I always need that) it will become easier to trust Him, to submit to His will even if it is gut-wrenching to do so and doesn't make sense from a human standpoint. My prayers are often "God, I have no idea what it is you are doing or why you are doing it....but I want desperately to trust you and believe that you want my highest good. Help me believe and to trust." Being this honest, I believe, helps grow the intimacy between God and me. What it does is to keep my heart turned towards the Lord and tethered to Him. One more thing and then I've got to run to IEW. My pastor's wife, when teaching at a women's retreat on the subject of fear, gave a visual for what God's love for us might look like. Imagine the arm to arm hold of a trapeze artist. It's not hand to hand, but wrist locked to wrist. My pastor's wife imagines God's love for us like this hold. Sometimes we are in a good place and feel full of faith and belief and we hold as strongly as God does. Sometimes, like perhaps in your case, our faith takes deep hits from things that happen or don't happen and our faith weakens and so does our grip. The really cool thing is that when we are tired, or weak, or willfully disobedient and we let go, God still has us firmly in His grip. He doesn't let go. My heart breaks for you. Your pain is deep. I will pray that the Lord will give you the courage to keep turning around and facing Him even in the midst of pain and doubt and anger and confusion. :grouphug:
  9. Ok folks, My schedule has been so crazy, I am just now reading your responses after a couple of weeks. THANK YOU for all of the posts. I look forward to checking out your suggestions. I am very much looking forward to making a commitment to "pleasure reading" for next year. (I don't really like that term....most reading is pleasure reading for me.) Have a great evening!
  10. Looking for books to add to my Christmas list. Wondering what your favorite read was this year. I won't limit genre as I'm guessing there are others who would like to hear from you. I did not get a lot of "extra" reading done this year. Hope to do 52 books next year. I guess my favorite was Three Cups of Tea. Though I do not line up on many points with the author, I was encouraged/challenged/convicted that one person CAN make a BIG difference. Would love to know what your favorite read was this year if you'd care to share. Have a great week.
  11. Thanks, Ladies! My little fam has been passing around cold germs and now it's my turn. We may take it easy tomorrow and do some listening if I can't shake this headache. I borrowed a couple of CDs from a friend. Have a great week!
  12. Jean, Your DH AND your WTM family really do hope you'll get to the doc tomorrow. In the meantime, I'm praying from TN!
  13. Thanks, Margaret! It really is quite daunting to just jump in. I'm sure we'll all have different tastes, so it will be interesting to see what those are! I appreciate your specific suggestions very much. Thank you for taking the time to pass them along!
  14. Headed to Nelson County, VA for Thanksgiving. Do those of you in that area have any suggestions for one or two field trips specific to that area? Would appreciate your recommendations. Thanks!
  15. I've read several of you posting about having classical music playing "all the time" in your homeschool. I have not been purposeful about exposing my girls to classical music. What are your fave artists/titles that you play "all the time" in your home? TIA!
  16. I love the cozy sock idea. Walmart and other stores have those supper soft, cozy socks....I think they are treated with some softening agent or something...for $3.99 each. My oldest got these for Christmas last year and they are STILL super, super soft.
  17. Very sorry for your loss, Amy. Keeping your family in my prayers.
  18. Thinking about and praying for your sister. I feel anxious for you just reading through these posts. Hope she is better tonight and that she is getting the answers and the help that she needs.
  19. Amber, Keeping your little guy and you in my prayers. So good to hear that you guys are doing well!
  20. Ladies, You were very helpful to me back in April when I asked some questions about free time options in Israel. I'm popping back in to see what you recommend as keepsakes that I could purchase for my 3 girls (12, 10, 7 1/2) and my dh who do not get to join me on this trip. Don't have a ton to spend, but it IS a once in a lifetime trip. :bigear: Thanks!
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