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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. How was your weekend?

    It was fun, but busy. We went to a hockey game and our team won!


    Anyone getting lots of snow right now?

    We are supposed to get quite the whopper this week. I need another snow day like I need a hole in the head. :glare:


    So, what's for lunch today?

    Kids: Peanut butter and jelly double decker sandwiches.

    Me: turkey on flatbread


    What are you waiting on today?

    Waiting for the kids to finish Wii so I can do Wii Fit.


    What's better for you today than it was last week?

    I am feeling better about cutting out snacks and junk from my diet. It was hard last week and it feels a bit easier now.

  2. Except that in family law, barring extreme danger to the child or complete alienation from the non-custodial parent, what has been being done right along has priority over the non-custodial parent wanting to change things. So the presumption is that the the non-c has agreed so far and is now changing his mind. Burden of proof is on him to show that he has always objected or that there as been a significant change. For the judge to base the decision on the religious rigidity of the child is the dangerous precedent, and the part that is likely to be overturned, IMV. And especially since letting the decision stand will allow the father to require the mother to get a job.



  3. One should always enter Narnia for the first time through the wardrobe.


    That's my stand and I'm not budging from it. ;)


    It's so much fun to read Magician's Nephew later and think, "OH! So THAT'S why the lamp post is there!" So many moments like that. Reading TMN first is like opening Christmas presents early.



  4. I had a filling done yesterday and it took two rounds of shots to get me numb. When it finally wore off, I was in a lot of pain. I really hate going to the dentist.


    I jokingly asked her if she could put me out when she puts the crown in (I have to have a root canal and a crown done). No I wasn't joking, I guess. I was dead serious. But she chuckled. :glare: Anyway, they can do nitrous before the shots. I am seriously doing that for the crown. My DS had two caps put on his teeth, had nitrous, and doesn't even remember getting any shots. I am considering sedation dentistry for the root canal.

  5. I just hashed this same thing out with DH: Public school/Christian school/homeschool. We decided to keep homeschooling. For us, we had to get back to the reasons that caused us to choose hs'ing in the first place. That helped.


    We also agreed that it was best for our family that I do not work outside the home at this time. So Christian school was out. (it's expensive, so I would need to work to afford it). We couldn't allow our kids to go to public school where the teachers and students (and parents of students) would not be backing up our Christian beliefs and lifestyle. So public school was out.


    So, then, ourselves rededicated to continuing homeschooling, we hatched a plan whereby my concerns were addressed. We are going to plan several field trips next year, we are going to get involved in a homeschool group and/or some sort of activity for the kids, and DH is going to take on a bigger role (he is going to be doing the science experiments with older DS, for one thing).


    I hope some of that helped. It's a good thing that your DH is behind hs'ing. A really, really good thing. Now tell him what you need to happen so that you can feel that comfortable with it.

  6. Oh, wow...I didn't take ANY OFFENSE AT ALL!!! :grouphug:


    I love a good flip tone. :D


    When I think of the years I wasted, yes, years, being in pain and worrying, I can't even believe it. I had tried to call dentists before but I couldn't even dial the numbers without shaking.


    This fall, I called the dentist that I would eventually go to and asked if they did sedation dentistry and the receptionist was so sweet but told me they didn't do that. Then she said, "What's going on, hon, that you think you need that?" with the most caring, concerned tone...and it went from there.


    I told the receptionist yesterday that if she hadn't been so sweet on the phone I never would have had the courage to do it.


    Don't worry about your post at all!!!


    And call the endodontist. I'll go with you if you need someone! :D


    Oh good, I'm glad I didn't offend you. And I wish you could go with me! I have a filling tomorrow and that will be bad enough. Ugh!

  7. It was less painful than the pain I dealt with for months and with the abscess I eventually got!


    The novocaine shots hurt and there were a few twinges but that is it.


    You might not have seen my other posts on this but I was s3xu@lly assaulted (not at the dentist) but something about being unable to move while people shove stuff in my mouth makes me so anxious I couldn't think straight.


    I took a valium-type medicine the entire day before the root canal and the day of the root canal. I think it might have helped to have it in me the whole day before. I had tried taking 1 pill, just to see what it felt like and it felt like nothing.


    Good luck!


    You can do it!


    Wow, I am so sorry, and no, I did not know that about you. I'm sorry for the flip tone of my post. I was making light of the fact that I do not want to have the dental work done, but I had no idea of your background and the reasons that this was such a big deal for you. :( I'm glad it is over for you and that you got thru it ok. :grouphug:

  8. OK, I just have to say that when DH and I saw that commercial we busted out laughing. A few years ago, that car was our car! And I was picking up our kids from school in it, lol!


    It was perfect for our family while we had it. We could fit everyone and the dog, plus a couple friends. Instead of thinking it was dorky, my kids friends thought it was the coolest thing and were dying to get in the way back (which faced the other way and had seatbelts, btw). Everyone wanted a ride.


    I get the point you're making, but that car! :D

  9. I just want to say again, thank you, thank you, thank you to all who've responded and shared your experiences and links. I have looked at each one and will go back and thoroughly digest it all as I have time.


    ElizabethB, I will definitely be making the phonics game today. That is right up my DS's alley. :001_smile:


    I am feeling so much better about everything today. You have all lifted my spirits and made me feel supported. You all are the best! :grouphug:

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