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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. Just curious - if there is anyone who would not get thier kid braces because it is "cosmetic" rather than medically necessary...what is your thinking?


    Does "cosmetic" always equal "not necessary" or "vain"?


    I know each person has a different line there. I.E. I think braces or treatment for severe acne is "necessary" but not plastic surgery. Another person might feel differently. How do you decide where your line is?


    For us, a huge factor in going to the ortho or not is cost. Our dental ins does not cover ortho at all. We will look into a supplemental dental plan or save up for it if one of our children need it in the future. But for now, we are not bringing our 8 yo DD to the ortho to which she was referred. We are taking a wait and see approach. She has the same problem I have and I never had it corrected and I've been fine. My teeth are not arrow straight, but are fine, imo.


    I am of the opinion that braces are not necessary simply for non-perfect teeth. I don't think everyone has to walk around with perfect straight teeth anymore than everyone has to have perfect noses.

  2. Watched the trailer and a lot of what I'm hearing is, besides old news, (do a quick study of the history of education in America starting with the Prussian system of ed in the late 1800's which will quickly sequeway to Mann and Dewey) fear mongering and reactionary. If Christians (homeschooling and otherwise) want to make a difference in the world (including and especially in their own homes) they need to be visionary, not reactionary. Kids are leaving the church in droves becasue it's not meaningful, and as much as I hate using this word, relevant. The message of the Living Christ has somehow not come alive to them. Perhaps because those of us in the church enact it formulatically rather than transformationally. Reductionist living (don't do this, don't go here, etc), rather than purposeful, abundant, generous living, is NOT the answer for our kids, no matter how much better it makes us feel as parents, pastors, or Christian leaders.


    Whatever good that might be contained in this message (bring your kids home, the public school pedagogy is antithetical to a Christian worldview) is buried beneath, "The sky is falling."


    And that is why I can't stand going to homeschool conferences....


    I could not agree more.

  3. There is only one Wii and it's roughly $200. There are different colors, though. :001_smile:


    If you'd like a video game system that also plays Netflix, it's a good choice. Otherwise, you have other options. You can get other devices that are cheaper that allow you to stream movies to your TV.


    If you do go with Wii, it is very easy to set it up for internet. It will walk you thru it.


    You do not need a landline.


    A blu ray is a player for blu ray discs, which are hi-def dvds, basically.

  4. I like our dentist because it is a family practice, which means that our kids get a pediatric dentist (with hospital privileges if the need arises) and DH and I can get seen at the same place. They are also very conservative. They will not fill a small cavity in a baby tooth that will fall out in 6 months, for example. They will also let parents back if you want to do so.

  5. We each have one towel apiece. We have one set of sheets per bed. I wash them and put them back on. I do have extra towels, sheets, and blankets for company that are put away and only come out when we have company.


    I just wanted to address people who are confused by this. We downsized recently and went from a 3000+ sq ft home to a <1000 sq ft home. I purged towels and sheets because we simply don't have the space. It is not a trend or movement, at least not in our home. Also, most of us take showers in the morning, so I have all day to wash them if need be, and I do this usually 2-3 times per week.


    Should also add that we have lots of beach towels that are packed away until summer.

  6. At first I was appalled at this...then I read the post about some people doing this in high school. Yep, I recall doing this. My close group of friends included a couple of guys. We all slept in the living room and trust me, nothing happened, nor would we have wanted it to.


    Then someone mentioned after the prom...yes, we did that, too! Again, everyone sprawled in the living room. Nothing happened. This was exactly 20 years ago.


    I don't think I'd let my dc do this, though. But my parents let me do a lot of things I don't allow my dc to do.

  7. I mainly get wrapping paper/gift bags/tissue paper from the Dollar Store. They have a really nice selection. If I'm there, I'll browse the toiletries section. I usually stick to name brands, so if I see something I'd regularly buy, I will get it for $1. I also get things like mailers, tape, and teaching supplies there (stickers, flashcards, etc). One thing I got recently that I was particularly excited about was 9 baskets for our bathroom shelving in the perfect color green to match our decor. I saved a bundle getting them there.

  8. Dh did not have anger issues and still is very calm. For the most part, our boys don't either but when I sense that they are struggling with some emotions (except for Algebra - NOTHING helps with algebra anger which is the most lethal anger to a mother that any of her children can express) he says they need a physical job. He will usually send them out to carry and stack wood. It works like a charm.




    Ok, the bolded made me LOL! :D But, we're not there yet, so maybe I won't be laughing then. :glare:

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