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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. I only bf'ed my last. I started giving him solids around 6 months or so. I bf'ed him until 13 months total.


    Weird thing about him, he did not give up any feedings when I introduced solids. At the point of 1 year old, he was eating 3 meals at the table, a couple snacks, and still bf'ed 5-6 times a day. Let me tell you, that boy can still pack it away. He eats a lot! He is thin, though. He never stops moving! :willy_nilly:

  2. Three of my seven kids have severe crossbites. Oldest ds/18 has chipped his bottom teeth because of it and his two front teeth are overlapping each other, but we were on medicaid when we found this out and had no job. Medicaid doesn't pay for ortho and we just couldn't afford it. Now, that dh has a good job and some ortho is paid we still can't afford it because of trying to get back on our feet.


    DD/15 is also missing 5 permanent teeth in addition. DS/9 is missing a tooth also in addition to the crossbite. I just can't afford to put them all in braces and expanders. We just don't have the extra money and we will not use "Care Credit" anymore, because we were burned by them. I feel as if we are such failures in this as parents. It's pretty bad when we can't provide them with the treatment they need to correct their teeth and smiles. It makes me sad.


    I'm so sorry. I really feel for you. :grouphug: You are not a bad mom, you are doing the best you can.


    I have really been thinking a lot about this. And I really think in our case, this is largely cosmetic and it bothers me. Why does everyone have to have perfect teeth? I'm not talking about extreme cases, I'm talking about the teeth are a little crooked-not perfect. :confused:


    I also know that the dentist told me my oldest would need braces. This was when he was 4 or 5 yo. They could tell from the pano xray. Anyway, he is now 11 and has most of his permanent teeth in and they are perfect.


    So, they I'm thinking maybe we'll wait with my dd and see what time does. She has no problems at this point and her teeth are actually perfect so far.

  3. :grouphug: If I were you, just go to the consult and see what they say. Honestly, we were able to get two additional free consults so we got more than one opinion. You will feel much more informed with professional advice rather than google. :D


    LOL, so true!


    Unfortunately, I just got off the phone with our ins. and ortho is not covered at all! This is going to be rough for us financially and will be a factor in our decisions. :(

  4. I'm really glad to hear all the positive experiences with this.


    When I was a child the ortho told my mom that my procedure would change my face. I guess maybe that is not the case always. I can understand that some change can be an improvement in extreme cases, though.


    In my Googling, I've read that this can cause speech impediments. Has anyone heard of this? Maybe I should just stop Googling! :glare:

  5. that is the question.


    Hi! :seeya: This is my first new thread. :)


    My kids had cleanings today at the dentist. They gave me a referral to an ortho for my DD. She has a bilateral crossbite. They want her evaluated for treatment. My younger son has it too and will need an eval once his front teeth come in.


    I am really feeling uneasy about this. I am worried about changing the structure of her face, and I'm worried about the pain. My DD does not do well with pain at all. She desperately wanted her ears pierced, so I took her last week. She no sooner sat in the chair, that she started crying and refused to get it done. When she has shots at the dr., she screams bloody murder. Today, when the hygienist gave me the referral to the ortho, she started crying, saying she did not want braces.


    A little background: I have a bilateral crossbite. I was taken to 2 different orthos who recommend expanders. My parents were not willing to put me through that and change my face. The second ortho even told my mom that if I were his daughter, he would not do it. I guess he figured it was for cosmetic reasons only and not worth it. My 2 front teeth are a bit crooked, nothing major. I have no medical problems with my jaw.


    So my questions are: 1. What are your opinions/experiences with this? and 2. what could be the effects of not getting this done?

  6. My kids like MTH ok. Cam Jansen was ok, too. My oldest DS loved Boxcar Children at that age and the Hardy Boys. DD has really loved Junie B. and Ramona. She likes Little House, too.


    I pretty much let them browse the library to see what piques their interest. Sometimes I offer suggestions, but for fun reading, I like them pick what they want (within reason - sorry Capt. Underpants).

  7. We went to the 3D Narnia because we have never been to a 3D movie and we go to one movie per year or so, so we wanted it to be special. My kids were asking to see it in 3D. They would have been ok if we had said no, but we decided to do it and forgo snacks at the theater (3D is more expensive).


    We thought the 3D was cool. It doesn't look normal without the glasses on. It sort of looks blurry.

  8. I was chatting with someone (female) who said that her husband proposed on Christmas Eve. Although she was thrilled and screamed "YES!" right away, she said she lost a little bit of respect for him shortly after. The more she thought of it, the more she thought he took the easy way out of getting her a gift. The ring is the only thing he got her for Christmas.


    What sayeth the Hive?


    I'm hoping she was joking!!


    Otherwise, that is sad.

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