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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. I am trying to figure out what to get my DS for next year and my head is spinning with all the options out there.


    He is pretty weak in writing. He has a great imagination and can get everything out on paper, but mechanically, it's :ack2:. He also hates writing and fights me every step of the way. He hates to proofread and gets upset if I try to correct his writing.


    Therefore, I would like something that is easy to teach and grade. It needs to be basic and step by step.


    Jump In (Apologia) looked good, but I'm not sure it's enough. BJU distance learning writing & grammar looks appealing because he would have an outside teacher. Other options??



  2. We are in the same boat, so I'll be watching this thread, too.


    We have gradually made the move to healthier eating in the last 3 weeks. We have done it gradually and there is still more work to do. We make sure that we have lots of fruits and veggies in the house, too. I make a tossed salad for us every night with dinner. We are not big on cooked veggies. I am trying to make healthier snacks available for the kids and us. Fruit and yogurt are two staples. I'm always looking for other options.


    Now I'm :lurk5:. Oh, and that reminds me, I gave up my nightly popcorn snack. :)

  3. Howdy! It's 37.3 F in Phoenix, AZ right now. While that's not as cold as where some of you folks are, that's a COLD temp for our daytime winter weather! Brrr!


    It's a balmy 25 F here now (17 w/ the wind chill). But the sun is out!


    What's for lunch? Me and the kids: pigs in a blanket with a side TBD! ;)


    We have the same thing every day, pretty much. PB & J for the kids and turkey on flatbread for me.


    What's different for you today? Me: our daytime weather!


    We had a no good, horrible, very bad day of homeschooling. But thankfully that is not the norm.



    What are you looking forward to this week? Me: our homeschool group's Park Day is tomorrow and I plan on taking advantage of a local grocery store's Donut Friday: Buy one dozen, get a half dozen free!


    Tomorrow is Friday. 'Nuff said.

  4. Heather, be Queen Esther. Figure out why God picked you to be the beautiful, smart, rich, Christian lady in Malaysia in 2011.


    It is as simple as that.


    I always wanted to be Lady Bountiful. It was the surprise of my life when God called me to 'voluntary simplicity' instead! I fought with Him over it. I became a blackbelt tightwad, having enough to provide for my family and to share lots and lots. Every time I got to that place, He took my extra money away again. Over and over! We had so many calamities! I won't enumerate the trials here, but I felt like Job.


    Still I insisted that helping the poor was my calling. I tried and tried to get in on charitable ministry opportunities, anything to help people who were as poor as I have been and poorer. Every time I found some way to give to the poor, a huge obstacle at home stopped me.


    Finally, to finish me off, God informed me that all four of my children have celiac disease and their food will cost 3x the budget. The recession has made it so that DH has not worked a full week in a long, long time. All those tightwad skills would go for our own survival alone.


    I have had to stop weeping for the poor. I have had to acknowledge, "Lord, it is not your will for me to alleviate the suffering of those in need. What is your will? Thy will, not mine."


    The answer has been so clear. He wanted me to learn to love Him more, and I have learned that beautiful lesson. That was the main thing: slow down, be happy, and love Him. Give us this day our daily bread. My blessings from Him do not tangibly reach into the future. There is no security other than blessed Trust that the manna will always rain down in the wilderness for me.


    As far as my work as a Christian wife and mother, He has made that clear, as well.


    He wants this girl from the trailer park who grew up with no running water and slept on the floor....to classically educate her four sons. And I am doing it! He wants this girl from a home framed by mental illness to raise four amazingly talented sons to His glory, and He will raise them up.


    And when I am done with this task, I believe He would have me open a Charlotte Mason/classical/Christian school for lower middle class children. I think about that all the time, and I am preparing for it.


    If He called you to be Lady Bountiful, whether with your time, brains, or money, God Be Praised. Be that person. Those of us who would have chosen that calling for ourselves are happy for you, and so pleased that you care so much.


    If He only needed you to expand your mind a little, share a little more, love a little more, teach your children more compassion...that is still enough of a reason to have blessed you with material things beyond all measure.


    Count your blessings for what they are: gifts from God. He blessed you with so many gifts. In the midst of your questions about what it all means and what you should do, I hope you notice that you are His daughter and He loves you. It is not wrong to be rich and beautiful and smart, because those things come from Him.


    This brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for sharing.

  5. They don't do that here, but then bad weather days are usually called at the last minute, and are few and far between. I'll have to ask the cousins in CT if her kids have work to do at home.



    Same here and I never had to do it either, as a kid in PS! I would hate snow days as a kid if I had to do work at home! Our district makes up the snow days that are not built into the schedule. So they will make up the work. In school. In June. Poor kids!

  6. Coffee - check! We're good to go. :D


    Actually made a trip to Sam's club for bulk items and the grocery store too. We're set. I didn't think about gasoline for the generator though. Thanks for the reminder!


    When I made my coffee this morning, I noticed that we only have one K-cup left. :eek:


    I am going to text DH to pick some up on the way home today, or else I'll have to fight him tomorrow for the last one! :toetap05:

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