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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. I hear what you're saying, but this is again a totally separate issue.


    Some Christians do interpret scripture in ways that forbid them to do certain things, and because of that, they keep themselves away those things. Sometimes that means keeping away from certain people. There have been activities we had to refuse and instead of just accepting that, people feel it's their place to make us feel weird. They try to convince us that other Christians have no problem with it, etc. etc.


    That is just going to happen.


    Well, if a fellow Christian told me that she won't read a certain book because of her convictions, that's one thing, but if she says "Christians shouldn't read this certain book", that's entirely another thing. Kwim?

  2. I am a Christian and I have a legalistic background that I am slowly coming out of right now, so that colors my perceptions. I have been thinking a lot about this type of issue lately.


    What it comes down to for me, is that many times conservative Christians take a standard or preference and make it a dogma. Within that, there is a judgment made about the other person. Usually that judgment is the idea that the other person is not Godly or holy enough because they do something or don't do something. And that is when they are comparing themselves to other Christians. Imagine the consequences when they are dealing with unbelievers! That attitude will certainly not win anyone to Christ.

  3. I hate to sound like a broken record around here, but I would try All About Spelling and start at level one. It is not babyish but it would start him out "easy" while filling in the holes he may have in his learning.


    My 8 yo is currently halfway thru the first level and I've been very pleased.

  4. I don't know, I think in some ways, we're always scheduled. In college, the classes will be at set times. In the workforce, her boss will expect her to start work at a certain time.


    On the other hand, it is valuable to learn how to budget one's time. I think for us, that will come in the form of having projects to complete and needing to do that efficiently.


    I do know some hs families that give their high schoolers a schedule of work to be completed for the week and they do it at their own pace. I just don't know if I will ever do it that way.

  5. This year it's sort of open-ended for us. It depends what the subject is, too. They will all finish their math no matter how long it takes (prob into June). They will not finish LA and I'm ok with leaving it undone. They are doing something different next year for LA. They will finish history and science. My youngest will continue AAS and reading thru the summer. So, we're all over the place! :001_smile:

  6. Can't he do that CAT5 again, but have it adjusted for being in second grade?


    Can you clarify what you mean? I could give him level 11, but it is still 1st grade, and he is in 2nd grade according to our reporting agency. If that will work, great! I just don't want him held back or anything.

  7. I am trying to figure out how to test my youngest who is not reading yet. He is in 2nd grade. Last year he took the CAT/5 level 10, which is for a non-reader (1st grade). He has made progress this year and we have found some things since January that have really clicked, namely AAS and the I See Sam readers.


    He needs to score 40% (composite) or better on the test. I have to use a national standardized test. Can I read the 2nd grade CAT to him? I wouldn't read the reading part, of course. Or what other test could I use that is oral? Would it be better to bring him to a testing center and if so, how do I go about finding one in my area?



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