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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. I agree that it is difficult to make friends. One suggestion I had for you is to get your girls involved in something they enjoy (soccer, basketball, gymnastics, ballet, swimming, art classes, music classes, etc) and maybe they will make friends closer to their own ages and with similar interests.


    Also, my kids have been in the situation you described with "mean kids" (for lack of a better term) before and what I have done is to sit them down and talk about how true friends act together. True friends do not say or do mean things to each other. As they have grown older, they are now able to distinguish between true friends and acquaintances. And they understand how they are supposed to act to be a true friend to others. Of course, they are to be kind to everyone, but they do not have to keep purposely socializing with kids that are mean to them.


    Hang in there! :)

  2. I don't necessarily find it difficult so much as I find it tiresome. I know how to put myself out there and I know where to go to meet people. It just wears me out. I'm an introverty.



    This is me, too. We moved to a city last fall. I have no friends here and neither do my kids. It's just hard for me to make friends and sometimes I feel it's not worth the effort. I hope to get the kids involved in community sports this fall and perhaps I will meet a fellow mom there.

  3. My son is getting more independent of which I am very glad! Last year, I wrote down his assignments in a Student Planner. I did this every Sunday. He liked seeing his school work laid out for the week and even sometimes worked ahead so he could finish early. This year, I would like to give him the opportunity to schedule out his assignments to help him learn how to budget his time (which he is NOT very good at right now). I am trying to figure out the best way to do this. Last year, when I wrote the assignments in his planner each week, I had it in my head what needed to be done next. This time, I am thinking I will need to have lesson plans written first, that I could then somehow transfer to a weekly sheet and give to him (so that he can schedule his assignments for the week). Before I try to reinvent the wheel, does anyone have a link or suggestions to help? Pictures of your system or blog describing how it is done??



    Thank you,



    I am in the same boat with my rising 7th grader. What I am doing is I'm making a syllabus of sorts for each subject and then there are some assignments that he has to complete on his own with certain due dates, things like projects and papers. I am hoping this will gradually get him learning how to manage assignments on his own.

  4. Here in New England, summers are fairly mild and pleasant(comparative to TX, lol). We usually have a couple days here and there, sometimes several in a row, that are humid and 80s or 90s. But we have very few summer days where my kids couldn't play outside because of the heat.


    And since we're currently living in a city, we have no bugs! In the country, though, the black flies and mosquitoes will drive you batty.

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