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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach


    is a US commercial (that drives me nuts- no pun intended- because she insinuates that it's a healthy start to the morning, but I digress...) and she pronounces it new-TELL-a. I figure that's the way the company pronounces it in America, even.


    Me, I call it overpriced waste-of-calories, but I know that view is not popular around here. :leaving:

  2. I honestly think that "pick one of the next 3 Wednesdays" is fairly reasonable. It's tough to schedule so many people, so having the meetings on set days makes sense. That way, one "side" of the meeting is always precoordinated, which is easier by far than trying to coordinate both sides on a case-by-case basis.


    Have you checked with dh and the other family member yet to see if the other Wednesdays might work?


    Yes! I got a date from my BIL and talked to the case manager and it works for her, so she is going to check with the others. Hopefully it will work out!


    I do understand that picking a set day of the week is not unreasonable. It just narrows down the available days considerably and makes it very difficult. "We have to meet sometime before Oct 1" seems a lot more doable than "We have to meet one of two Wednesdays", kwim?

  3. If this is for special ed reasons, federal law requires them to meet with you at a mutually agreeable time. However, you might not have all the players you need from their side due to some positions having it in their contract that they are not required to stay past a certain time. Early in the game, I'd try to work with them on the time, as you want to save your battles for things like services, if that is what you are trying to achieve.


    Yes, I was thinking this too. I do not want to burn any bridges. We could make it work to have both DH and I there, it's having my BIL there that is difficult. My DH insists he be there. I would let it go. I'll have to talk to DH further if we have no other option.



    In my school district, you can do the meetings by phone. Would that work for you?


    I asked about Skype, it was a no-go. But phone would be something I could look into.


    Turn it around on her. On paper. Write her a letter (or email) informing her that you, dh, and your professional will be at the meeting. Tell her that this date and time, this date and time along with this date and time (make sure one of them is a Wednesday before 3p) are when all members of your party will be available. Then put in there, please send back confirmation of which of the above dates and times will work for her and her staff.


    The ball is in her court then to pick one. Any thing else just makes her look whitchy, and you have it documented.


    Thanks, that's a really good idea. She seems like a nice woman, but she was annoyed when I called to reschedule today. She said they already sent a letter out, that we had a whole team involved, blah, blah, blah. I get that, I really do, but I don't have BIL's schedule in my head, I had to call him. And yesterday when she called to tell me the meeting time, she was dismissive and rushed off the phone.


    I have an email into BIL to see what he can do. Then I will email her. I think having it in writing will be beneficial.


    Thanks everyone!!

  4. Where do I go to have a child tested for dyslexia?

    I did not want it to be, but I think it is!

    My youngest is 8 and whenever we start back in to school work he write numbers and letters backwards

    he wrote a 4 backwards yesterday and wrote 21 for 12

    I think he is past the age of that, "just happening" -Am I right, or am I wrong?

    He also seems to hear things differently than other people like yesterday we were saying deaf and he thought we were saying death-is this just normal am I over reacting on this?

    Sorry, I am just feeling a bit discombobulated at the moment and I hate to just jump up and say we have an issue if we don't!

    Any advice, tips!

    He also says things a bit funny-like yesterday he said. "I don't matter what color a bike is." What he meant was-It doesn't matter to me what color the bike is or I don't care what color the bike is-but he mixed the two and it came out odd-can you help direct me-somebody?

    He is very large for his age-he is only 2 inches shorter than his 12 year old brother and about 4 lbs less!

    I have read where some kids grow so fast it takes so much out of them, that they struggle to learn?? Any thoughts, he is extremely social, well liked (loved) he is goofy and quite the cut up! He is an extremely joyful person to be around, love playing street hockey, and ice hockey and bmx! So really by just looking at him, you would not notice anything different, but there are just these little things that make me wonder if his input is wired a bit different!!

    Thoughts, advice?

    Thanks in advance

    Nicole Brown


    Well, I wish we lived closer so we could have coffee together! I think your DS and my DS are twins! :)


    My DS8 has many of those exact issues (and he's goofy to boot, lol!). I do suspect dyslexia for him, too. He is using AAS and HWT, which are both recommended for LD kids (although any kid can use them with success).


    I would recommend you start by having him evaluated at the public elem school. Just send them a letter stating that you want an eval done. I did this and we are getting ready to look at the results soon. Yes, I do have a thread on here about how I'm frustrated with them, lol. But it's free and honestly to do it privately was going to be very pricey. They cannot give you a dyslexia diagnosis, though. I do hope we get some answers of some kind. And I hope you do, too.

  5. I am really frustrated with trying to plan an evaluation meeting for DS8. We are working with the public schools. They have been great so far, but yesterday the case manager called to tell me that the meeting would be on a certain date and time next week that doesn't work for us. At all.


    I called her today to reschedule and she told me they can only do Wednesdays for meetings. And the meetings have to be done by 3pm, so basically we're looking at a few hours per week in which to schedule the meeting, since it's a long one (her words). I want both DH and I to be there (which means DH getting a sub, most likely) and we would also like another person there who is a school psychologist (family member).


    They are making this very difficult!! So basically, on paper, it looks like we have 3 weeks in which to have this meeting (and that is with an extension), but in reality, we are talking about 3 Wednesdays, one of which we cannot do (next week). Can they do this? And what do I do?:confused:


    Did I mention I hate confrontation in any form, no matter how mild? I was stressed simply calling her to try and reschedule! :001_unsure:

  6. I am really frustrated with trying to plan an evaluation meeting for DS8. We are working with the public schools. They have been great so far, but yesterday the case manager called to tell me that the meeting would be on a certain date and time next week that doesn't work for us. At all.


    I called her today to reschedule and she told me they can only do Wednesdays for meetings. And the meetings have to be done by 3pm, so basically we're looking at a few hours per week in which to schedule the meeting, since it's a long one (her words). I want both DH and I to be there (which means DH getting a sub, most likely) and we would also like another person there who is a school psychologist (family member).


    They are making this very difficult!! So basically, on paper, it looks like we have 3 weeks in which to have this meeting (and that is with an extension), but in reality, we are talking about 3 Wednesdays, one of which we cannot do (next week). Can they do this? And what do I do?:confused:


    Did I mention I hate confrontation in any form, no matter how mild? I was stressed simply calling her to try and reschedule! :001_unsure:

  7. In my experience, it's the GRE scores that help you make the first cut, at the very least. They are extremely important. I would definitely re-take them.


    PhD slots are often dependent on grant money, which is why they are so competitive. Many moons ago, I was thisclose to acceptance into the neuroscience program at the University of Colorado. At my interview, the prof said that the applications were all spread out on the table before a few profs and they each chose one. She said most other universities use the GRE to make the initial cut, but they didn't. Mine weren't very good. Anyway, she did not get her grant, so I was out.


    You can do this! Good luck!

  8. Really? I guess I assumed that it wouldn't be peak because kids are in school. Is there another time of year to consider?


    Yes, leaf peepers as they are called, come in droves. It's not just families with kids, but busloads of middle-aged and older folks. Lots of people like to see the leaves. :)


    I wouldn't discourage you from coming then. It is beautiful and the temps will be lovely - not too hot and not too cold. Just book now if you're booking anything.


    Oh, and there is so much to do in Boston. You will love it!


    ETA: During the week will be less busy than weekends, just as with anything.

  9. I do give grades. It is very systematic for my 7th grader. I calculate percentages for daily work, papers, quizzes, and tests.


    For my younger ones (4th and 3rd grades), they do have daily work and tests in some subjects (math, for example). Those get calculated. There are other subjects that are more subjective (like handwriting) and others that we do mostly together (history, science). Those I give checkmarks, check-plusses, or S's/S+'s. That's how I remember my elementary report cards in the lower grades.


    Why do I give grades? It keeps me accountable and on top of everything. It also gives them some feedback and they like getting grades. It works for us!

  10. I just think some people are not paying attention. There are a variety of reason for this. From being overwhelmed to just not caring.



    Yes, I think this is it. When I was a teen, I listened to whatever I wanted. As long as it wasn't too loud, my parents didn't comment on it. They didn't check up on what I was listening to. They also had different tastes, so they weren't aware of all that was on MTV or the radio. BTW, they were wonderful parents and I had a great home life. :)

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