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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. Ok, the waitings have it. :001_smile:


    Re: Free app of the day...will techie DS see them on his app or if he goes on Amazon on the computer? He goes on frequently because he is building a computer and checks prices.


    They are each getting $50 Amazon gift cards from a relative, so they will be downloading like crazy on Christmas (hopefully Amazon is prepared for the onslaught - we've had Leapster and Webkinz disasters in the past).

  2. We got our kids each a Kindle Fire for Christmas. It is pretty much their only present for Christmas morning, other than some small stocking presents and a few other presents from relatives. I have read some things online about the Fire being nitpicky to set up, ie, wifi not working right, etc.


    I would hate for something to go wrong and one (or all) of them not be able to use their one and only present on Christmas day. I am leaning toward setting each one up before wrapping them.


    My hesitation with this is that I know my 12yo would love to do the unboxing himself and set it up. He is very techie-minded and enjoys that sort of thing. The other conundrum is that he has the Kindle app on his iPod Touch and could see the Fires on the account (if I understand how it all works correctly).


    So, what would you do? And if you have the Fire, did you have any problems with set-up?

  3. I do not understand why homeschoolers would want to hold a child back. It makes no sense to me at all. :confused:


    Of course we teach our children at the levels they are capable of. But the "grade level" our children are "in" is, for us, purely for the purposes of putting our children in group situations with children of the approximate same ages.


    In your case, if your ds's tests come back indicating that he does, in fact, have significant learning difficulties, then it would make sense to enroll him in school in a grade lower than where his age would put him. If you continue homeschooling, however, I would not "hold him back" a grade. What would be the point? Aren't you still teaching him at his ability? And how would you even do that? Make some sort of announcement? Apply to someone? :confused:


    Not the OP, but I could have written her post, as my 8yo is in the same situation (even has an April bday!). I don't understand the confusion here. There are legitimate reasons to hold children back a grade, homeschooling or not. We have to report test results to our district every year in addition to the child's grade level. So it matters. It also matters in terms of Sunday school level, community sports, etc.


    We did make the decision to hold DS back a year. He went through significant testing, so he knew that he was not at a 3rd grade level. The testing revealed no specific LD, but he was reading at 1st grade level. We made the decision to consider him 2nd grade this year and test him at 2nd grade at the end of the year (again). He will be going to ps next year and we will enroll him as a 3rd grader.


    DS knows he is behind and was actually relieved when we told him he was repeating 2nd grade. He has several friends that are 2nd graders, so he was happy to be considered at the same grade as them. He knows he will be 3rd grade next year. So far, he is fine with it.

  4. In the article, it says that during a geography lesson, the children asked the teacher to show them where the North Pole is, since that is where Santa Claus lives. Couldn't the teacher have just shown the class where the North Pole is and left it at that? Just move on with her regular lesson after? What she did lacked judgement and maturity, imo.

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