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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. I ♥ Amazon! :001_wub:


    My DS12's Fire froze this evening and after trying the hard reset a bazillion times, it still would not work. I called customer service and after about 5 minutes on the phone with them, they offered a new device to be sent. It will arrive Friday along with a UPS label to send the defective one back. I was even clear that I bought the Fire at a retail store, but they honor the one year warranty no matter what.


    I love when a company stands by their product and puts the customer first!


    While Googling this issue, it seems like it's fairly common, so I wanted you all to know that replacing it is easy. As if we needed another reason to love Amazon!

  2. If I had to guess, I'd say some of the other parents are complaining that the slots are taken up by your whole family. The teachers need to try and keep everyone happy, and unfortunately that is never possible.


    I'd just let the others have their turn. Have the teachers let you know when you can have a turn again. I think it's a little extreme to have negative feelings about the preschool just because of this, unless there is more to the story.

  3. I think it's a shame. Sundays are the day we have set apart, although I know some congregations offer services on other evenings.


    We have been involved with groups that have tournaments with games sometimes on Sundays, but they have worship services available on Sat. evening.


    One Sunday morning we were driving and saw lots of minivans driving towards a building and I thought a church met there. I later found out it was a soccer building. All those many families were going not to church, but to soccer. I hope they went to church another time that week.


    I think Christians should unite in boycotting Sunday morning events. Maybe people would stop scheduling games then.


    :confused: You can't expect others to live according to your standards.

  4. No I would not.




    People are weird. Every time I leave the gym (there are six open treadmills next to me and you chose the one next to me--why?), grocery store (Hello! Your cart is blocking the aisle. The world doesn't revolve around you!), or Walmart (there are websites about this!), I leave shaking my head and muttering, "People are weird!" I'll never figure it out.

  5. Would it change how you homeschooled or chose curricula if you expected to start your kids in school (at a classically-based charter) in 5th grade?


    Honestly, no it wouldn't.


    We are putting our kids into ps next year and our DD will be going into 5th grade. I have known about them going since about September. I have been working with her to get her to work more independently and read directions, since that is a particular weakness of hers. I also got a Test Practice workbook for 4th grade so I can identify any holes that are easily remedied before the Fall.


    Other than that, I have covered my bases. I am not perfect, but I have diligently worked with my children for the years we have hs'ed. Looking back, I would not have done anything differently.

  6. My parents drink a lot of coffee and when they come and stay with us, they always bring one or two boxes of k-cups with them and usually offer to buy more while they're here (which I refuse). In addition, I make sure to buy extra because I want to accommodate my guests.


    In the OP's situation, where IMO the guests are being incredibly rude, I suggest a regular coffee pot to pull out while they're there. If they ask why, I'd tell them it's too expensive to use the Keurig for that much coffee.

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