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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. BTW, those of you who keep saying they should have had a homebirth must have missed the fact that Mrs. Kennedy had a c-section. Last I checked, that was not an option available for home, even to the very wealthy. :tongue_smilie:


    Yeah, I missed it. Since he had no choice than to be at the hospital, I still think he should have just followed the rules and avoided making a circus out of his child's birth.

  2. I started mine off with an extra 1/2 hour of staying up, as long as they were in their beds reading. Now, as teens and almost teens, they push that to 1.5-2hrs sometimes, but they ARE in their beds reading quietly and not bugging me. As long as it doesn't affect their attitude the next day, I let it slide.


    This is a great idea, as it treats reading as something of a privilege, tied to staying up past their bedtime.


    I also think getting the child interested in a series of books is a good idea. I wouldn't worry so much about twaddle at this point.

  3. They are very nice books, well-bound and beautifully illustrated. The stories are fairly interesting and yet simple enough for the beginning reader to feel accomplished. I have 4 of them and my DS8 reads and re-reads them often.


    Bob books have their place. We were fortunate to be able to borrow them from the library. But my DS8, who was a late reader, found them too baby-ish, and hated the illustrations. They are also small and more like booklets.

  4. I did not realize that part. That is beyond ridiculous. I can see having the rules in place and enforcing them but not sueing a father for walking with or taking their own child off the ward.


    They hired personal injury lawyers. He twisted the wrist of one nurse and forcefully kicked another in the pelvis. If you watch the video, she was knocked to the floor.


    Not saying I agree either way, just pointing out the reason for the lawsuit is due to the injuries, not his breaking the rules.

  5. I know how you feel. We really have a full time job that we never get away from. Let that sink in a while. It is really a big deal. Then you need to explain it to your DH so that he understands.


    A few suggestions that have worked for me in the past: You could bring whatever it is you want to do or work on into your bedroom or another room in your house that you can close the door on. Instruct your family that for the next two hours, you are not home. Period. No exceptions. Your children are old enough to understand and comply with that. And if your DH is serious about helping out, then he needs to enforce it.


    For a time, I also instituted a mandatory quiet time after lunch for one hour. The kids went to their rooms and were not allowed to come out. Sometimes I still do it if they are too loud for me to decompress a bit before tackling the afternoon.


    I hope these help somewhat or that others will chime in with some ideas that will work for you. I get it, I truly get it. :grouphug:

  6. Dd(11) just had a check up yesterday and the Dr looked at her back and noticed a very small (like 3 degrees) curve in her upper back. This is not enough to refer to a spine Dr or anything else, but with my history, she will be rechecked in a few months and if there is any progression, we'll have it looked at.


    What I'm wondering is if there are any strengthening exercises she should be doing, or if there is anything we could do to prevent worsening?


    I would recommend taking her to a chiropractor. That is the only way I would deal with it. It is how I dealt with mine and it worked. You will probably have to take her regularly for a set amount of time. My chiro had a treatment plan and he worked with me on a payment plan since I didn't have insurance at that time. Now I have insurance and it covers the chiro, thankfully. The chiro will give her exercises to do at home.

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