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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. I think it depends on the set, the brand, etc. We bought a front loader when they were first coming out in the stores (at least around these parts), right around 2002 or so. It was a Kenmore. I had the same exact problems as the OP. Then about 5 years later the drum cracked and that was the end of the front loader for me.


    My IL's have the Duet and love it. They have no problems as I had.


    As for me, I have had a top loader ever since our front loader broke and will never get another front loader.

  2. Oh yes! Would you please? I know what I have to do, but I don't want to!!! I am trying to combine my rising 6th grader with my 1st grader using Story of the World - Ancients. Now, I need to pick the books to go along with it for both of them. I'd also appreciate it if you'd plan all the projects and make lists of all supplies needed. Oh - and a 35 week 4 day/week schedule would be great. Thanks!


    I would love it if you could have it done in 48 hours please. Oh - and if you'd do the shopping too. That'd be great!


    And, when you're done with that, please, pretty please work out my 11th graders schedule? I have the books picked out, so that shouldn't take you as long.





    I may be out of my league with this one! :D

  3. Me!!!! I just keep spinning my wheels! I have HOD LHFHG and don't really like it. Thinking about MFW K but just can't commit. I actually think a would like unit studies so my pre-k'er could tag along. IDK I just wish a big box of exactly what I want would land on my doorstep :)


    If I had to do it all over again, I think I'd do [/url]Five in a Row. We did Sonlight for K and it was great, too!

  4. Hmmm, well that certainly is a challenge. I really think there should be more options for secular science curricula!


    I did find Holt Science & Technology Earth Science at Rainbow Resource. It is pretty much a ps curriculum, though. There are also free homeschool lesson plans available here, which look really good. There are also some resources from Holt here.


    Another option is CPO Middle School Earth Science. There is a nice review of it here, along with some ideas for less costly lab materials.


    HTH a little! :001_smile:


    ETA: I should have quoted, but this was to Kalah.

  5. I try to ascertain whether people are genuinely curious or simply touting their views. Some of the questions I've gotten are from people who really want the answer. My brother is a teacher and he wondered about what the state needs from me, for example. He really wondered how it all worked, so I was happy to explain. Others, on the other hand would say, "How long are you going to do this?" Those people didn't get a drawn out answer from me. Those get bean dip answers.


    Interestingly enough, since I've told my family that our kids will go to ps next year, many people have questioned us on it. And I find myself having to explain why we're sending them to school! A standard, "We're doing what works for our family," applies here, too.

  6. One thing that I find very annoying about the cards: they have multiplication on one side and division on the other. And, for example, the division answer is in small print on the multiplication side of the card. So the answer is right there, and I have to cover it up. I hate that!


    We use xtramath instead. That and the cheap flashcards from Walmart.

  7. We use both. At first I was having DS do one page in each every day. But when his reading progressed and we added in real books, I didn't want to overload him, so now we are doing 2 pages in PP each day and we pull out RP once in a while.


    RP is for building fluency and I like the way it's set up in pyramids. I also wanted to mention that there is a schedule that combines the two books on the publisher's website.

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