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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. I realize that not everyone can afford to give this gift to their children. But I have also never understood this whole, "Well, if I can't afford to travel abroad, then why should I help you?" mentality. Your kids can do the same thing if they wanted, and I'm sure you would be grateful to everyone who chipped in and made it possible for your child to have that awesome experience.


    That is not my mentality, at all. I don't begrudge other people using their own money to do something they want to do. It doesn't have anything to do with what I can afford. I just think people should work for their own luxuries. If the kid wants to take a trip, fabulous. Work and save the money. Can't save enough? Don't go.


    I would like to take a trip to Europe with the kids. We can't afford it right now. In a few years, if everything goes according to plan, we will be able to do it. We'll put it off until we can. We won't send emails out to wealthy relatives asking for donations.


    I would applaud his ambition and "go-get-em" attitude. At least he's not sitting on his butt whining, "I wish *I* could afford to go abroad, boo-hoo, poor me."


    Learning to provide for yourself and then being content with what you have prevents this attitude.

  2. I would contribute something, say $50. This is quite a common practice amongst our friends and family (although they do contribute to the young person's education). I believe the view is that the young person is out on their own now, and for 'extras', like a foreign trip, they do their own fundraising. It always feels a little like providing a good wedding present when a young couple start out in their own home. I would try to dissociate my feelings about the family's attitude to money from my feelings of wanting to support the young person.





    Really? This is common among your circle of friends and family? I have never heard of this practice. In my world, if you can't afford it, you don't do it. Or you use a credit card (which I wouldn't personally do).

  3. I use a Dave Ramsey - like system, but just using Quicken. For "envelopes" I have set up separate transfer dummy accounts.


    For example, I know I have a $5000 maintenance fee every quarter. But every month I transfer $1600 from my checking account in Quicken to a dummy maintence account in Quicken. The money is actually just staying in my interest bearing checking account, but my mind does not know that. This keeps me from spending that money before it is due. Then I transfer the money from the dummy account back into thw checking account when it becomes due. I due this for everything including quarterly estimated taxes, emergency funds, future car payments (so I can pay cash for cars), future college expenses, annual insurance fees, etc.


    I was lucky that someone taught me to budget in my teens so I never had a difficult transition.


    Good luck with your adventure. Self discipline is half the battle which I found I could only do by tricking my mind.



    That is such a great idea! Thank you. Why didn't I think of that? I'm so dense when it comes to stuff like this. :glare:

  4. I'm sorry for all you've been through. :grouphug:


    And I want to give a special :grouphug: to your DS. I had the same thing happen a few months ago. It was the most excruciating pain I have ever been in (hello! 3 natural childbirths!). I opted to have the tooth pulled (it was a molar so it can't be seen) and I was put out for it.


    Anyway, I think it was not ok for how the office handled not letting you in. Could you ask to stay next time just until he is out/numb?

  5. I took my 20 month old dd for her 18 month check-up yesterday (I'm sooo bad about getting check-ups done on time!) Anyway' date=' the doc was asking about when she switched from formula to milk and I said "well, she was never on formula, she still nurses a couple times a day, but she does drink reg. milk too." The doc was tried so hard to reassure me that it was all okay. She told me several times that there was nothing harmful in my breastmilk and [b']although the APA didn't recommend going past a year[/b] there was really nothing wrong with it as long as it was okay with me and okay with my dd. I thought it was so funny because I had not asked if it was okay or acted uncertain about my parenting decisions in ANY way. And really? Nothing harmful?!?? Did she think I was worried about my milk going bad or something?!?!? As long as it's okay with my dd?!?!? Does she think I'm holding her down and shoving my bre@st in her mouth?!?!? It was weird.


    I just smiled and nodded through the whole thing because the doc was very kind. I just thought it was rather funny.


    The bolded is simply not true. :glare: The APA recommends "continuation of breastfeeding for 1 year or longer as mutually desired by mother and infant."

  6. Nah, I'm not gonna mess with her, she can choose whatever makes her comfortable. But I'm still going to laugh when she runs out of the kitchen each time someone uses the microwave! Driving without a "Baby On Board" sign is making her nervous, and sometimes I wonder where the hysteria comes from. She's buying one this week.


    But truly, I was wondering if microwaves were a real threat. I figured we expose ourselves to worse things. What about flying?


    Wow, if she's this much fun while she's pg, just imagine once she has the baby. :001_huh: :D

  7. We typically use the CAT and we use the TerraNova, which is the one that was normed most recently.


    However, I did give DS8 the ITBS last year and went thru brewertesting.com and I did not have to show proof of my college diploma. I had to indicate that I had one (check a box), but did not have to send anything in. Just wanted to throw that out as an option. They sent a detailed report with his results, as well. And, yes, you would test him as end of 4th grade.

  8. I see two different subjects being discussed. I think "letting a friendship go" and "detaching from a toxic person" are two totally different subjects. Your initial questions seem to me to be dealing with a first, but the behaviors described are definitely the second.


    One can let a friendship go for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it is you making the decision, and sometimes it is the other person. You honor each other's boundaries.


    However, you detach from a toxic person to prevent their toxicity from spilling over into your and your family's life in destructive ways. This might involve going no contact. However, it is for your own well-being and that of your family. Typically, a toxic person will ramp up behavior to keep you stuck in the relationship and will not honor your attempt at boundaries, detaching, or no contact. The toxic person will pursue you relentlessly and you must be firm about your and your family's need for mental health. He/she will make it as painful as possible. Detaching from a toxic person is not a selfish act, and it is not easy or simple.


    This. We are currently going through this. You worded it perfectly.

  9. I don't think it's wrong to say a practice of a culture is morally deplorable. Abuse is abuse no matter where it is. I don't think it comes from a place of superiority, I think it comes from a place of humility. It is humility that says ALL people deserve rights, no matter where they live, and one being the respect of their personhood. Superiority is the one that abuses.


    :iagree: I absolutely agree with this and it is exactly where political correctness goes wrong, imo. It is not ignorant of other cultures and it is not a superior attitude to say that s*x with a young child, one who is not fully developed and one who is physically and developmentally incapable of birthing a child, is wrong. Period.

  10. I voted neutral. I do look at her reviews and others and I like to come here and see what people say, but at the end of the day, sometimes I just won't know if it'll work until I use it. And my kids are all so different from one another, that what works for one may bomb with another, so it's not a one size fits all thing.

  11. Thank you all for all the great programs. It sounds like I have quite a bit to look into. Out of curiosity...does anyone have any experience with Sonlight LA K? I know it seems to be a love/hate curriculum, but most of what I hear is from using it in the older elementary years.


    I used SL K for DS12 when he was 5 yo. So, 7 years ago. With all the changes at SL, I have no idea if it's even the same program anymore. He was a precocious bugger and I was pretty laid back about his schooling (and I basically had 2 babies at the time). That said, he was blending and reading CVC words at the end of K. He could write simple sentences. That was good enough for me. His reading took off the following year (and he was in private school for that), but I think the SL laid a good foundation.

  12. school's around here have plans for shelter in place. In my district elementary schools are 400-1000 students and high schools have 1300- 2500 students. Imagine trying to monitor a shelter in place situation for 800 students and having 100 or more parents show up to collect some of the students. That could completely disrupt the shelter in place and compromise the safety of all students. I agree with keeping students until safety issue has passed.



  13. Okay. I know this is far from the topic that Bethany originally started (sorry Bethany!). But, I absolutely LOVE a full church. Maybe it's because our church can seat nearly 1000 people and we are lucky to see 300 on a sunday. So, even on Christmas and Easter, we will have a seat. But, I LOVE walking in to see our church "sold out!"


    :iagree: Although, our church is always packed and I love it. There are 3 services and we go to the packed one. We'll just leave 10 minutes early tomorrow. No big deal. I always hope that the Christmas/Easter visitors will like it so much that they'll keep coming. I'm sure it has to have happened.

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