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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. Rather than running try biking or swimming at least an hour a day. Running is a passive activity, biking requires concentration, coordination, attention as well as balance. Swimming requires the same using multiple parts of the brain.


    Running is a passive activity?? Um, no. The mental stamina running requires is probably more important than the physical stamina.

  2. It really depends on the child. My oldest was tested at a 10th grade reading level in 4th grade. It certainly would've been inappropriate for him to be actually reading that material, though. So I suppose he read at below his ability for quite some time.


    My DD tests pretty much on grade level and my younger DS has had tremendous troubles learning to read, was held back to 2nd grade this year and is now reading at a 2nd grade level.


    All that to say, I don't much care what their reading level is, as long as they are not having difficulty in school. As long as they keep reading, I'm happy.

  3. We have Comcast so we have a 250GB cap. I have no idea how we would ever get to that point, though. According to their usage meter, we used about 80 in January, 90 in February, and 70 in March. We have 2 computers, a phone, 2 iPod Touches, and 4 Kindle Fires - all of which are heavily used. We also stream Netflix thru the Wii on a daily basis.


    You should be able to check your usage thru your provider to get an idea how much you typically use.

  4. I was just looking at our end goal and ascertaining where we were at. We will finish everything on time except DS12's math. I've given him the option of doing it Saturday's and thru Spring Break, which will allow him to finish on time, or to extend math for a couple weeks into the summer. Other than that, we are good. They will continue to read thru summer, of course.

  5. This website has some info regarding the abuse at Pinehaven. It contains this bit of good news:


    Ordered by the court to be returned home following the culmination of her school year on June 5th, 2012, C****** [name removed by me] will be finally be afforded the ability to be with her family, speak for herself without the censorship of the staff and administration of Pinehaven Christian Children’s Ranch, and have the opportunity to receive the licensed, professional mental and behavioral healthcare she deserves!

  6. I can see your point. I guess I understand Minnesota's law because I lived there and it's still a rural state. But, you're right, it wasn't on the family farm, and hindsight is always 20-20. I think it's interesting that someone brought up Kansas' laws, because that's not something I necessarily think about when I'm traveling. It's a good point though. If you're from another state and you are traveling with a teenage driver, who wouldn't be allowed to drive in a state you're traveling through, which state are you bound by? Would the police have the right to pull you over? Would you be subject to a ticket?


    Yes, you have to obey the laws of the state you are in. I drive thru NH, VT and NY to get to my parents house to visit and I always have to be aware of cell phone laws that are different in every state. Same with seatbelts.

  7. To understand if laws are adequate to protect against poor judgment, and to determine if they should be changed, or if there needs to be better public education. In other words, to work to prevent similar occurrences from happening.


    Ok, but Chocolate said that the decision [to allow the boy to drive] should be questioned and criticized, not the law that makes it legal.

  8. Age and training certainly do play a role. A 17-year old really has no business driving a vehicle of that size with that many people in it on the open road, and there is a reason why it is not legal in most states.

    It was an accident, but one that was potentially avoidable. Sadly, some family members have paid with their lives, and this young man will be stuck with the guilt. I do not fault him - I fault whomever made the ignorant decision of giving him that much responsibility.


    They all are.


    This also didn't occur on private property/the farm. Putting a 17-year old in this position was also needlessly risking the lives of others on the road, and that decision should be questioned and criticized.


    To what end?

  9. Not to psychoanalyze you or anything :D, but it sounds like you are psyching yourself out because of your anxiety about having a hospital birth. I would recommend that you come up with a detailed birth plan and go over it with your doctor ahead of time. Make sure your DH knows it backwards and forwards, as well. This will give you some control and help to alleviate your stress. Something that really helped me with my third birth was The Thinking Woman's Guide To A Better Birth by Henci Goer. If you can get a hold of a copy, it may help to center your thinking. It helped me. :001_smile:

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