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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach


    • Abuse (physical, sexual, emotional, or psychological)
    • Alcohol (beer and liquor), tobacco, or drugs
    • Birthday celebrations (and birthdays)
    • Bodily functions
    • Cancer (and other diseases)
    • Catastrophes/disasters (tsunamis and hurricanes)
    • Celebrities
    • Children dealing with serious issues
    • Cigarettes (and other smoking paraphernalia)
    • Computers in the home (acceptable in a school or library setting)
    • Crime
    • Death and disease
    • Divorce
    • Evolution
    • Expensive gifts, vacations, and prizes
    • Gambling involving money
    • Halloween
    • Homelessness
    • Homes with swimming pools
    • Hunting
    • Junk food
    • In-depth discussions of sports that require prior knowledge
    • Loss of employment
    • Nuclear weapons
    • Occult topics (i.e. fortune-telling)
    • Parapsychology
    • Politics
    • Pornography
    • Poverty
    • Rap Music
    • Religion
    • Religious holidays and festivals (including but not limited to Christmas, Yom Kippur, and Ramadan)
    • Rock-and-Roll music
    • Running away
    • Sex
    • Slavery
    • Terrorism
    • Television and video games (excessive use)
    • Traumatic material (including material that may be particularly upsetting such as animal shelters)
    • Vermin (rats and roaches)
    • Violence
    • War and bloodshed
    • Weapons (guns, knives, etc.)
    • Witchcraft, sorcery, etc.


  2. We did it a couple of years ago. I was so excited to start and I'll tell you, the WP catalog still makes me drool, but it just wasn't what I was hoping for. When I pay that much, I don't want to tweak and I don't want to have to supplement. It was difficult to add in my younger kids. It wasn't meaty enough for my older one (he was in 5th grade at the time). The literature selections were not great, either.

  3. I think the title is self-explanatory. :001_smile: Do you think an almost 8 yo little girl would be able to enjoy listening to this story or should I wait until she's older? Some of her favorites are Secret Garden, Little Princess, Harriet the Spy, and Matilda.


    I think she'd enjoy it now. She can re-read it when she's older, too.

  4. Yes, I would have to agree with your first statement - the guy should be made to sit in a jail cell and consider that even a pretend threat is not acceptable. Maybe there is no misdemeanor statute that addresses this kind of behavior. I just think felony assault by intimidation is a bit excessive. Did the deputies really feel intimidated by a finger gun?


    Perhaps this is irrelevant, but this makes me think of lots of articles (and tv police shows) I've encountered in the last 20 years or so where someone is receiving credible threats from another person (I think of the battered wife who leaves her husband only to be stalked and hunted down by him or some other such scenario) and the victim goes to the police asking for help only to be told they can't do anything at all unless the guy actually "does" something (whatever that is). Often, the person gets a flimsy restraining order that is not enforceable and ends up dead. I guess I'm just thinking why is it so hard for the average citizen to have someone arrested for making out and out threats to one's life, but all anyone has to do to a policeman is point a finger gun and they get arrested for felony assault. Seems off balance to me.


    I admit I had that thought, as well.

  5. I think anyone who threatens a police officer (in any way shape or form) should expect to spend some time cooling his heels in jail. Regardless of whether you personally have found the police helpful, or believe a particular officer worthy of respect. And he DID absolutely verbally threaten them in addition to the silly finger thing the media has decided to focus our attention on.


    I think being too stupid to know when to shut your mouth should be at least a misdemeanor also. :tongue_smilie: Oh wait, that's called contempt of court if you're in a courtroom.

    Bolding mine


    The bolded is what I see as a very important point. Perhaps if the man was just upset and said something he didn't really intend to act upon, a few days cooling down with no way to kill a PO would be a good thing.

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