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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. I test every year, per my state hs'ing law. The child must have a composite score of 40th percentile or above in my state.


    What I look for is basically the same scores from year to year, which would show a year of growth. Of course, I never balk at an increase! But if there was a drastic decrease in scores for a particular subtest, I would evaluate that child's curriculum for that subject. For instance, did I change curric for that year? Perhaps I need to beef up that particular subject area.


    In the case of your child's vocab score, if you didn't change curriculum from last year to this year, and if you feel that she was taught in relatively the same way for that subject area, I would honestly wonder if she had messed up filling in the dots somehow.

  2. With my youngest I would bring him into bed with me after he awoke the first time. That way I could nurse him and fall back asleep so I wouldn't be zombie mommy the next day. I'm quite sure it saved my sanity.


    I am thin, didn't drink, had none of the other "risk factors" you read about. My DH would sleep on a mattress on the floor because he was worried about the baby. He's a super heavy sleeper. This was only until my baby slept thru the night (probably the first 6 months, I can't really remember).

  3. Just curious - how do you know they need these things? I'm genuinely asking because I'm hoping my kids are prepared to go to PS in the fall. Are you going from hs'ing to PS or have they been in PS?


    I have devised a summer school program for my kids with some rewards. My 10 yo needs to learn her math facts (we are using xtramath) and read every day and my youngest needs to continue reading/writing. My oldest is fine, but I'm having him read just to be a part of the group and to be an example to his younger siblings.

  4. How often do you use it?

    Every day


    What kind of water do you use i.e. regular tap, bottled water, filtered water, distilled water?



    How long have you had it or how long did it last?

    2 years


    What's you favorite coffee flavor?

    We like dark coffee. We usually get Green Mountain Dark Magic or Sumatran Reserve.


    Where do you buy your k-cups from?

    The grocery store or Walmart or Target

  5. If you do a search of the boards, you'll find a plethora of info about TT. My experience has been very positive. My oldest is definitely not behind in math, but we've used TT for the past two years because I needed something he could do independently and also because math is not my strong suit and he was getting up there! He used it a year ahead because that is where he placed. But I don't see it as behind at all. He has been over-prepared for standardized testing (found the math portion "easy" compared to what he'd been doing in TT.)


    ETA: We are not hs'ing next year, but if we were, I'd be getting TT for all three of my dc. I like it that much.

  6. Wow.


    The problem is, that the kids are the school's responsibility. He was probably thinking of how much trouble the school could get in if someone had gotten hurt.


    Still, he overreacted big time.


    I agree, the principal overreacted. She really needs to lighten up. However, the kids are not the school's responsibility on the way to school. Middle and high school students here are encouraged to walk/bike to school and recently 3 of them were hit by a car. The school had nothing to do with it and no one thought about blaming them. The woman texting and driving was charged.

  7. This has been our experience as well. My dd has the opposite problem--she is attending a high school where the students do work hard for their grades. The school culture is all about excellence. She has a GPA of 3.85 and won't even fall in the top 50% of her class. UC schools promise students that have standing in the top 9% of their high school class a place at one of their universities. In talking to the admission depts of several UC univerisities, I have been told not to worry so much about the GPA and class standing as the universities are aware of the schools that students work hard at and schools where students are given their grades.


    The potential catch to this is, a student can work very hard and be very bright and be forced to attend a school that gives away grades like candy. This mentality is not fair to the student that has no control over their school. I think it could breed or worsen classism.

  8. :iagree: I had exactly the same thoughts as you did when I read that earlier today. I couldn't disagree more.




    well, the context in which the statement was used today was in regards to a conversation with a child that was sneaking out of a home. AS a child that also snuck out of the home to hang with other 14 year olds with inappropriate behavior (I was raised in a devoutly religious family hence the sneaking) it did take a "part of my heart" I have SO many regrets from that behavior that happened due to me sneaking out. But I personally don't think its in regards to an innocent boyfriend/girlfriend relationship but in regards to an inappropriate relationship at an early age.


    This is why I thought it was in a thread.

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