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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. I strongly encourage you to take her to a chiropractor. I have scoliosis and the chiro really helped to the point that my curvature was corrected. Since I know someone that had painful surgery and a rod inserted to correct scoliosis, I asked my chiro about it and he said that the dr will simply take xrays every so often until it gets so bad that they do surgery. That sounds crazy to me.

  2. Or a stodgy old lady clinging to etiquette from days of yore? :lol: I'm perfectly willing to accept that I am, if that's the case.


    Here's the situation. Some of you may remember my BIL (dh's brother) and his new wife who have a dog baby (teacup yorkie) in lieu of a child. Dog Baby goes everywhere and does everything with Mommy and Daddy. Last year they stayed away from our Memorial Day get together because we would not lock up our cats so that Dog Baby could visit (Anyone ever tried to lock cats in a room? They shred the carpets trying to dig themselves out.).


    Anyhow, this summer they said they would just hold Dog Baby on their laps the entire time they were here. Fine. Whatever.


    So, the weather on Memorial Day weekend is the usual cold, rainy nasty mix Utah offers up each year. The meal takes place in our home instead of outside.


    Dog Baby sits at my dining table with Mommy and Daddy, eating off their plates and licking up morsels from said table. BIL feeds Dog Baby from his hands, then proceeds to touch the other serving utensils, etc. on the table.


    Is this acceptable to have your DOG eat at the table when you are at someone else's home. I have a feeling Miss Manners is loudly screaming, "no" in the background, but a couple of other ladies with whom I am acquainted have assured me that if their dog child was met with disdain when they were at another's home, that person would be "dead to them." :001_huh:


    What say the Hive? Rude to have your dog sit on your lap at someone else's dinner table or perfectly acceptable and I'm rude if I request that Dog Baby remain (*gasp*) on the floor? :lol:


  3. I don't think they do, I think it is just monthly with no contract. It works out to be less expensive for me than Verizon. We have to have data packages and tons of minutes, we work on our phones and I have three teenagers with phones. I pay almost $800 a month. :(


    You really should take a look at Straight Talk. In our area, they use Verizon's towers, so the coverage is excellent. Unlimited talk/text/data for $45/month. Assuming you have 5 phones (you and DH plus 3 teens), that's a total of $225 vs. $800.


    Eta: How much is it to break your contract with Verizon? It may be worth it to do so, all told.

  4. I don't understand why it is ok to bash rich kids. If we looked at what kids at prestigious schools go on to do vs. from the worse schools...

    What if a teacher got up and said these things, only about/to the underprivileged? What if he said - You aren't special even though the media says you are and demonizes the rich? You don't deserve to be coddled with free meals or extra money to go to college or not having to pay as much as others at the Y. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and quit stickiung your handtout.

    Everyone would be ticked. Yet they are gleeful about bashing kids whose parents cared for their safety (helmets, etc) and who worked hard to provide the best for family.


    Oh for Pete's sake there was no bashing! Listen to the speech. It has nothing to do with rich/poor. The whole point is that there are millions of other kids graduating, too, so make your life mean something. Make it count. It was very humorous and tongue-in-cheek.

  5. Ok...so..we put the sensor bar on top of the tv, I put tape on the bottom to secure it to the top of the tv because we just got a new flat screen tv and well...it won't just sit up on top.


    When you say to check the settings what do I do, to make sure the remote is set up for where the sensor bar is?


    ALSO...FORGIVE ALL THE QUESTIONS..HA! I am NOT up on all the games etc...we don't have any. The last time I played Mario Bro was like in 1992 w/ an old Nintendo and it was a blast.


    I have no users manual, you can find them online but I can't print them, they all print so small I can't even read it.


    How do you play "the old fashioned" way..ha!


    Thanks a bunch...very helpful!! Trying to figure this out by going online is about to drive me nuts!


    OK, on the main screen, click on the circle on the bottom left that says "Wii", then click "Wii Settings", then click the arrow on the right side so you get to "Wii Systems Settings 2" and click "Sensor Bar", then "sensor bar position" and choose top or bottom of TV. You can also click "sensitivity" and make sure that is optimum.


    Some of it is probably getting used to it. :001_smile:


    As for games, you can rent them on Redbox, and also get them used from Gamestop.

  6. We are putting our kids in PS next year. I don't consider it a lesser option than HS'ing, and I feel that it is the best thing for my kids right now, just as I thought HS'ing was the best thing for them the past 4 years.


    I don't think it's unusual to re-evaluate what you've been doing. However, I wouldn't rush to a decision. Take some time off, even the whole summer. Then decide what you want to do. We contemplated our decision for the entire school year.

  7. My ds says maybe you need to see where you're aiming your remotes in relation to the bar thing (that you typically place on top of or below your tv) & calibrate the bar for where it is currently placed/located (under Wii Options in the main menu).


    Maybe that will help?


    Yes, make sure the sensor bar is in a good position (ie, it needs to be placed where nothing is blocking it from the remote) and check your settings to be sure that they are correct.

  8. More a girl's movie, but:

    We're all about to enter 'The Real World'. That's what everybody says. But most of us have been in the real world for a long time. But I have something to tell everybody. I've glimpsed our future, and all I can say is... 'Go Back'.


    Well, it's almost over. We've gone to school together for three years, and we've been through a lot. But with that training out of high school gone, what's going to happen to us? We all know what the answers are. We want to be happy, go to college, own a car, maybe raise a family. But what if that doesn't happen? I have, I have to be honest though, I have all the hope and ambition in the world. But when I think about the future, the truth is, I am really...scared.


    Best. Movie. Ever. :D


    I think it's a time and place issue too. It seemed a bit tacky and presumptuous to make this a graduation speech. I wonder what he says at weddings and birthday parties? I'll bet he felt quite proud of himself that he provided a much needed wake-up call despite not knowing anything about the individual students.


    He's an English teacher at the school. I'd be willing to bet he's well-liked by the students.


    I think I need to know more about the audience. Were those kids the entitled rich kids burdened by artificially-inflated self-esteem, or were they from the 49% of American families currently on food stamps?


    Yes, you could call it privileged, but I don't see how that matters? The whole point of the speech was not about how privileged the graduates are. It was about the prevailing attitude of an overwhelming number of high school students who think they are the center of the universe. This is not a new concept and it crosses socioeconomic boundaries.


    uh, how is this "good"? it sounds like incitement to an attack. very negative. the same concept could have easily been conveyed using more positive language.


    It's from a movie. :001_smile:


    Off topic, but I really think this whole thing could be the focus of a wonderful study on how inaccurately the media portrays most things. From the news, you get the impression this was a crotchety speech, looking down the nose at the graduates, telling them "you're not special - so there". Upon listening to the speech - the entire speech - that's not the case. At all.

  9. 1. Camera - on top of fridge

    2. Video camera - N/A

    2. Flashlights - drawer in kitchen and garage

    3. Purse - my room

    4. Incoming mail that you don't have time to open just yet - kitchen counter

    5. Your dh's wallet - kitchen counter

    6. Library books - kids rooms, bookshelf

    7. Items that need to be returned to stores but you can't get around to immediately - my room

    8. Outdoor toys - garage

    9. Completed homeschool stuff (workbooks, etc.) - basement in bin

    10.Game system accessories (dance mat, wii balance board, rock band drums, etc.) - living room basket

  10. They wanted blood, and by the end I hated them all so much that she's lucky I allowed her to go back.


    My favorite comment? "Well how do we know your mommy grades are her actual grades?"




    "Well how can you verify that the grades from a kid a kid transferring from Mississippi are within your standards?"


    YOU CAN'T.


    They put her in a class for students on probabtion for the HSPA testing (11th grade NJ test for graduation) and what an epic waste of her time.


    She's been on honor roll since enrollment and this year dual enrolling two college courses.


    If you've made up your mind that this is what you want to do, you're just going to have to bite the bullet and jump through their hoops.


    Well, my DH is a teacher at the high school, so he's "one of them", lol. He will go with me and we'll do what we need to do. I would like to start off on the right foot and not go in with both guns blazing initially. I will have them at the ready, though. :D

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