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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. I hate that in these debates there's a knee-jerk sense that either schools are terribly underfunded, teachers are underpaid and money would fix it OR schools are wasting our money.


    :iagree: It is really not so simple.


    Idealistically, we may say that money won't fix anything, but the reality is, it costs money to pay teachers and staff. It costs money to buy books, computers, and other technology. Not to mention upkeep of the buildings, transportation, music, sports, cafeteria, on and on and on.


    Here's an example: We brought DS8 into the ps here to be tested. He tested 2 grades below grade level but they did not code him SLD. They said if he was there at the school, they would give him help thru aides, but not Spec Ed. Oh, and they don't have anyone to help with math because that was cut. This was actually stated to me at the meeting. :glare:


    Fast forward to now, when the proposed budget for next year has come out with some $900,000 in cuts that need to happen. Nine aides are being cut. Nine. Who helps my son (or children like him), then? :001_huh:


    We are less than 10 minutes away from a wealthy school district. We cannot afford to buy there (we live on a ps teacher's salary, after all!), but we will rent there so our kids can go to ps in that district. Yes, we will follow the money. It really does matter.

  2. what did the school require from you/them to enroll them?


    We are planning to put the kids in PS next year. I'm just trying to get an idea of what to expect.


    We do a standardized test at the end of every year. They were also in private school prior to HS'ing (about 3 years ago). Do I have to get those records?


    TIA!! :001_smile:


    ETA: Forgot another question - DS12 and DD are on grade level, but we held back DS8 this year. Will they give me a problem about putting him in 3rd grade next year at age 9?

  3. My DS12 did TT7 last year and is doing TT Pre-Alg this year. He is mathematically inclined and that sequence was a good fit.


    As I understand it, the placement tests are there to indicate if the child is ready to go into that particular level. The tests are not indicative of what is taught at that level, but rather what should already be known. So if your DD did well on the placement test for TT7, she is ready for TT7. Since she did not do well on Pre-Alg, she is not ready, since the material on the Pre-Alg test is what was covered up through TT7.


    That said, I would use the TT7 that you have.

  4. If the Kindles are all linked to the same account, then the books are available on all of them. However, just like a hard copy, you can only read one at a time. The pages will get synchronized on all kindles, so it's hard to assign the same book to two different people at the same time.


    If the books are not linked to the same account, you can lend to another kindle, if you're in the States. But again, only one reader at a time


    This has not been my experience. DS12 and I are both reading the same book on our Fires. We often read at the same time. He is ahead of me in the book, so it will ask me if I want to go to the page he's on, but I just click "no" and it will stay on the page I'm on.

  5. My DD has been using CLE since last year. She is in 4th grade now. It has seemed like a good fit, but now that she is more independent with her work, I am realizing that she needs more review than CLE offers. She is simply unable to do much of it on her own. It seems like there are too many different types of problems to each lesson and it would be better to focus on a couple concepts at a time until those are mastered and then the spiral review given would be ok.


    We are sending her to ps for 5th grade next year, so I am looking for something to get us thru the rest of the year that will prepare her for next year. Any suggestions? :bigear:

  6. Wow, I feel like such a slacker. :eek:


    I don't "forbid" anything in my kitchen, unless we simply don't like the way it tastes (like margarine :ack2: -- we're butter people here!)


    We don't eat things like frozen dinners, but again, it's a taste thing and not an "evil ingredients" thing.


    We have friends who are very restrictive about what they'll eat, and everything has to be organic, with no preservatives, and the list goes on and on. I admire them for their dedication to a healthy diet, but I'm more of an "everything in moderation" person.


    And yes, I am eating chips and drinking a Coke while I type this. But not the jumbo-sized bag or anything...


    I am a bad, bad person. But thanks to my snacks, I'm not hungry or thirsty right now, so I consider that to be a good thing. ;)


    Phew! I was beginning to think my kitchen was the seventh circle of h3ll! :D


    We, too, use real butter. We also use real sugar. I stopped drinking Diet Pepsi and switched to regular. :001_smile:


    We practice moderation around here.

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