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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. I have a very eclectic taste in music. I have everything from Michael Jackson to Taio Cruz to Alan Jackson on my iPod. My kids don't really like anything I play. My oldest really likes club music which drives DH batty, so he tries to limit him. My DD is really into Taylor Swift, and I like that, too. At least it's mostly sweet and no swearing and it doesn't make my ears bleed, so that's fine. My youngest really doesn't listen to music much.

  2. I suppose most parents figure it's just what you do, you put your kids in ps.


    However, I do think it's unfair to say that ps parents across the board put no thought into it. That has not been my experience in general. Of course, I know of some parents that don't care, but there have been some hs'ing parents I've known that have done a disservice to their children, as well.


    :grouphug: to you. I hope everything works out for you soon.

  3. Evangelical Christian (SBC) I am a follower of Jesus

    I am 35 soon to be 36 I am 37

    Married for 17.5 years Married for 14 years

    Some college. No degree BA Psychology

    Children-girl 16 son 14 DS 12, DD 9, DS 8

    Active in our church. We attend church every Sunday and look forward to going.

    My kids do go to the movies with friends, have sleepovers, go to sleepovers, my daughter has a boyfriend (sweet boy by the way) She is going to prom this year. We listen to secular and christian music. We watch a variety of movies. We allow video games. My kids are thoughtful, love each other, and sometimes want to kill each other. They rock my world and I am so proud of them. We go to the movies. We listen to CCM and lots of secular music. We love video games! My kids fight with each other, but they'll also be the first to have each other's backs, if needed.


    Hi and welcome! My answers are in blue.

  4. I think a piece of the puzzle is to take what they're interested in and help them to develop it.


    So here's an example: my 12 yo is interested in technology and computers. We got him a subscription to Popular Science and we have bought him the latest gadgets. We bought him a book on building your own computer when he showed an interest in it, we listened to his endless thoughts on the subject, we helped him save up money by giving him jobs around the house to do and kicked in a chunk at the end, we encouraged, we listened, we helped. And we bragged to everyone we knew when he built his own computer last month.


    Now, I'd love for him to go to Dartmouth and get an engineering degree. He has that potential without a doubt in my mind. But I'm not going to obsess about it. My hope for my children is that they will do what they love and love what they do. I'm going to help them along the way as I'm able.

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