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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. What I hate is when they put toys in a happy meal that come from movies generally not appropriate for young children. Can't think of any off the top of my head right now, but I know it has happened.


    Yes!! This is a pet peeve of mine, even in the stores. They put out all sorts of merchandise (I'm thinking Dark Knight, Iron Man, etc.) that my boys love, but then the movies are not appropriate to watch at their ages (esp. the youngest).

  2. Sometimes I wish I didn't have to be so anonymous, as I think it would help me to be more accepted here if I could use my real name, names of my kids, etc. But I really feel like I need to be careful online, so I don't. I don't have a blog either. I am on Facebook, but I have everything set privately.


    Anyway, I am real and have real kids. I am NOT Princess Peach, though, IRL. Sorry if I've deceived anyone. :tongue_smilie: :D

  3. Well, my DH is a ps teacher and he is very supportive of hs'ing. :tongue_smilie:


    But, seriously, yes, I have gotten comments from administrators, other teachers, spec ed teachers, etc, that have been very supportive. His dept head told him just the other day how he thinks it's great that I can stay home and teach the kids. He also acknowledged how much work it must be.


    However, I do not think it reflects badly on the ps system in our area. Our schools are very good. We are actually contemplating sending our dc to high school here. I think it's just the climate of our area, perhaps. There are lots of hs'ers here and in our city people are celebrated for being a little outside the box.

  4. I was a bookworm! I was at the library all the time as a kid. We had library class 1x/week in elementary. I read so many books that by 6th grade I couldn't find any that I hadn't read! I would ride my bike down to the town library at least once per week. My mom would tell me to go play outside and I'd take my book outside and read. :)


    We go 1x per week now, too. We have moved a lot and one of the first things we do is get a library card. Love the library!!

  5. DH and I got married with the expectation that we would grow old together. We knew we wouldn't be 24 forever!


    That said, we both go to the gym regularly and keep ourselves up, so to speak. We do it both for health and appearance reasons. He looks better than he did when we got married and he says I do too. I think the key is communication and going in the same direction together.

  6. I couldn't care less what their 'policy' says. As far as I'm concerned, once I buy the book, I own it, and I'll do what I want with it. That's so low on my radar when it comes to "morality issues" that there's just no way I'd lose sleep over that. I'd worry more about the ridiculous waste of paper/resources they are apparently expecting than whether I could help them make extra money at the expense of such wastefulness. Not that I use Calvert or ever would to begin with. :D


    :iagree: And I did buy a used WP guide and felt fine about it. I couldn't resell it though because I spilled coffee on it, lol.

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