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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. My 12 yo is going to be doing All American History Vol. II this year and I want him to read a book for each unit. I have come up with the others, but I'm stumped on the time period of the cold war to present.


    He has a high reading ability if that helps. I am a little concerned about the "coming of age" aspects to some of the books out there. I don't mind mild boy/girl stuff, even mild language, but I don't want anything graphic in either area.


    Any suggestions?

  2. We have discussed this recently, because our oldest is now 12. I just don't feel comfortable yet. I guess I'll know when the time is right. It's not worth it to me to go somewhere by myself or with DH if I'm worried the whole time and can't enjoy myself. For now, they go with us, or DH stays home so I can go somewhere alone.


    As an aside, I was a latchkey kid starting at 10yo. It was for a couple hours after school each day. My grandfather lived right next door. But I still hated it. I was so lonely and was often scared. I'll bet this colors my perception a bit. ;)

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