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Princess Peach

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Posts posted by Princess Peach

  1. I think that reflexively labeling things "communist" or "fascist" or the like is counterproductive at best.


    I'm sorry. There really was no offense meant. I didn't say it to be inflammatory. I did clarify I meant socialist instead of communist, although I am no expert and maybe that is uncalled for, as well.


    I simply was just trying to express my dismay over the situation. I value my family's right to homeschool with very little restrictions and I wish everyone had that privilege.

  2. "That's outrageous," he said. "(Youth Protective Services) deeply resented the fact that the parents were doing home school here. They even sent the second child to school before he was the compulsory age."



    Cote says the judge also found the mother's use of "phonics" to teach her children to read out-dated.




    I would seriously consider moving in this situation. I would refuse to live in a communist province.

  3. I get what a lot of you are saying, I really do, but I think some are giving more power to the ps teachers than they deserve. They are not ultimately responsible for the kids' education. The kid and the kids' parents are. The teacher is the method, but the buck does not stop with the teacher.


    My DH teaches at our local high school. He's an excellent teacher (of course!!) and puts in over and above what is required. He cares so much for these kids, but many have not been taught how to work, how to accomplish something- at home. This school is in a nice area and is known to be a good school in this area. But he has kids that are working full time jobs while going to school full time. He has kids whose parents just plain don't care. These kids are actually doing well in his class. But he often wonders, what happens after they graduate?


    I went to public high school and was a solid B student. I went straight to a 4 year university and took ENG 101 my first semester. Because of my A in that class, I was offered tutoring training and tutored writing the rest of my college career. Here's what happened during high school for me: My mom, even though she worked, checked my homework, she afterschooled me when needed, she was there to talk to me, encourage me, and guide me. She did not leave my education to my teachers, she continued the process in the home.

  4. My first grader is writing phobic also. Starting AAS actually helped strengthen his arm and improve his writing stamina. Partway through, when the writing got to be more, I switched him to just writing on the white board - no paper/pencil. That has helped immensely! This week, I've been dictating 4 sentences each day (we're doing the review step of level 3, and I wanted to make sure we didn't have any concepts that needed to be revisited). He isn't struggling at all with this! Back in January when I pulled him out of school, he would have struggled.


    So I highly recommend using a white board where possible. I got him a small white board he can hold in his lap to write on, but we also write on the big board. I save pencil/paper writing for WWE and other such things.



    :iagree: I second the white board idea.

  5. If the cost is holding you back, I understand. However, the strides my 8 yo has made since we've started using AAS convinces me that it is worth every penny. I would have paid 10 times the amount to hear him finally say, "I'm a reader!," which he did last week!


    Like you said, you can use it for other children or it can be easily resold. They go like hotcakes on the for sale board here.

  6. I am only waiting on TT Pre-Alg because I'm waiting until the new one comes out.


    Oh, and I'll be buying the next level of AAS soon, but we are continuing that thru the summer.

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